YAML Configuration Settings#

The library allows configuring a bunch of parameters in the YAML file to run large scale training. The important categories and parameters are highlighted below. At the top level, we have the following keys:

    # Name of the experiment
    # Model source code, could be megatron or hf
    # Random seed to be used for the entire experiment
    # Settings to configure the PyTorch-Lightning trainer
    # Settings to configure logging/checkpointing
    # Settings to configure how the model is to be distributed across devices
    # Settings to configure the dataset/dataloader
    # Settings to configure the model architecture and the optimizer
    # Settings to configure the model precision
    # Neuron compiler flags to be used
    # Cache to be used to save the compiled artifacts
    # Used to configure the runtime queue
    # Collectives are batched into tensors of this size (in MBs)
    # Runtime timeout
    # To use compress replica group


Neuronx Distributed Trainer framework is built on top of PyTorch-Lightning and this key allows users to configure the trainer.

devices: 32
num_nodes: 1
max_epochs: -1
max_steps: 20000
log_every_n_steps: 1
val_check_interval: 20000
check_val_every_n_epoch: null
num_sanity_val_steps: 0
limit_val_batches: 1
limit_test_batches: 1
gradient_clip_val: 1.0
lnc: 2


All the above trainer parameters follow the exact same definition of the PyTorch-Lightning Trainer. More information about each of them can be found here.


Number of devices to be used for training. If using torchrun, this is equal to nproc_per_node * num_nodes.

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


Neuron-specific setting that specifies the logical-to-physical Neuron Core mapping ratio. This parameter determines the number of physical Neuron cores used for each logical Neuron Core.


  • lnc: 1 - Each node exposes 128 logical devices, with a 1:1 mapping between logical and physical Neuron Cores.

  • lnc: 2 - Implements a 2:1 mapping between logical and physical Neuron Cores.

    • Type: integer

    • Required: False

    • Default: None (must be explicitly set)


Number of nodes to be used for training

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


Maximum number of epochs to run. A value of -1 means that the number of training steps would be inferred from max_steps

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


How often to log loss values

  • Default value: 1

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


How often to run validation step. Using this parameter one can run validation step after X training steps.

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


Another parameter that controls the frequency of validation step. Using this parameter, one can run valiation step after X epochs.

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


How many sanity validation steps to run. Keeping it to 0 would not run validation step at the start of training.

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


Number of batches to run validation step on.

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


Float value to clip gradients at.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True

Experiment Manager#

This setting is mainly for configuring different aspects of experiment management like checkpointing, experiment logging directory, which parameters to log and how often to log, etc.

log_local_rank_0_only: True
create_tensorboard_logger: True
explicit_log_dir: null
exp_dir: null
name: megatron_llama
resume_if_exists: True
resume_ignore_no_checkpoint: True
create_checkpoint_callback: True
    monitor: step
    save_top_k: 1
    mode: max
    save_last: False
    filename: 'megatron_llama--{step}-{consumed_samples}'
    every_n_train_steps: 200
log_parameter_norm: True
log_gradient_norm: True
enable_recovery_time_instrumentation: False
save_xser: True
load_xser: True
async_checkpointing: False
resume_from_checkpoint: null


Log only on rank 0. The recommended setting should be True

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Setting this True would log the loss and other parameters to tensorboard.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Explicitly specify the logging directory. Otherwise, the framework would save to current directory as default.

  • Type: str

  • Default: null

  • Required: False


Set this to True to resume from an existing checkpoint. This config will be useful when we want to auto-resume from a failed training job.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Experiment manager errors out if resume_if_exists is True and no checkpoint could be found. This behaviour can be disabled, in which case exp_manager will print a message and continue without restoring, by setting resume_ignore_no_checkpoint to True.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


How many checkpoints to keep around. Example: If set to 1, only 1 checkpoint at any given time would be kept around. The framework would automatically keep deleting checkpoints.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


How often we want to checkpoint.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Set this to log parameter norm across model parallel ranks.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Set this to log gradient norm across model parallel ranks.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Set this if you don’t want to default to not printing the detailing timing for recovery.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Set this to save with torch xla serialization to reduce time saving, it’s recommended to enable xser for significantly faster save/load. Note that if the checkpoint is saved with xser, it can only be loaded with xser, vice versa.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Set this to load with torch xla serialization to reduce time saving, it’s recommended to enable xser for significantly faster save/load. Note that if the checkpoint is saved with xser, it can only be loaded with xser, vice versa.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Set this if you want to use async checkpointing. Under the hood the library uses the async checkpointing feature provided by NeuronxDistributed’s save API.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False


Set this as the checkpoint file to load from. Check the SFT/DPO example config under conf on how to use it.

