This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Neuron Monitor User Guide#


neuron-monitor collects metrics and stats from the Neuron Applications running on the system and streams the collected data to stdout in JSON format. It is provided as part of the aws-neuron-tools package.

These metrics and stats are organized into metric groups which can be configured by providing a configuration file as described in Using neuron-monitor

When running, neuron-monitor will:

  • Collect the data for the metric groups which, based on the elapsed time since their last update, need to be updated

  • Take the newly collected data and consolidate it into a large report

  • Serialize that report to JSON and stream it to stdout from where it can be consumed by other tools - such as the sample and scripts.

  • Wait until at least one metric group needs to be collected and repeat this flow


neuron-monitor fully supports the newly launched inf2 instances.

Using neuron-monitor#

neuron-monitor CLI

neuron-monitor [parameters]#

neuron-monitor accepts the following optional parameters:

  • --verbose (int) default=0: Can be 0 to 4, and controls the amount of debugging and verbose information sent to stderr; 0: no output, 4: maximum verbosity

  • -c, --config-file (string): Allows specifying a valid path to a neuron-monitor JSON configuration file


neuron-monitor -c monitor.conf

Not specifying any configuration file will enable collecting all the metric groups with a period of 5 seconds for all currently running Neuron applications.

Configuration file example#

Example of a configuration file which enables all available metric groups for every running Neuron application, with a global update period of 1 second and sets an update period of 2 seconds for the "neuron_hw_counters" metric group:

  "period": "1s",
  "neuron_runtimes": [
      "tag_filter": ".*",
      "metrics": [
          "type": "neuroncore_counters"
          "type": "memory_used"
          "type": "neuron_runtime_vcpu_usage"
          "type": "execution_stats"
  "system_metrics": [
      "type": "vcpu_usage"
      "type": "memory_info"
       "period": "2s",
       "type": "neuron_hw_counters"

Neuron applications tagging#

In order to make application monitoring easier, Neuron applications can be tagged with a 255 character string which identifies that app. Tagging is done using the NEURON_PROCESS_TAG environment variable.

For example: NEURON_PROCESS_TAG=my_app_1 python will associate the my_app_1 tag with that Python application. If NEURON_PROCESS_TAG is not specified, the application’s PID will be used as a TAG.

This tag will be used by neuron-monitor to filter Neuron applications.

JSON objects and fields in the configuration file#

  • "neuron_runtimes" - array of objects specifying which Neuron Applications to monitor and what metric groups are enabled for each of them

    • "tag_filter" - a regex which will be used to filter Neuron applications tags in order to determine if they will be monitored (optional)

    • "metrics" - array of objects specifying which metric groups to capture for this Neuron application

      • "type" - type of metric group

  • "period" - this field applies to metric group objects and sets the amount of time between two updates for that metric group

    • if can be specified as part of the root and/or neuron_runtime objects where it applies to all their children, and/or as part of a metric group object

    • if there’s no period specified, a default value of 5 seconds will be used

  • "system_metrics" - array of objects specifying which system level metric groups are enabled

Neuron Runtime-level metric groups#

System-wide metric groups#

Execution model#


neuron-monitor waits for one or more metric groups to be up for update, then collects the corresponding data, consolidates it into a report which is streamed to stdout as a JSON and goes back to waiting.

The JSON output format#

Whenever the report gets updated, a complete JSON is written to stdout. This is its structure:

  "neuron_runtime_data": [
      "pid": 0,
      "address": "",
      "neuron_runtime_tag", "my_app_1",
      "error": "",
      "report": {
        "neuroncore_counters": {
        "execution_stats": {
        "memory_used": {
        "neuron_runtime_vcpu_usage": {
  "system_data": {
    "neuron_hw_counters": {
    "vcpu_usage": {
    "memory_info": {
  "instance_info": {
  "neuron_hardware_info": {
  • "neuron_runtime_data" is an array containing one entry per each Neuron application which passes the filter specified in the settings file

    • "pid" is the pid of this Neuron application

    • "neuron_runtime_tag" is the configured tag for the Neuron application

    • "error" specifies any error that occurred when collecting data from this Neuron application

    • "report" will contain the results for the Neuron application-level metric groups; their formats are described below

  • "system_data" has a similar structure to "neuron_runtime_data"‘s "report" but only contains system-level metric groups (not associated to any Neuron application)

Regardless of the configuration, the following two JSON objects are always present in the output:

instance_info Contains information about the instance on which neuron-monitor is running.

