This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Developer guide for Pipeline Parallelism#


For training models with pipeline-parallelism, user needs to make few changes to their model/training script. In the below steps, we walk through different changes user has to make to use pipeline parallelism. For general changes please refer to tensor parallel guidance.

Creating Model#

To train with pipeline parallel, user needs to wrap their torch module with NeuronxDistributed’s Pipeline Parallel model wrapper, i.e. NxDPPModel Let’s take a look at our Llama example:

# Create torch model
config.return_dict = False
model = transformers.LlamaForCausalLM(config)
# Create pipeline cuts
pipeline_cuts = create_partition(config, args)
# Apply model wrapper
model = NxDPPModel(
    output_loss_value_spec=(True, False),
    input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "labels"],

We first create the model from the Hugging Face model config. If tensor parallel needs to be applied to model it must be done here before applying the pipeline parallel model wrapper. The next step is to create the partitions. Here is an example to evenly partition the layers for all stages:

def create_partition(config, args):
    Evenly split the transformer layers between the PP ranks
    assert config.num_hidden_layers % args.pipeline_parallel_size == 0
    num_layer_per_partition = config.num_hidden_layers  // args.pipeline_parallel_size
    pipeline_cuts = []
    current_cut = num_layer_per_partition - 1
    for i in range(args.pipeline_parallel_size-1):
        current_cut += num_layer_per_partition
    if torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0:
        print(f"pipeline_cuts {pipeline_cuts}")
    return pipeline_cuts

Note that the pipeline cuts should be at the transformer layer module name, which in Llama model is indicated as model.layers.i where i is the layer index. Users have the option to either provide the pipeline cuts, or set auto_partition to True to automatically determine the pipeline cuts to use. After pipeline cuts are decided, pipeline model wrapper is applied. Let’s take a deeper look into each input of the model wrapper

  • model: The original Pytorch module, could be TPfied.

  • transformer_layer_cls=LlamaDecoderLayer: The transformer layer class, we will use it for partition

  • num_microbatches=args.num_microbatches: The number of microbatches we used for pipeline execution.

  • virtual_pipeline_size: Virtual pipeline size if greater than 1 we will use the interleaved pipeline schedule.

  • output_loss_value_spec=(True, False): This tells NxDPPModel how to get the loss from the model output. In this case output is a tuple, where first value is loss and second value is something else. NxDPPModel will use loss to run backward and return loss as the output.

  • input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "labels"]: The model input names that we will use to run training. As our partition uses FX symbolic trace to trace the model, we will use these input names to create concrete_args. Usually this will be the same input as you will feed into model for the execution. For details please check

  • pipeline_cuts=pipeline_cuts: The pipeline cuts to decide the stages

  • leaf_module_cls=[LlamaRMSNorm.__name__]: We can add some pytorch modules as leaf module so that FX symbolic trace won’t trace it through. Here we mark the LlamaRMSNorm as one leaf module. If you hit any issue about tracing you can skip tracing that part by add the module as a leaf module here. The transformer layer module will be a leaf module by default.

  • autowrap_modules: This serves as the same functionality to simplify FX tracing. User can provide a python module here and all the methods from this python module will not be traced.

  • use_zero1_optimizer: When zero-1 optimizer is used, set this to True, so the PP model will understand that zero-1 optimizer will handle data parallel gradient averaging.

  • deallocate_pipeline_outputs:

    Whether to deallocate the pipeline outputs after send. After send the output tensor is only useful for its ‘.grad_fn’ field, and not its ‘.data’.

After applying model wrapper, NxDPPModel will partition the model based on the pipeline cuts. If the original model is not yet moved to device, we can call model.move_model_to_device() so that NxDPPModel will only move the local module to device.

Runtime execution:#

To use pipeline runtime, user simply needs to replace their original model call with NxDPPModel.run_train, rest will remain unchanged. Please note that the pipeline runtime will take care of both forward and backward call, so user will not need to explicitly make backward calls. The NxDPPModel.run_train call will return the loss that is achieved from output_loss_value_spec.

