NxD Inference API Reference#

NeuronX Distributed (NxD) Inference (neuronx-distributed-inference) is an open-source PyTorch-based inference library that simplifies deep learning model deployment on AWS Inferentia and Trainium instances. Neuronx Distributed Inference includes a model hub and modules that users can reference to implement their own models on Neuron.

This API guide describes API and configuration functions and parameters that you can use when you directly interact with the NxD Inference library.


NxD Inference also supports integration with vLLM. When you use vLLM, you can use the override_neuron_config attribute to override defaults using the NeuronConfig parameters described in this API guide. For more information about vLLM integration, see vLLM User Guide for NxD Inference.


NxD Inference defines configuration objects that enable you to control how a model is compiled and used for inference. When you compile a model, its configuration is serialized to a JSON file in the compiled checkpoint, so you can distribute the compiled checkpoint to additional Neuron instances without needing to compile on each instance.

NxD Inference supports loading HuggingFace model checkpoints and configurations. When you run a model from a HuggingFace checkpoint, NxD Inference loads the model configuration from the model’s PretrainedConfig.


NeuronConfig contains compile-time configuration options for inference on Neuron.


Pass the NeuronConfig attributes as keyword args.


  • NeuronConfig(**kwargs) - Initializes a NeuronConfig with attributes from kwargs.


  • General configuration

    • batch_size - The number of inputs to process in a single request. Defaults to 1.

    • padding_side - The padding side. Defaults to right.

    • seq_len - The sequence length, which is typically the sum of max_context_length and max_new_tokens. This value is the maximum sequence size that the model can process in a single request. Defaults to 128.

    • max_context_length - The maximum context length. Default to the seq_len.

    • max_new_tokens - The maximum number of tokens to generate in a single request. Default to the difference between seq_len and max_context_length. If the difference is zero, then max_new_tokens is set to None.

    • max_length - The maximum length to process. Default to the seq_len.

    • n_active_tokens - The number of active tokens to track. Defaults to the seq_len.

    • n_positions - The number of positions to track. Defaults to the seq_len.

    • torch_dtype - The torch data type to use for computation. Choose from the following options. Defaults to torch.bfloat16.

      • torch.bfloat16

      • torch.float16

      • torch.float32

    • rpl_reduce_dtype - The torch data type to use for all_reduce operations in RowParallelLinear layers. Defaults to the torch_dtype.

    • async_mode - Whether to use asynchronous mode for inference. Defaults to false.

    • save_sharded_checkpoint - Whether to save the sharded weights in the compiled checkpoint. If this option is disabled, NxD Inference shards the weights during model load. Defaults to true.

    • logical_neuron_cores - The number of logical Neuron cores per Neuron core. Defaults to 1. To run on trn2 instances, set this to 2.

    • weights_to_skip_layout_optimization - The list of weight names to skip during weight layout optimization.

  • Distributed configuration

    • tp_degree - The number of Neuron cores to parallelize across using tensor parallelism. Defaults to 1.

      • The number of attention heads needs to be divisible by the tensor-parallelism degree.

      • The total data size of model weights and key-value caches needs to be smaller than the tensor-parallelism degree multiplied by the amount of HBM memory per Neuron core.

        • On trn2, each Neuron core has 24GB of memory (with logical_neuron_cores set to 2).

        • On inf2/trn1, each Neuron core has 16GB of memory.

      • The Neuron runtime supports the following tensor-parallelism degrees:

        • trn2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 (with logical_neuron_cores set to 2)

        • inf2: 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24

        • trn1: 1, 2, 8, 16, and 32

  • Attention

    • flash_decoding_enabled - Whether to enable flash decoding. Defaults to false.

    • fused_qkv - Whether to fuse the query (Q), key (K), and value (V) weights in the models attention layers. This option improves performance by using larger matrices. Defaults to false.

    • sequence_parallel_enabled - Whether to use sequence parallelism, which splits tensors along the sequence dimension. Defaults to false.

    • qk_layernorm - Whether to enable QK layer normalization. Defaults to false.

