This document is relevant for: Trn1
, Trn2
PyTorch Neuron for Trainium Hugging Face BERT MRPC task finetuning using Hugging Face Trainer API#
Please use Hugging Face Optimum-Neuron<> for best coverage and support of Hugging Face models running on Trainium and Inferentia devices.
In this tutorial, we show how to run a Hugging Face script that uses Hugging Face Trainer API to do fine-tuning on Trainium. The example follows the text-classification example which fine-tunes BERT-base model for sequence classification on the GLUE benchmark.
Logs used in tutorials do not present latest performance numbers
For latest performance numbers visit Neuron performance
Setup and compilation#
Before running the tutorial please follow the installation instructions at:
Install PyTorch Neuron on Trn1
Please set the storage of instance to 512GB or more if you also want to run through the BERT pretraining and GPT pretraining tutorials.
For all the commands below, make sure you are in the virtual environment that you have created above before you run the commands:
source ~/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/activate
First we install a recent version of HF transformers, scikit-learn and evaluate packages in our environment as well as download the source matching the installed version. In this example, we use the text classification example from HF transformers source:
export HF_VER=4.44.0
pip install -U transformers==$HF_VER datasets evaluate scikit-learn
cd ~/
git clone --branch v$HF_VER
cd ~/transformers/examples/pytorch/text-classification
Single-worker training#
We will run MRPC task fine-tuning following the example in located in the path ~/transformers/examples/pytorch/text-classification
. In this part of the tutorial we will use the Hugging Face model hub’s pretrained bert-large-uncased
If you are using older versions of transformers <4.27.0 or PyTorch Neuron <1.13.0, please see section Older versions of transformers <4.27.0 or PyTorch Neuron <1.13.0 for necessary workarounds.
We use BF16 mixed-precision casting using trainer API --bf16
option and compiler flag --model-type=transformer
to enable best performance.
We also launch the
script with torchrun
using --nproc_per_node=N
option to specify the number of workers. Here we start of with 1 worker.
With transformers version 4.44 and up, please use torchrun even for one worker (--nproc_per_node=1
) to avoid execution hang.
First, paste the following script into your terminal to create a “” file and change it to executable:
tee > /dev/null <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export TASK_NAME=mrpc
export NEURON_CC_FLAGS="--model-type=transformer"
NEURON_RT_STOCHASTIC_ROUNDING_EN=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 ./ \\
--model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased \\
--task_name \$TASK_NAME \\
--do_train \\
--do_eval \\
--bf16 \\
--max_seq_length 128 \\
--per_device_train_batch_size 8 \\
--learning_rate 2e-5 \\
--num_train_epochs 5 \\
--save_total_limit 1 \\
--overwrite_output_dir \\
--output_dir /tmp/\$TASK_NAME/ |& tee log_run
chmod +x
We optionally precompile the model and training script using neuron_parallel_compile to warm up the persistent graph cache (Neuron Cache) such that the actual run has fewer compilations (faster run time):
neuron_parallel_compile ./
Please ignore the results from this precompile run as it is only for extracting and compiling the XLA graphs.
With both train and evaluation options (--do_train
and --do_eval
), you will encounter harmless error
ValueError: Target is multiclass but average='binary'
when using neuron_parallel_compile.
Precompilation is optional and only needed to be done once unless hyperparameters such as batch size are modified. After the optional precompilation, the actual run will be faster with minimal additional compilations.
If precompilation was not done, the first execution of ./ will be slower due to serial compilations. Rerunning the same script a second time would show quicker execution as the compiled graphs will be already cached in persistent cache.
Multi-worker data-parallel training#
The above script would run one worker on one Logical NeuronCore. To run on
multiple Logical NeuronCores in data-parallel configuration, launch the
script with torchrun
using --nproc_per_node=N
option to specify the number of workers
(N=2 for trn1.2xlarge, and N=2, 8, or 32 for trn1.32xlarge).
If you are using older versions of transformers <4.27.0 or PyTorch Neuron <1.13.0, please see section Older versions of transformers <4.27.0 or PyTorch Neuron <1.13.0 for necessary workarounds.
The following example runs 2 workers. Paste the following script into your terminal to create a “” file and change it to executable:
tee > /dev/null <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export TASK_NAME=mrpc
export NEURON_CC_FLAGS="--model-type=transformer"
NEURON_RT_STOCHASTIC_ROUNDING_EN=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 ./ \\
--model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased \\
--task_name \$TASK_NAME \\
--do_train \\
--do_eval \\
--bf16 \\
--max_seq_length 128 \\
--per_device_train_batch_size 8 \\
--learning_rate 2e-5 \\
--num_train_epochs 5 \\
--save_total_limit 1 \\
--overwrite_output_dir \\
--output_dir /tmp/\$TASK_NAME/ |& tee log_run_2w
chmod +x
Again, we optionally precompile the model and training script using neuron_parallel_compile to warm up the persistent graph cache (Neuron Cache), ignoring the results from this precompile run as it is only for extracting and compiling the XLA graphs:
neuron_parallel_compile ./
Precompilation is optional and only needed to be done once unless hyperparameters such as batch size are modified. After the optional precompilation, the actual run will be faster with minimal additional compilations.
During run, you will now notice that the “Total train batch size” is now 16 and the “Total optimization steps” is now half the number for one worker training.
Converting BERT pretrained checkpoint to Hugging Face pretrained model format#
If you have a pretrained checkpoint (i.e., from the BERT phase 2 pretraining tutorial), you can run the script below (saved as “”) to convert BERT pretrained saved checkpoint to Hugging Face pretrained model format. An example phase 2 pretrained checkpoint can be downloaded from s3://neuron-s3/training_checkpoints/pytorch/dp_bert_large_hf_pretrain/
. Note that here we also use the bert-large-uncased
model configuration to match the BERT-Large model trained following BERT phase 2 pretraining tutorial.
import os
import sys
import argparse
import torch
import transformers
from transformers import (
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
from transformers.utils import check_min_version
from transformers.utils.versions import require_version
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--model_name', type=str, default='bert-large-uncased', help="Path to model identifier from")
parser.add_argument('--output_saved_model_path', type=str, default='./hf_saved_model', help="Directory to save the HF pretrained model format.")
parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_path', type=str, required=True, help="Path to pretrained checkpoint which needs to be converted to a HF pretrained model format")
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
model = BertForPreTraining.from_pretrained(args.model_name)
check_point = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path, map_location='cpu')
model.load_state_dict(check_point['model'], strict=False)
model.save_pretrained(args.output_saved_model_path, save_config=True,
print("Done converting checkpoint {} to HuggingFace saved model in directory {}.".format(args.checkpoint_path, args.output_saved_model_path))
Run the conversion script as:
python --checkpoint_path
After conversion, the new Hugging Face pretrained model is stored in the output directory specified by the --output_saved_model_path
option which is hf_saved_model
by default. You will use this directory in the next step.
Paste the following script into your terminal to create a “” file and change it to executable:
(note that it uses the converted Hugging Face pretrained model in hf_saved_model
tee > /dev/null <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export TASK_NAME=mrpc
export NEURON_CC_FLAGS="--model-type=transformer"
NEURON_RT_STOCHASTIC_ROUNDING_EN=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 ./ \\
--model_name_or_path hf_saved_model \\
--tokenizer_name bert-large-uncased \\
--task_name \$TASK_NAME \\
--do_train \\
--do_eval \\
--bf16 \\
--max_seq_length 128 \\
--per_device_train_batch_size 8 \\
--learning_rate 2e-5 \\
--num_train_epochs 5 \\
--save_total_limit 1 \\
--overwrite_output_dir \\
--output_dir /tmp/\$TASK_NAME/ |& tee log_run_converted
chmod +x
If it is the first time running with bert-large-uncased
model or if hyperparameters have changed, then the optional one-time precompilation step can save compilation time:
neuron_parallel_compile ./
If you have run the single worker training in a previous section, then you can skip the precompilation step and just do:
Older versions of transformers <4.27.0 or PyTorch Neuron <1.13.0#
If using older versions of transformers package before 4.27.0 or PyTorch Neuron before 1.13.0, please edit the python script and add the following lines after the Python imports. They set the compiler flag for transformer model type and enable data parallel training using torchrun:
# Enable torchrun
import os
import torch
import torch_xla.distributed.xla_backend
from packaging import version
from transformers import __version__, Trainer
if version.parse(__version__) < version.parse("4.26.0") and os.environ.get("WORLD_SIZE"):
# Disable DDP for torchrun
import contextlib
if version.parse(__version__) < version.parse("4.20.0"):
def _wrap_model(self, model, training=True):
model.no_sync = lambda: contextlib.nullcontext()
return model
def _wrap_model(self, model, training=True, dataloader=None):
model.no_sync = lambda: contextlib.nullcontext()
return model
Trainer._wrap_model = _wrap_model
# Workaround for NaNs seen with transformers version >= 4.21.0
import transformers
if os.environ.get("XLA_USE_BF16") or os.environ.get("XLA_DOWNCAST_BF16"):
transformers.modeling_utils.get_parameter_dtype = lambda x: torch.bfloat16
Known issues and limitations#
The following are currently known issues:
With transformers==4.44.0, running one worker fine-tuning without torchrun would result in a hang. To workaround and run one worker fine-tuning, use
torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 <script>
.With torch-neuronx 2.1, HF Trainer API’s use of XLA function
causes"EOFError: Ran out of input"
or"_pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '!'"
errors during Neuron Parallel Compile. This is an issue with the trial execution of empty NEFFs and should not affect the normal execution of the training script.Multi-worker training using Trainer API resulted in too many graph compilations for HF transformers>=4.35: This is resolved with HF transformers>=4.37 with the additional workarounds as shown in the ticket<>.
Long compilation times: this can be alleviated with
tool to extract graphs from a short trial run and compile them in parallel ahead of the actual run, as shown above.When precompiling using batch size of 16 on trn1.2xlarge, you will see
ERROR ||PARALLEL_COMPILE||: parallel compilation with neuronx-cc exited with error.Received error code: -9
. To workaround this error, please set NEURON_PARALLEL_COMPILE_MAX_RETRIES=1 in the environment.With release 2.6 and transformers==4.25.1, using
tool to
script with both train and evaluation options (--do_train
), you will encounter harmless errorValueError: Target is multiclass but average='binary'
Reduced accuracy for RoBerta-Large is seen with Neuron PyTorch 1.12 (release 2.6) in FP32 mode with compiler BF16 autocast. The workaround is to set NEURON_CC_FLAGS=”–auto-cast none” or set NEURON_RT_STOCHASTIC_ROUNDING_EN=1.
When using DDP in PT 1.13, compilation of one graph will fail with “Killed” error message for
. Forbert-base-cased
, the final MRPC evaluation accuracy is 31% which is lower than expected. These issues are being investigated and will be fixed in an upcoming release. For now, DDP is disabled with the workaround shown above in Multi-worker Training.When using DDP in PT 1.13 with neuron_parallel_compile precompilation, you will hit an error
Rank 1 has 393 params, while rank 0 has inconsistent 0 params.
. To workaround this error, add the follow code snippet at the top
to skip the problematic shape verification code during precompilation:
import os
if os.environ.get("NEURON_EXTRACT_GRAPHS_ONLY", None):
import torch.distributed as dist
_verify_param_shape_across_processes = lambda process_group, tensors, logger=None: True
Variable input sizes: When fine-tune models such as dslim/bert-base-NER using the token-classification example, you may encounter timeouts (lots of “socket.h:524 CCOM WARN Timeout waiting for RX” messages) and execution hang. This occurs because NER dataset has different sample sizes, which causes many recompilations and compiled graph (NEFF) reloads. Furthermore, different data parallel workers can execute different compiled graph. This multiple-program multiple-data behavior is currently unsupported. To workaround this issue, please pad to maximum length using the Trainer API option
.When running HuggingFace GPT fine-tuning with transformers version >= 4.21.0 and using XLA_USE_BF16=1 or XLA_DOWNCAST_BF16=1, you might see NaNs in the loss immediately at the first step. This issue occurs due to large negative constants used to implement attention masking (huggingface/transformers#17306). To workaround this issue, please use transformers version <= 4.20.0.
When using Trainer API option –bf16, you will see “RuntimeError: No CUDA GPUs are available”. To workaround this error, please add “import torch; torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported = lambda: True” to the Python script (i.e. (Trainer API option –fp16 is not yet supported).
The following are resolved issues:
tool to
script with both train and evaluation options (--do_train
), you will encounter INVALID_ARGUMENT error. To avoid this, only enable train for parallel compile (--do_train
). This will cause compilations during evaluation step. The INVALID_ARGUMENT error is fixed in release 2.6 together with latest transformers package version 4.25.1.When running HuggingFace BERT (any size) fine-tuning tutorial or pretraining tutorial with transformers version >= 4.21.0 and < 4.25.1 and using XLA_USE_BF16=1 or XLA_DOWNCAST_BF16=1, you will see NaNs in the loss immediately at the first step. More details on the issue can be found at pytorch/xla#4152. The workaround is to use transformers version < 4.21.0 or >= 4.25.1, or add
transformers.modeling_utils.get_parameter_dtype = lambda x: torch.bfloat16
to your Python script (i.e. recompilation is seen at the epoch boundary even after
is used. This can be fixed by using the same number of epochs both during precompilation and the actual run.When running multi-worker training, you may see the process getting killed at the time of model saving on trn1.2xlarge. This happens because the transformers
for saving models. This api is known to cause high host memory usage in multi-worker setting see Saving and Loading XLA Tensors in . Coupled with a compilation at the same time results in a host OOM. To avoid this issue, we can: Precompile all the graphs in multi-worker training. This can be done by running the multi-worker training first withneuron_parallel_compile <script>
followed by the actual training. This would avoid the compilation at model save during actual training.
This document is relevant for: Trn1
, Trn2