Interleaved Pipeline-Parallelism:#

To use interleaved pipeline parallel, one has to set virtual_pipeline_size greater than 1. The value of the virtual_pipeline_size * pipeline_parallel_size should be equal to the number of layers in the models. Interleave pipeline can help to reduce the pipeline bubble size and improve performance especially in cases when the number of microbatches per data-parallel rank is small. More information can be found here

Mixed precision training#

We support the torch autocast to do mixed precision, simply apply the context manager for the NxDPPModel.run_train call. Here is an example:

# replace loss, _ = model(input_ids, attention_mask, labels) with below
with torch.autocast(enabled=args.use_amp > 0, dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_type="cuda"):
    loss = model.run_train(

Things that require user attention:#

Model initialization#

When the model is large, it is easy to cause host OOM when full model is created on every Neuron core. We recommend 2 ways to deal with this situation:

Using torchdistx’s deferred initialization#

Pytorch’s torchdistx package (pytorch/torchdistx) provides easy way to do deferred initialization. If you have torchdistx installed, using deferred initialization is simple as below

from torchdistx import deferred_init
# Instead of model = LlamaForCausalLM(config)
model = deferred_init.deferred_init(LlamaForCausalLM, config)

The model weights will be initialized in fake tensor mode which will not consume memory. After applying the NxDPPModel model wrapper we will only materialize the weights that belong to the local module. Please be aware that the torchdistx package is not actively maintained by Meta, please use at your own risk.

Using meta device for initialization#

NeuronxDistributed also supports also offer a way to first create the model on meta device, then reinitialize it to host device with only the local modules. To create the model on meta device, follow the below example:

from neuronx_distributed.utils.model_utils import init_on_device
with init_on_device(torch.device("meta")):
    model = LlamaForCausalLM(config)

With init_on_device(torch.device("meta")) context manager, all model weights will be create to meta device, which will not consume host memory. Then during applying the PP model wrapper, user can pass the param_init_fn kwargs which can define how to reinit the parameter. Here is an example:

def init_weights(module):
    from neuronx_distributed.parallel_layers import ColumnParallelLinear, RowParallelLinear, ParallelEmbedding
    if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, Conv1D)):, std=model_config.initializer_range)
        if module.bias is not None:
    elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):, std=model_config.initializer_range)
        if module.padding_idx:
    elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm):
    elif isinstance(module, (ParallelEmbedding, RowParallelLinear, ColumnParallelLinear)):
        if hasattr(module, "bias") and module.bias is not None:

model = NxDPPModel(...,param_init_fn=init_weights,...)

param_init_fn should take a module as input and initialize how the weight of that module should be initialized.

Moving model to device#

When user create the model it is usually either created on CPU, or using meta device/torchdistx for delayed parameter initialization. It is important to understand when the delayed parameter will be materialized and how/when to move model to device.

Once the NxDPPModel wrapper is applied with the model together with the partition information, tracing and partition will happen immediately. After partition we will materialize the local module if torchdistx is used or param_init_fn is passed. So the returned model of NxDPPModel wrapper will have local parameters on host device.

After model is wrapped with NxDPPModel user can do things that are recommended to run on CPU, e.g. loading shareded checkpoint. It is important to make sure to call model.move_model_to_device() before creating the optimizer, so that the optimizer can take the weights that are on the device. When using zero-1 optimizer, it is also required to use model.local_parameters() to create parameter groups so the optimizer can infer the right device information from parameter groups.

Gradient checkpointing#

Gradient checkpointing (or activation checkpointing) is a common method used in deep learning to reduce memory footprint by doing recomputation of forward computation. The common way to apply the gradient checkpointing on XLA device is to use the torch_xla’s gradient checkpointing wrapper, which will apply an autograd function. However FX’s symbolic tracing does not understand autograd function, and as a result the checkpointing information will be ignored if the checkpoint wrapper is traced during partition. To handle this case, user can manually re-apply gradient checkpoint after partition. Here we provide an example to checkpoint every transformer layer after partition.

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Tuple
import torch.nn as nn

import torch
from torch_xla.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint as torch_checkpoint
from neuronx_distributed.parallel_layers.parallel_state import rmsg
from neuronx_distributed.utils.logger import get_logger
from torch.distributed.utils import _replace_by_prefix

logger = get_logger()


class CheckPointWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, mod) -> None:
        self.mod = mod
        # state_dict post hook to remove prefix to allow loading into a
        # non-checkpoint wrapped module.
        # load_state_dict pre-hook to allow loading back into
        # checkpoint-wrapped module.
            self._pre_load_state_dict_hook, with_module=True

    def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ordered_args = list(args)
        for value in kwargs.values():
            ordered_args += [value]