  • On-device sampling

    • on_device_sampling_config - The on-device sampling configuration to use. Specify this config to enable on-device sampling. This config is an OnDeviceSamplingConfig, which has the following attributes:

      • do_sample - Whether to use multinomial sampling (true) or greedy sampling (false). Defaults to true.

      • top_k - The top-k value to use for sampling. Defaults to 1.

      • dynamic - Whether to enable dynamic sampling. With dynamic sampling, you can pass different top_k, top_p, and temperature values to the forward call to configure sampling for each input in a batch. Defaults to false.

      • deterministic - Whether to enable deterministic sampling. Defaults to false.

      • global_topk - The global topK value to use. Defaults to 256.

  • Bucketing

    • enable_bucketing - Whether to enable bucketing. Defaults to false. You can specify the buckets to use with the context_encoding_buckets and token_generation_buckets attributes. If you don’t specify the buckets to use, NxDI automatically selects buckets based on the following logic.

      • Context encoding: Powers of two between 128 and the max context length.

        • Note: Max context length is equivalent to sequence length by default.

      • Token generation: Powers of two between 128 and the maximum sequence length.

    • context_encoding_buckets - The list of bucket sizes to use for the context encoding model.

    • token_generation_buckets - The list of bucket sizes to use for the token generation model.

  • Quantization

    • quantized - Whether the model weights are quantized. Defaults to false.

    • quantized_checkpoints_path - The path to the quantized checkpoint. To quantize the model and save it to this path, use NeuronApplicationBase’s save_quantized_state_dict function. Specify one of the following:

      • A folder path. During quantization, NxD Inference saves the quantized model in safetensors format to this folder. To use a quantized model from a folder, it can be in safetensors or pickle format.

      • A file path to a quantized model file in pickle format.

    • quantization_dtype - The data type to use for quantization. Choose from the following options. Defaults to int8.

      • int8 - 8 bit int.

      • f8e4m3 - 8-bit float with greater precision and less range.

        • Important: To use f8e4m3 for quantization, you must set the XLA_HANDLE_SPECIAL_SCALAR environment variable to 1.

      • f8e5m2 - 8-bit float with greater range and less precision.

    • quantization_type - The type of quantization to use. Choose from the following options. Defaults to per_tensor_symmetric.

      • per_tensor_symmetric

      • per_channel_symmetric

  • KV cache quantization

    • kv_cache_quant - Whether to quantize the KV cache. When enabled, the model quantizes the KV cache to the torch.float8_e4m3fn data type. Defaults to false.

      • Important: To use kv_cache_quant, you must set the XLA_HANDLE_SPECIAL_SCALAR environment variable to 1.

  • Kernels

    • attn_kernel_enabled - Whether to enable the flash attention kernel when supported. Defaults to false.

    • qkv_kernel_enabled - Whether to enable the fused QKV kernel. To use this option, you must set fused_qkv to true and torch_dtype to torch.bfloat16. Defaults to false.

    • mlp_kernel_enabled - Whether to enable the MLP kernel. To use this option, you must set torch_dtype to torch.bfloat16. Defaults to false.

    • quantized_mlp_kernel_enabled - Whether to enable the quantized MLP kernel, which uses FP8 compute to improve performance. To use this option, you must set mlp_kernel_enabled to true. Defaults to false.

    • rmsnorm_quantize_kernel_enabled - Whether to enable the quantized RMS norm kernel. Defaults to false.

  • Continuous batching

    • is_continuous_batching - Whether to enable continuous batching. Defaults to false.

    • max_batch_size - The maximum batch size to use for continuous batching. Defaults to batch_size.

    • ctx_batch_size - The maximum batch size to use for the context encoding model in continuous batching. Defaults to batch_size.

    • tkg_batch_size - The maximum batch size to use for the token generation model in continuous batching. Defaults to batch_size.

  • Speculative decoding

    • trace_tokengen_model - Whether to trace the model’s token generation model during compilation. When using speculation, set this to false for the primary model, because you use a draft model for token generation. Defaults to true.

    • speculation_length - The number of tokens to generate with the draft model before checking work with the primary model. Set this value to a positive integer to enable speculation. Defaults to 0.

