This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn2

Developer guide for Neuronx-Distributed Inference#


Neuronx-Distributed started with mostly targeting distributed device training workloads. Now, Neuronx-Distributed is now quickly expanding to support distributed device inference workloads. Currently, Tensor Parallelism (TP) is the only supported form of parallelism for Neuronx-Distributed, with other forms such as Pipeline Parallelism coming in future releases. Beyond this, Neuronx-Distributed inference also supports weight separation amongst TP shards, as well as autobucketing support for TP models. These will be covered in this Developer Guide using BERT, and in the end, there will be two samples (T5 3B and Llama-v2 7B) that showcase Neuronx-Distributed inference for larger models.

For training workflows, check out the other written Developer Guides for Neuronx-Distributed.


Before we start, let’s install transformers.

pip install transformers==4.26.0

For this guide we’ll use BERT. Before we run the inference, let’s get a checkpoint that we can use.

Let’s run the below block of code:

import torch
import torch_neuronx
import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

name = "bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc"

model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(name, torchscript=True){"model":model.state_dict()}, "")

Creating a Tensor Parallel (TP) Model#

TP models are created by introducing layers that are built to utilize TP, such as RowParallelLinear and ColumnParallelLinear. To see how these layers work, please see the Tensor Parallel Developer Guide.

Below is an example using BERT:

import os
import torch
import torch_neuronx
import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert import BertSelfAttention, BertSelfOutput

import neuronx_distributed
from neuronx_distributed.parallel_layers import layers, parallel_state

def encode(tokenizer, *inputs, max_length=128, batch_size=1):
    tokens = tokenizer.encode_plus(
    return (
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['input_ids'], batch_size, 0),
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['attention_mask'], batch_size, 0),
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['token_type_ids'], batch_size, 0),

# Create the tokenizer and model
name = "bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name)

# Set up some example inputs
sequence_0 = "The company HuggingFace is based in New York City"
sequence_1 = "Apples are especially bad for your health"
sequence_2 = "HuggingFace's headquarters are situated in Manhattan"

paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_1, sequence_2)
not_paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_1, sequence_1)

def get_model():
    model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(name, torchscript=True)
    # Here we build a model with tensor-parallel layers.
    # Note: If you already have a Model class that does this, we can use that directly
    # and load the checkpoint in it.
    class ParallelSelfAttention(BertSelfAttention):
        def __init__(self, config, position_embedding_type=None):
            super().__init__(config, position_embedding_type)
            self.query = layers.ColumnParallelLinear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, gather_output=False)
            self.key = layers.ColumnParallelLinear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, gather_output=False)
            self.value = layers.ColumnParallelLinear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, gather_output=False)
            self.num_attention_heads = self.num_attention_heads // parallel_state.get_tensor_model_parallel_size()
            self.all_head_size = self.all_head_size // parallel_state.get_tensor_model_parallel_size()

    class ParallelSelfOutput(BertSelfOutput):
        def __init__(self, config):
            self.dense = layers.RowParallelLinear(config.hidden_size,

    for layer in model.bert.encoder.layer:
        layer.attention.self = ParallelSelfAttention(model.config)
        layer.attention.output = ParallelSelfOutput(model.config)

    # Here we created a checkpoint as mentioned above. We pass sharded=False, since the checkpoint
    # we obtained is unsharded. In case you are using the checkpoint from the tensor-parallel training,
    # you can set the sharded=True, as that checkpoint will contain shards from each tp rank.
    neuronx_distributed.parallel_layers.load("", model, sharded=False)

    # These io aliases would enable us to mark certain input tensors as state tensors. These
    # state tensors are going to be device tensors.
    io_aliases = {}
    return model, io_aliases

Notice that the get_model() function returns not only the model, but also io_aliases. This is a dictionary containing model tensors that are marked as containing state. This is necessary for models that have dynamic tensors during each inference pass. One such use case is for models with KV-Caching, which can be seen in the T5 and Llama-v2 samples linked at the bottom of the guide. In this example, we don’t have such tensors, so we return an empty dictionary.

Tracing the Tensor Parallel (TP) Model#

After introducing these layers to the model, we need to trace the model for inference. This is done by the parallel_model_trace API. This will produce model shards per tp degree, and is saved and loaded by custom Neuronx-Distributed APIs: parallel_model_load and parallel_model_save.

parallel_model_trace has a few distinctions from torch_neuronx.trace. First, instead of passing in a model directly, we pass in a function that returns the model and a dictionary of states. This is done for serialization purposes when tracing using XLA multiprocessing as is done in parallel_model_trace. Another difference is the keyword arguments unique to parallel_model_trace. The most important one is the tp_degree, which determines the number of model shards to produce in a TP scheme.