  • Type: str

  • Default: null

  • Required: False

Distributed Strategy#

tensor_model_parallel_size: 8
pipeline_model_parallel_size: 1
virtual_pipeline_model_parallel_size: 1
zero1: True
sequence_parallel: True
kv_replicator: 4

This setting allows users to configure the sharding strategy to be used for distributing the model across workers.


Tensor parallel degree to be used for sharding models.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Pipeline parallel degree to be used for sharding models.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Interleaved pipeline parallel degree. Use a value of 1 if no pipeline parallelism is used.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Wraps the optimizer with zero1.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


To shard along the sequence dimension. Sequence Parallel is always used in conjuction with tensor parallel. The sequence dimension will be sharded with the same degree as the tensor_model_parallel_size.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


This parameter is used together with qkv_linear parameter. It is used to configure the GQAQKVLinear module

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


This is where we configure the dataset/dataloader. This config is dependent on the dataloader/dataset been used. Users can add custom keys in this config and read inside the CustomDataModule using cfg.data. Currently the library adds support for 3 kinds of data modules: MegatronDataModule, ModelAlignmentDataModule and HFDataModule. To learn about the config parameters of MegatronDataModule please check the megatron_llama_7B_config.yaml, for ModelAlignmentDataModule check the megatron_llama2_7B_SFT_config.yaml and for HFDataModule, refer to hf_llama3_8B_config.yaml.

The parameters that are common across all the configs are documented below.

micro_batch_size: 1
global_batch_size: 1024


The batch is distributed across multiple data parallel ranks and within each rank, we accumulate gradients. Micro batch size is the size that is used for each of those gradient calculation steps.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


This config along with micro-batchsize decides the gradient accumulation number automatically.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


This is where we can configure the model architecture. When building custom models, this config can be used to parameterize the custom model. The below parameters are taken from an example of the Megatron model config. Depending on the model and required parameters, this config can change.

HF Model#

Let’s start with the config for the HF model:

# model architecture
model_config: /home/ubuntu/config.json
encoder_seq_length: 4096
max_position_embeddings: ${.encoder_seq_length}
num_layers: 4
hidden_size: 4096
qkv_linear: False

# Miscellaneous
use_cpu_initialization: True

## Activation Checkpointing
activations_checkpoint_granularity: selective
activations_checkpoint_recompute: [CoreAttention]

    softmax: True
    flash_attention: False

do_layer_norm_weight_decay: False

    name: adamw_fp32OptState
    lr: 3e-4
    weight_decay: 0.01
    capturable: False
    - 0.9
    - 0.999
        name: LinearAnnealingWithWarmUp
        warmup_steps: 100
        max_steps: ${trainer.max_steps}


Points to the config.json path required by the transformers model implementation. One such example of config.json is here

  • Type: str

  • Required: True


Setting the sequence length for the training job. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


This config will override the number of layers inside the config.json in the model_config. This is exposed so that one can quickly increase/decrease the size of the model. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


This config will override the hidden_size inside the config.json in the model_config. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


This needs to be set if users want to use the GQAQKVLinear module

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


This is set if users want to use fused q, k and v tensors in GQAQKVLinear module Using fuse_qkv can improve throughput. This parameter is True by default.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: False


Setting this flag to True will initialize the weights on CPU and then move to device. It is recommended to set this flag to True. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


This flag controls which module needs to be recomputed during the backward pass.


  • selective - Enables selective recomputation of specified modules in activations_checkpoint_recompute during the backward pass.