    • spec_batch_size - The batch size to use for speculation. Defaults to batch_size.

    • enable_eagle_speculation - Whether to enable EAGLE speculation, where the previous hidden state is passed to a specialized target model to improve performance. Defaults to false.

    • enable_eagle_draft_input_norm - Whether to perform input normalization in the EAGLE draft model. Defaults to false.

    • enable_fused_speculation - Whether to enable fused speculation, where the target and draft model are fused into a single compiled model to improve performance. Fused speculation is enabled by default if enable_eagle_speculation is true. Otherwise, this defaults to false.

  • Medusa decoding - Medusa is a speculation method that uses multiple smaller LM heads to perform speculation.

    • is_medusa - Whether to use Medusa decoding. Defaults to false

    • medusa_speculation_length - The number of tokens to generate with the Medusa heads before checking work with the primary model. Set this value to a positive integer. Defaults to 0.

    • num_medusa_heads - The number of LM heads to use for Medusa. Defaults to 0.

    • medusa_tree - The Medusa tree to use. For an example, see medusa_mc_sim_7b_63.json in the examples folder.

  • Compilation configuration

    • cc_pipeline_tiling_factor - The pipeline tiling factor to use for collectives. Defaults to 2.


InferenceConfig contains a NeuronConfig and model configuration attributes.


You can pass attributes through keyword args, or provide a load_config hook that is called during initialization to load the configuration attributes.

InferenceConfig is compatible with HuggingFace transformers. To use a model from HuggingFace transformers, you can populate an InferenceConfig with the attributes from the model’s PretrainedConfig, which is stored in config.json in the model checkpoint.

from neuronx_distributed_inference.models.llama import (
from neuronx_distributed_inference.utils.hf_adapter import load_pretrained_config

model_path = "/home/ubuntu/models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B"

neuron_config = LlamaNeuronConfig()
config = LlamaInferenceConfig(


An InferenceConfig includes neuron_config and any other attributes that you set during initialization.

  • neuron_config - The NeuronConfig for this inference config.

  • fused_spec_config - The FusedSpecNeuronConfig for this inference config. Provide a fused spec config if using fused speculation.

  • load_config - The load_config hook to run during initialization. You can provide a load config hook to load configuration attributes from another source. To load from a HuggingFace PretrainedConfig, pass the load config hook returned by load_pretrained_config. The load_pretrained_config hook provider takes the model path as its argument.

InferenceConfig also supports an attribute map, which lets you configure additional names or aliases for attributes. When you get or set an attribute by an alias, you retrieve or modify the value of the original attribute. When you initialize an InferenceConfig from a HuggingFace PretrainedConfig, it automatically inherits the attribute map from that PretrainedConfig.


  • InferenceConfig(neuron_config, load_config=None, **kwargs) - Initializes an InferenceConfig.

  • load_config(self) - Loads the config attributes. This function does nothing by default; subclasses can override it to provide a model-specific implementation. This function is called during initialization unless a load_config hook is provided.

  • get_required_attributes(self) - Returns the list of attribute names that must be present in this config for it to validate during initialization. This function returns an empty list by default; subclasses can override it to require model-specific attributes to be present.

  • validate_config(self) - Checks that the config is valid. This function is called during initialization. By default, this function checks that the attributes returned by get_required_attributes are present. Subclasses can override this function to implement model-specific validation.

  • save(self, model_path) - Serializes the config to a JSON file, neuron_config.json in the given model path.

  • to_json_file(self, json_file) - Serializes the config to the given JSON file.

  • to_json_string(self) - Serializes the config to a string in JSON format.

  • load(cls, model_path, **kwargs) - Loads the config from the neuron_config.json file in the given model path. You can specify kwargs to override attributes in the config.

  • from_json_file(cls, json_file, **kwargs) - Loads the config from the given JSON file. You can specify kwargs to override attributes in the config.

  • from_json_string(cls, json_string, **kwargs) - Loads the config from the given JSON string. You can specify kwargs to override attributes in the config.

  • get_neuron_config_cls(cls) - Returns the NeuronConfig class type to use for this InferenceConfig. This function returns NeuronConfig by default; subclasses can override this function to configure a specific NeuronConfig subclass to use.