        # Note: checkpoint cannot accept kwargs
        return torch_checkpoint(self.mod, *ordered_args, use_reentrant=True)

    def named_parameters(
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, torch.nn.Parameter]]:
        Overrides :meth:`named_parameters()` to intercept parameter names and
        remove all occurrences of ``_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX``.
        for param_name, param in super().named_parameters(*args, **kwargs):
            updated_name = param_name.replace(_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX, "")
            yield updated_name, param

    def named_modules(self,*args,**kwargs):
        for module_name, module in super().named_modules(*args, **kwargs):
            updated_name = module_name.replace(_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX, "")
            yield updated_name, module

    def _post_state_dict_hook(
        module: nn.Module,
        state_dict: Dict[str, Any],
        prefix: str,
        *args: Any,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        _post_state_dict_hook() is called after the state_dict() of this
        FSDP module is executed. For ``checkpoint_wrapper``, it will strip
        checkpoint-wrapped module prefix so that this module can be loaded into
        non-checkpointed modules. It would still be able to be loaded into
        checkpoint-wrapped modules as this class adds the prefix back before
        loading the state_dict.
        _replace_by_prefix(state_dict, f"{prefix}{_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX}", prefix)
        return state_dict

    def _pre_load_state_dict_hook(
        module: nn.Module,
        state_dict: Dict[str, Any],
        prefix: str,
        *args: Any,
    ) -> None:
        ``_pre_state_dict_hook` is called before ``self._load_from_state_dict()``
        is called. For ``checkpoint_wrapper``, it will add back the module
        prefix so that non-checkpointed modules can be loaded into
        checkpoint_wrapper modules properly.
        _replace_by_prefix(state_dict, prefix, prefix + f"{_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX}")

def apply_checkpoint(dist_model, layers_to_checkpoint=None):
    checkpoint_wrapper_added = False
    if layers_to_checkpoint is not None and len(layers_to_checkpoint) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            rmsg(f"invalid input layers_to_checkpoint {layers_to_checkpoint}, can't be empty")
    for name, module in dist_model.local_module.named_children():
        # checkpoint layers that are provided in input
        # if layers not provide in input, then checkpoint if it is transformer layer
        if (layers_to_checkpoint and name in layers_to_checkpoint) or (
            not layers_to_checkpoint and type(module) == dist_model.transformer_layer_cls
            # add_module replaces old module with our own custom module.
            dist_model.local_module.add_module(name, CheckPointWrapper(module))
            checkpoint_wrapper_added = True
    if layers_to_checkpoint is not None and not checkpoint_wrapper_added:
            rmsg(f"layers_to_checkpoint {layers_to_checkpoint} do not exist in the graph")
    elif layers_to_checkpoint is None and not checkpoint_wrapper_added:
                f"During applying activation checkpointing, transformer_layer_cls {dist_model.transformer_layer_cls.__name__} can not be found in stage {dist_model.pipeline_parallel_rank}, skipping..."

model = NxDPPModel(...)
# Will checkpoint every transformer layer

apply_checkpoint function will try to apply gradient checkpointing to every transformer layer. Please note we have plan to add this functionality into NxDPPModel in the future releases.

Model tracing#

It is important to understand that the model cannot be partitioned without tracing. The model tracing is currently done with FX’s symbolic trace. There are certain limitations for FX’s symbolic trace. So in order to avoid any tracing issue, we would like to trace as less operations as possible, which means that we only want to trace the structure of the model, and cut the pipeline stages on the transformer layers, we do not care how exactly the computations are in the model. By default, we will mark all transformer layers as leaf nodes, so that the tracer will not trace inside these layers. If you have some module that might cause tracing problem, you can try to mark them as leaf nodes as well. Our previous example also marks the LlamaRMSNorm as leaf module for Llama model.

Special treatment for Hugging Face models#

Hugging Face offers FX support for many of its models. We will detect if user is using a Hugging Face model (by checking if the model class is transformers.PreTrainedModel), and if so we will use the Huggingface’s FX tracer to do the symbolic trace. The Hugging Face’s tracer has implementation of many functionalities to help tracing, for details please refer to here. However, please be aware that Hugging Face’s tracer will check if the model class name belongs to one of the Hugging Face models. So if you create your model class based on some Huggingface model class, it is important to maintain the same class name. Below is an example:

from transformers.models.llama.modeling_llama import LlamaForCausalLM as LlamaForCausalLMHF

# Keep the same class name as original one
class LlamaForCausalLM(LlamaForCausalLMHF):

Auto partition#

Setting the auto_partition parameter to True means that the transformer layers are automatically partitioned by evenly splitting the transformer layers between the PP ranks. If the transformer layers are not evenly divisible by the PP ranks, the remaining layers are distributed to the latter pipeline ranks. The partitions are created on the basis of the transformer layer names. The transformer layer names are determined by recursively traversing the original torch module to find the layer names of modules that are of the transformer_layer_cls type in the model. If the user does not want to partition the model in this way, they can set the partitions to use by specifying the pipeline_cuts. Note that the pipeline cuts should be at the transformer layer module name, which in the Llama model is given by model.layers.i where i is the layer index.

This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n