  • full - Saves activations at layer boundaries and recomputes the entire layer during the backward pass.

  • null - Disables activation checkpointing.

More information on activation recompute can be found in this link. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: str

  • Possible Values: selective, full, null

  • Required: True

activations_checkpoint_recompute This config specifies which modules to recompute when using selective activation checkpointing. It accepts a list of module names as strings or null.

  • Type: list[str] or null

  • Required: False


Setting this flag to True will replace the torch.nn.Softmax with a fused custom Softmax operator. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


Setting this flag to True will insert the flash attention module for both forward and backward. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


Setting this flag to True will add layer norm weight decay. This parameter is common for all models supported in the library.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


This is where the optimizers can be set. Since the library is built using NeMo, we can configure the optimizers supported by NeMo. All the optimzers can be configured according to the parameters specified here.

  • Type: config

  • Possible Values: adamw, adamw_fp32OptState, sgd, adam, adadelta, adamax,

  • adagrad, rmsprop, rprop, novograd, adafactor

  • Required: True


This is where the LR schedulers can be set. Since the library is built using NeMo, we can configure the schedulers supported by NeMo. All the schedulers can be configured according to the parameters specified here.

  • Type: config

  • Possible Values: LinearAnnealingWithWarmUp, CosineAnnealing, WarmupPolicy,

  • WarmupHoldPolicy, SquareAnnealing, NoamAnnealing, WarmupAnnealing,

  • StepLR, rprop, ExponentialLR

  • Required: True

Megatron Model#

The library enables a megatron transformer model which can be configured from the yaml file. The different available parameters are documented below after the following reference example.

# model architecture
encoder_seq_length: 4096
max_position_embeddings: ${.encoder_seq_length}
num_layers: 32
hidden_size: 4096
ffn_hidden_size: 11008
num_attention_heads: 32
num_kv_heads: 32
init_method_std: 0.021
hidden_dropout: 0
attention_dropout: 0
ffn_dropout: 0
apply_query_key_layer_scaling: True
normalization: 'rmsnorm'
layernorm_epsilon: 1e-5
do_layer_norm_weight_decay: False # True means weight decay on all params
make_vocab_size_divisible_by: 8 # Pad the vocab size to be divisible by this value for computation efficiency.
persist_layer_norm: True # Use of persistent fused layer norm kernel.
share_embeddings_and_output_weights: False # Untie embedding and output layer weights.
position_embedding_type: 'rope' # Position embedding type. Options ['learned_absolute', 'rope]
rotary_percentage: 1 # If using position_embedding_type=rope, then the per head dim is multiplied by this.
activation: 'swiglu' # ['swiglu', 'gelu']
has_bias: False
# Miscellaneous
use_cpu_initialization: True

## Activation Checkpointing
activations_checkpoint_granularity: selective # 'selective' or 'full'

    softmax: True
    flash_attention: False # Use NKI flash attention

    name: adamw
    lr: 3e-4
    weight_decay: 0.1
    capturable: True
    - 0.9
    - 0.95
    name: CosineAnnealing
    warmup_steps: 2000
    constant_steps: 0
    min_lr: 3.0e-5


For common config, please refer to the HF Model section above.


Transformer FFN hidden size.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Number of Q attention heads.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Number of KV heads. This is where we can configure Q and KV differently to create GQA modules.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Standard deviation to use when we init layers of the transformer model.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True


Dropout probability for hidden state transformer.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True


Dropout probability in the attention layer.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True


Dropout probability in the feed-forward layer.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True


Scale Q * K^T by (1 / layer-number).

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


Normalization layer to use.

  • Type: str

  • Possible Values: rmsnorm, layernorm

  • Required: True


Epsilon value for layernorm.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True


Setting this parameter to True will tie the vocab embedding weight with the final MLP weight.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


So lets say your vocab size is 31999 and you set this value to 4, the framework would pad the vocab-size such that it becomes divisible by 4. In this case the close divisible value is 32K.

  • Type: int

  • Required: True


Type of position embedding to be used.

  • Type: str

  • Possible Values: learned_absolute, rope

  • Required: True


If using position_embedding_type=rope, then the per head dim is multiplied by this factor.