A NeuronConfig subclass for mixture-of-experts (MoE) models. This config includes attributes specific to MoE models. MoE model configurations, such as DbrxNeuronConfig, are subclasses of MoENeuronConfig.


Pass the attributes as keyword args.


  • MoENeuronConfig(**kwargs) - Initializes an MoENeuronConfig with attributes from kwargs.


  • capacity_factor - The capacity factor to use when allocating tokens across experts. When an expert is at capacity, tokens allocated to that expert are dropped until that expert has capacity again. Defaults to None, which means that NxDI waits until an expert has capacity, and no tokens are dropped.

  • glu_mlp - Whether to use a Gated Linear Unit in the MLP. Defaults to false.


A configuration for a model that uses fused speculation, which is a speculative decoding feature where the target and draft models are compiled into a combined model to improve performance. For more information, see Fused Speculation.


  • worker_cls - The model class to use for fused speculation. This class should be a subclass of NeuronBaseModel.

  • draft_config - The InferenceConfig for the draft model.

  • draft_model_path - The path to the draft model checkpoint.



NxD Inference supports running inference with the HuggingFace generate inference. To use HuggingFace-style generation, create a HuggingFaceGenerationAdapter that wraps a Neuron application model. Then, you can call generate on the adapted model.

generation_model = HuggingFaceGenerationAdapter(neuron_model)
outputs = generation_model.generate(


NxD Inference provides a model hub with production ready models. You can use these existing models to run inference, or use them as reference implementations when you develop your own models on Neuron. All model inherit from base classes that provide a basic set of functionality that is common to all models.


NeuronApplicationBase is the base class for all application models, including NeuronBaseForCausalLM. NeuronApplicationBase provides functions to compile and load models. This class extends torch.nn.Module. Application models are the entry point to running inference with NxD Inference. You can extend this class to define new application models that implement use cases in addition to causal LM.


  • config - The InferenceConfig for this model.

  • neuron_config - The NeuronConfig for this model.

  • model_path - The model path for this model.

  • models - The list of models that make up this application model. These models are instances of ModelWrapper. Add models to this list to compile them with compile.

  • is_compiled - Whether this model is compiled.

  • is_loaded_to_neuron - Whether this model is loaded to the Neuron device.


  • NeuronApplicationBase(self, model_path, config=None, neuron_config=None) - Initializes an application model from the given model path, and optionally the given InferenceConfig (config) and NeuronConfig (neuron_config). If no InferenceConfig is provided, this function loads the config from the given model path.

  • compile(self, compiled_model_path, debug=False) - Compiles this model for Neuron and saves the compiled model to the given path. This function compiles all models added to self.models. This function also shards the weights for the model. To produce HLO files that have source annotations enabled for debugging, set debug to True.

  • load(self, compiled_model_path) - Loads the compiled model from the given path to the Neuron device. This function also loads the model weights to the Neuron device.

  • load_weights(self, compiled_model_path) - Loads the model weights from the given path to the Neuron device. You can call this function to load new weights without reloading the entire model.

  • forward(self, **kwargs) - The forward function for this application model. This function must be implemented by subclasses.

  • validate_config(cls, config) - Checks whether the config is valid for this model. By default, this function requires that neuron_config is present. This function can be implemented by subclasses to provide model-specific validation.

  • get_compiler_args(self) - Returns the Neuron compiler arguments to use when compiling this model. By default, this returns no compiler arguments. This function can be implemented by subclasses to use model-specific compiler args.

  • get_state_dict(cls, model_path, config) - Gets the state dict for this model. By default, this function loads the state dict from the given model path. This function calls the class’ convert_hf_to_neuron_state_dict function to convert the state dict according to the specific model. Subclasses can override this function to provide custom state dict loading.

    • When loading the state dict, this function replaces keys that start with the class’ _STATE_DICT_MODEL_PREFIX value with the class’ _NEW_STATE_DICT_MODEL_PREFIX value. Subclasses can set these values to update the state dict keys accordingly.