Below code shows the earlier written get_model() function used in parallel_model_trace, as well as saving and loading the traced tp model:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Note how we are passing a function that returns a model object, which needs to be traced.
    # This is mainly done, since the model initialization needs to happen within the processes
    # that get launched internally within the parallel_model_trace.
    model = neuronx_distributed.trace.parallel_model_trace(get_model, paraphrase, tp_degree=2)

    # Once traced, we now save the trace model for future inference. This API takes care
    # of saving the checkpoint from each tensor parallel worker
    neuronx_distributed.trace.parallel_model_save(model, "tp_models")

    # We now load the saved model and will run inference against it
    model = neuronx_distributed.trace.parallel_model_load("tp_models")
    cpu_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(name, torchscript=True)
    assert torch.argmax(model(*paraphrase)[0]) == torch.argmax(cpu_model(*paraphrase)[0])

Weight separation#

One more difference to note is the inline_weights_to_neff keyword argument. While this also exists in torch_neuronx.trace it’s important to note that since parallel_model_trace produces many NEFFs, this means that this keyword argument enables weight separation, which is done by separating out common weights between the shards from the NEFFs. Benefits that can come from weight separation is lower memory usage, as well as faster neff loading times.


It might be confusing to enable weight separation by disabling a flag. This is because the original way that Neuron models handle weights is by having the weights embedded/inlined into the NEFF, making it impossible to replace. To preserve default behavior, the flag is set to True by default. When the flag is set to False, weights are no longer inlined into the neff and are now separate, which enables new workflows.

To enable weight separation, set inline_weights_to_neff=False in parallel_model_trace:

model = neuronx_distributed.trace.parallel_model_trace(get_model, paraphrase, tp_degree=2, inline_weights_to_neff=False)

The full API reference for all trace related functions can be found here.


Autobucketing is a feature that enables you to use multiple bucket models. Each bucket model accepts a static input shape and a bucket kernel function. The models are then packaged into a single traced PyTorch model that can accept multiple different input shapes.

This gives you increased flexibility for inputs into Neuron models without the need to manage multiple Neuron models. The applications of this are extensive, from optimal model selection based on image resolution, to efficient sampling for token generation in language models. For more information, see the torch_neuronx section on Autobucketing, and this developer guide.

neuronx_distributed supports autobucketing via the bucket_config parameter. The following example shows how to use this with BERT to bucket it on sequence length:

def sequence_length_bucket_kernel(tensor_list: List[torch.Tensor]):
    x = tensor_list[0]
    bucket_dim = 1
    x_shape = x.shape
    tensor_sequence_length = x_shape[bucket_dim]
    batch_size = x_shape[bucket_dim - 1]
    buckets = [128, 512]
    idx = 0
    num_inputs = 3
    bucket = buckets[0]
    reshaped_tensors: List[torch.Tensor] = []
    bucket_idx = 0
    for idx, bucket in enumerate(buckets):
        if tensor_sequence_length <= bucket:
            bucket_idx = idx
            for tensor in tensor_list:
                if num_inputs == 0:
                delta = bucket - tensor_sequence_length
                padding_shape: List[int] = [batch_size, delta]
                zeros = torch.zeros(padding_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
                reshaped_tensors.append([tensor, zeros], dim=bucket_dim))
                num_inputs -= 1
    return reshaped_tensors, torch.tensor([bucket_idx])

def get_bucket_kernel(*_):
    bk = torch.jit.script(sequence_length_bucket_kernel)
    return bk

# same encode function
paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_1, sequence_2)
paraphrase_long = encode(tokenizer, sequence_1, sequence_2,max_length=512)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #same as original main function

    bucket_config = torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig(get_bucket_kernel)

    # note: inline_weights_to_neff must be set to False, otherwise a ValueError is raised
    model = neuronx_distributed.trace.parallel_model_trace(get_model, [paraphrase, paraphrase_long], inline_weights_to_neff=False, bucket_config=bucket_config, tp_degree=2)

    #rest is the same

With the above example, we can supply inputs of sequence length from 1-512 without pre-padding, as the bucket kernel takes care of that. Autobucketing is useful for latency sensitive applications where using smaller and large inputs on small and large models respectively.


We do not yet have autobucketing integrated with our NxD Core Llama2 example, and will be done so in an upcoming release.

Speculative Decoding (Beta)#

Neuronx-Distributed supports naive speculative decoding, which allows you to assist the token generation process by predicting tokens with a draft model and verifying the predicted tokens with the original target model. To use this feature, in addition to tracing the target model, you also need to trace the draft model. Then, you just need to provide the draft model to the generation API. Note that only batch size = 1 is supported right now.

target_runner.generate_on_neuron(prompt, target_model, draft_model=draft_model)

For a complete example, please refer to this [file].


Neuronx-Distributed inference is quickly expanding to support more features, and this guide will be updated to reflect these features. However, Neuronx-Distributed inference already supports some large models such as T5 3B and Llama-v2 7B. The samples for each can be found:

  1. T5 3B inference tutorial [html] [notebook]

  2. Llama-v2 7B tutorial [html] [notebook]

This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn2