This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Containers - Kubernetes - Getting Started#

  • Working kubernetes cluster

  • Inf1/Trn1 instances as worker nodes with attached roles allowing: * ECR read access policy to retrieve container images from ECR: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly

  • Tutorial Docker environment setup: to install required packages in the worker nodes. With EKS, the EKS optimized accelarated AMI has the necessary neuron components installed

  • Kubernetes node object has instance-type set to inf1/trn1 types. For ex, "": "inf1.2xlarge" or "": "trn1.2xlarge"

Deploy Neuron Device Plugin

Neuron device plugin exposes Neuron cores & devices to kubernetes as a resource.,, are the resources that the neuron device plugin registers with the kubernetes. is used for allocating neuron cores to the container. is used for allocating neuron devices to the container. When neurondevice is used all the cores belonging to the device will be allocated to container. also allocates neurondevices and this exists just to be backward compatible with already existing installations. is the recommended resource for allocating devices to the container.

  • Make sure prequisite are satisified

  • Download the neuron device plugin yaml file. k8s-neuron-device-plugin.yml

  • Download the neuron device plugin rbac yaml file. This enables permissions for device plugin to update the node and Pod annotations. k8s-neuron-device-plugin-rbac.yml

  • Apply the Neuron device plugin as a daemonset on the cluster with the following command

    kubectl apply -f k8s-neuron-device-plugin-rbac.yml
    kubectl apply -f k8s-neuron-device-plugin.yml
  • Verify that neuron device plugin is running

    kubectl get ds neuron-device-plugin-daemonset --namespace kube-system

    Expected result (with 2 nodes in cluster):

    neuron-device-plugin-daemonset   2         2         2       2            2           <none>          27h
  • Verify that the node has allocatable neuron cores and devices with the following command

    kubectl get nodes ",\.amazon\.com/neuroncore"

    Expected result:

    NAME                                          NeuronCore   32   32
    kubectl get nodes ",\.amazon\.com/neurondevice"

    Expected result:

    NAME                                          NeuronDevice   16   16
Deploy Neuron Scheduler Extension

Neuron scheduler extension is required for scheduling pods that require more than one Neuron core or device resource. Refer Neuron Scheduler Extension Flow Diagram for details on how the neuron scheduler extension works. Neuron scheduler extension filter out nodes with non-contiguous core/device ids and enforces allocation of contiguous core/device ids for the PODs requiring it.

In cluster environments where there is no access to default scheduler, the neuron scheduler extension can be used with another scheduler. A new scheduler is added (along with the default scheduler) and then the pod’s that needs to run the neuron workload use this new scheduler. Neuron scheduler extension is added to this new scheduler. EKS natively does not yet support the neuron scheduler extension and so in the EKS environment this is the only way to add the neuron scheduler extension.

  • Make sure Neuron device plugin is running

  • Download the my scheduler my-scheduler.yml

  • Download the scheduler extension k8s-neuron-scheduler-eks.yml

  • Apply the neuron-scheduler-extension

    kubectl apply -f k8s-neuron-scheduler-eks.yml
  • Apply the my-scheduler.yml

    kubectl apply -f my-scheduler.yml
  • Check there are no errors in the my-scheduler pod logs and the k8s-neuron-scheduler pod is bound to a node

    kubectl logs -n kube-system my-scheduler-79bd4cb788-hq2sq
    I1012 15:30:21.629611       1 scheduler.go:604] "Successfully bound pod to node" pod="kube-system/k8s-neuron-scheduler-5d9d9d7988-xcpqm" node="ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal" evaluatedNodes=1 feasibleNodes=1
  • When running new pod’s that need to use the neuron scheduler extension, make sure it uses the my-scheduler as the scheduler. Sample pod spec is below

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    name: <POD_NAME>
    restartPolicy: Never
    schedulerName: my-scheduler
        - name: <POD_NAME>
        command: ["<COMMAND>"]
        image: <IMAGE_NAME>
            cpu: "4"
            memory: 4Gi
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 1Gi
  • Once the neuron workload pod is run, make sure logs in the k8s neuron scheduler has successfull filter/bind request

    kubectl logs -n kube-system k8s-neuron-scheduler-5d9d9d7988-xcpqm
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 POD nrt-test-5038 fits in Node:ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Filtered nodes: [ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal]
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Failed nodes: map[]
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Finished Processing Filter Request...
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Executing Bind Request!
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Determine if the pod %v is NeuronDevice podnrt-test-5038
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Updating POD Annotation with alloc devices!
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Return
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 neuronDevUsageMap for in node: ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal is [false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false]
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated ids for POD nrt-test-5038 are: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Try to bind pod nrt-test-5038 in default namespace to node ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal with &Binding{ObjectMeta:{nrt-test-5038    8da590b1-30bc-4335-b7e7-fe574f4f5538  0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []  []},Target:ObjectReference{Kind:Node,Namespace:,Name:ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal,UID:,APIVersion:,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},}
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Updating the DevUsageMap since the bind is successful!
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Return
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 neuronDevUsageMap for in node: ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal is [false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false]
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 neuronDevUsageMap for in node: ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal is [false false false false]
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 for resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [0] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [0] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [0] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [0] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [1] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [1] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [1] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [1] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Allocated devices list [2] for other resource
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Return
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Succesfully updated the DevUsageMap [true true true true true true true true true false false false false false false false]  and otherDevUsageMap [true true true false] after alloc for node ip-192-168-2-25.ec2.internal
    2022/10/12 15:41:16 Finished executing Bind Request...
  • Make sure Neuron device plugin is running

  • Download the scheduler config map k8s-neuron-scheduler-configmap.yml

  • Download the scheduler extension k8s-neuron-scheduler.yml

  • Enable the kube-scheduler with option to use configMap for scheduler policy. In your cluster.yml Please update the spec section with the following

      usePolicyConfigMap: true
  • Launch the cluster

    kops create -f cluster.yml
    kops create secret --name neuron-test-1.k8s.local sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/
    kops update cluster --name neuron-test-1.k8s.local --yes
  • Apply the k8s-neuron-scheduler-configmap.yml [Registers neuron-scheduler-extension with kube-scheduler]

    kubectl apply -f k8s-neuron-scheduler-configmap.yml
  • Launch the neuron-scheduler-extension

    kubectl apply -f k8s-neuron-scheduler.yml

This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n