  • convert_hf_to_neuron_state_dict - Converts a state dict from HF format to the format expected by Neuron. By default, this function returns the state dict without modifying it; subclasses can override this to provide custom conversion for each model.

  • save_quantized_state_dict(cls, model_path, config) - Quantizes the model’s state dict and saves the quantized checkpoint to the quantized_checkpoint_path from the given config’s NeuronConfig.

  • generate_quantized_state_dict(cls, model_path, config) - Generates the quantized state dict for this model. This function loads the HuggingFace model from the given model path in order to quantize the model. Then, this function passes the quantized model to prepare_quantized_state_dict to generate the state dict. Subclasses can override this function to customize quantization.

  • prepare_quantized_state_dict(cls, hf_model_quant) - Prepares the quantized state dict for the model. By default, this function converts the state dict from qint8 to int8. Subclasses can override this function to customize quantization.

  • load_hf_model(model_path) - Loads the equivalent HuggingFace model from the given model path. Subclasses must implement this function to use quantization or to generate expected outputs when evaluating accuracy with accuracy.py.

  • reset(self) - Resets the model state. By default, this function does nothing; subclasses can implement it to provide custom behavior.


NeuronBaseForCausalLM is the base application class that you use to generate text with causal language models. This class extends NeuronApplicationBase. You can extend this class to run text generation in custom models.


  • kv_cache_populated - Whether the KV cache is populated.


  • NeuronBaseForCausalLM(self, *args, **kwargs) - Initializes the NeuronApplicationBase and configures the models used in this LM application, including context encoding, token gen, and others, based on the given NeuronConfig.

  • forward(self, input_ids=None, seq_ids=None, attention_mask=None, position_ids=None, sampling_params=None, prev_hidden=None, past_key_values=None, inputs_embeds=None, labels=None, use_cache=None, output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, medusa_args=None, return_dict=None) - The forward function for causal LM. This function routes the forward pass to the correct sub-model (such as context encoding or token generation) based on the current model state.

  • reset(self) - Resets the model for a new batch of inference. After the model is reset, a subsequent run will invoke the context encoding model.

  • reset_kv_cache(self) - Resets the KV cache by replacing its key values with zeroes.


NeuronBaseModel is the base class for all models. This class extends torch.nn.Module. In instances of NeuronBaseModel, you define the modules, such as attention, MLP, and decoder layers, that make up a model. You can extend this class to define custom decoder models.


  • sampler - The sampler to use for on-device sampling.

  • kv_mgr - The KV cache manager to use to manage the KV cache.

  • sequence_dimension - The dimension for sequence parallelism.


  • NeuronBaseModel(config, optimize_inference=True) - Initializes the Neuron model from the given config. If optimize_inference is true, then this initializes a KV cache manager and sampler (if on-device sampling).

  • setup_attr_for_model(self, config) - Initializes the following attributes for the model. These attributes are used by modules within the model. Subclasses must implement this function to set these attributes from the config.

    • on_device_sampling

    • tp_degree

    • hidden_size

    • num_attention_heads

    • num_key_value_heads

    • max_batch_size

    • buckets

  • init_model(self, config) - Initializes the following modules for the model. Subclasses must implement this function.

    • embed_tokens

    • layers

    • norm

    • lm_head

  • forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, position_ids, seq_ids, accepted_indices=None, current_length=None, medusa_mask=None, scatter_index=None) - The forward function for this model.


Wraps a model to prepare it for compilation. Neuron applications, such as NeuronBaseForCausalLM, use this class to prepare a model for compilation. ModelWrapper defines the inputs to use when tracing the model during compilation.

To define a custom model with additional model inputs, you can extend ModelWrapper and override the input_generator function, which defines the inputs for tracing.


  • ModelWrapper(config, model_cls, tag, compiler_args) - Initializes a model wrapper from a given config and model class. This model class is used to compile the model with the given compiler args. The tag is used to identify the compiled model in the application.

  • input_generator(self) - Returns a list of input tensors to use to trace the model for compilation. When you trace and compile a model, the trace captures only the code paths that are run with these inputs. To support different inputs and code paths based on configuration options, provide configuration-specific inputs in input_generator.