  • Type: float

  • Required: True


Users can specify the activation function to be used in the model.

  • Type: str

  • Possible Values: swiglu, gelu

  • Required: True


Setting this parameter to True will add bias to each of the linear layers in the model.

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


This config can help to decide the dtype of the model/optimizer.

    type: 'mixed_precision' # ['bf16SR', 'fp32', 'autocast', 'mixed_precision', 'mixed_precisionSR', 'manual']
    # Set the following only if precision type is manual, otherwise they will be automatically set.
    master_weights: False
    fp32_grad_acc: False
    xla_use_bf16: '0'
    xla_downcast_bf16: '0'
    neuron_rt_stochastic_rounding_en: '0'
    parallel_layers_reduce_dtype: 'bf16'


Only if the precision type is manual, master_weights , fp32_grad_acc, xla_use_bf16, xla_downcast_bf16, neuron_rt_stochastic_rounding_en will be picked up from the config. These parameters are for more finer control of precision. It is recommended to use mixed_precision config for better accuracy.



The mixed_precision config uses the zero1 optimizer. It performs grad accumulation, grad cc, and keeps the master copy of the weights in fp32. It also sets the xla_downcast_bf16 environment variable to 1 and disables stochastic rounding.


mixed_precisionSR is a superset of the mixed_precision config with stochastic rounding enabled.


bf16SR config will perform all operations in bf16 and relies on stochastic rounding feature for accuracy gains.


autocast config will follow the exact same precision strategy followed by torch.autocast.


Autocast is not supported in this release.


To gain control of the different precision nobs, one can set the precision type to manual and control parameters like - master_weights , fp32_grad_acc, xla_use_bf16, xla_downcast_bf16 and neuron_rt_stochastic_rounding_en.


This config will perform reduce collectives (all-reduce and reduce-scatter) within parallel layers in the specified precision. If fp32 precision type is used, then we implicitly set reduce dtype to fp32. Otherwise it will be defaulted to bf16 in all other cases unless specified.

Model Alignment Specific#

You can configure a finetuning (SFT) or model alignment (DPO) through the YAML file.

    train_dir: /example_datasets/llama3_8b/training.jsonl
    val_dir: null
    dev_choose_samples: 2250
    seq_length: 4096

        # DPO specific config
            kl_beta: 0.01
            loss_type: sigmoid
            max_dpo_prompt_length: 2048
            precompute_ref_log_probs: True
            truncation_mode: keep_start

        # Alternatively, can also use SFT specific config
            packing: True

    weight_init_only: True


SFT/DPO training data - jsonl or arrow file

As for SFT/DPO we use HF style ModelAlignment dataloader, we also use HF style data file paths

  • Type: str

  • Required: True


SFT/DPO validation data - jsonl or arrow file

As for SFT/DPO we use HF style ModelAlignment dataloader, we also use HF style data file paths

  • Type: str

  • Required: False


If set, will use that many number of records from the head of the dataset instead of using all. Set to null to use full dataset

  • Type: integer

  • Default: null

  • Required: False


Set sequence length for the training job. For DPO, it is total sequence length of prompt and (chosen/rejected) response concatenated together.

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


Set only when using finetuning specific algorithms (SFT, DPO, etc) and related hyperparameters DPO-specific parameters.



KL-divergence beta to control divergence of policy model from reference model

  • Type: float

  • Default: 0.01

  • Required: True


Currently support sigmoid version of optimized DPO loss

  • Type: str

  • Default: sigmoid

  • Required: True


Set maximum length of prompt in the concatenated prompt and (chosen/rejected) response input

  • Type: integer

  • Required: True


To enable precomputation of reference model log probabilities using pre-fit hook, False is not supported currently

  • Type: bool

  • Required: True


To define how to truncate if size (prompt+response) exceeds seq_length options: [“keep_start”, “keep_end”]

  • Type: str

  • Default: keep_start`

  • Required: True

SFT-specific parameters.



Appends multiple records in a single record until seq length supported by model, if false uses pad tokens to reach seq length. Setting it to True increases throughput but might impact accuracy.

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Required: False