"instance_info": {
  "instance_name": "My_Instance",
  "instance_id": "i-0011223344556677a",
  "instance_type": "inf1.xlarge",
  "instance_availability_zone": "us-west-2b",
  "instance_availability_zone_id": "usw2-az2",
  "instance_region": "us-west-2",
  "ami_id": "ami-0011223344556677b",
  "subnet_id": "subnet-112233ee",
  "error": ""

Depending on when the instance was launched, the following fields might not be available:

  • instance_availability_zone_id : available only for instances launched in 2020-08-24 and later

  • instance_region : available only for instances launched on 2020-08-24 and later

  • instance_name : available only if instance_region is set and aws-cli tools are installed

error will contain an error string if getting one of the fields, except those mentioned above, resulted in an error.

neuron_hardware_info Contains basic information about the Neuron hardware.

"neuron_hardware_info": {
  "neuron_device_type": "trainium",
  "neuroncore_version": "v2",
  "neuron_device_count": 16,
  "neuron_device_memory_size": 34359738368,
  "neuroncore_per_device_count": 2,
  "error": ""
  • neuron_device_type: type of the Neuron Devices on the instance

  • neuroncore_version: version of the NeuronCores on the instance

  • neuron_device_count : number of available Neuron Devices

  • neuron_device_memory_size: total memory available on each Neuron Device

  • neuroncore_per_device_count : number of NeuronCores present on each Neuron Device

  • error : will contain an error string if any occurred when getting this information (usually due to the Neuron Driver not being installed or not running).

Each metric group requested in the settings file will get an entry in the resulting output. The general format for such an entry is:

"metric_group": {
  "period": 1.015, // Actual captured period, in seconds
  "error": "",     // Error, if any occurred, otherwise an empty string
  [...]            // Metric group specific data

Neuron application level metric groups#


"neuroncore_counters": {
  "period": 1.000113182,
  "neuroncores_in_use": {
    "0": {
      "neuroncore_utilization": 42.01,
      "flops": 1234567891011
    "1": {
      "neuroncore_utilization": 42.02,
      "flops": 1234567891021
    "2": {
      "neuroncore_utilization": 42.03,
      "flops": 1234567891031
    "3": {
      "neuroncore_utilization": 42.04,
      "flops": 1234567891041
  "error": ""
  • "neuroncores_in_use" is an object containing data for all the NeuronCores that were active when the data was captured, indexed by NeuronCore index: "neuroncore_index": { neuroncore_data }

    • "neuroncore_utilization" - NeuronCore utilization, in percent, during the captured period

    • "flops" - number of floating point operations per second during the captured period

  • "error" - string containing any error that occurred when collecting the data


"execution_stats": {
  "period": 1.030613214,
  "error_summary": {
    "generic": 0,
    "numerical": 0,
    "transient": 0,
    "model": 0,
    "runtime": 0,
    "hardware": 0
  "execution_summary": {
    "completed": 123,
    "completed_with_err": 0,
    "completed_with_num_err": 0,
    "timed_out": 0,
    "incorrect_input": 0,
    "failed_to_queue": 0
  "latency_stats": {
    "total_latency": {
      "p0": 0.01100001,
      "p1": 0.01100002,
      "p25": 0.01100004,
      "p50": 0.01100008,
      "p75": 0.01100010,
      "p99": 0.01100012,
      "p100": 0.01100013
    "device_latency": {
      "p0": 0.01000001,
      "p1": 0.01000002,
      "p25": 0.01000004,
      "p50": 0.01000008,
      "p75": 0.01000010,
      "p99": 0.01000012,
      "p100": 0.01000013
  "error": ""
  • "error_summary" is an object containing the error counts for the captured period indexed by their type

    • "generic" - generic execution errors

    • "numeric" - NAN errors encountered during execution

    • "transient" - recoverable errors, such as ECC corrections

    • "model" - model-related errors

    • "runtime" - Neuron Runtime errors

    • "hardware" - hardware errors such as uncorrectable ECC issues

  • "execution_summary" is an object containing all execution outcome counts for the captured period indexed by their type

    • "completed" - executions completed successfully

    • "completed_with_err" - executions that ended in an error other than a numeric error

    • "completed_with_num_err" - executions that ended in a numeric error

    • "timed_out" - executions that took longer than the Neuron Runtime configured timeout value

    • "incorrect_input" - executions that failed to start due to incorrect input being provided

    • "failed_to_queue" - execution requests that were rejected due to Neuron Runtime not being able to queue them

  • "latency_stats" contains two objects containing latency percentiles, in seconds, for the data captured for the model executed during the captured period. If there are no models being executed during this time, the two objects will be null (i.e. "total_latency": null)

    • "total_latency" - percentiles, in seconds, representing

    latency for an execution as measured by the Neuron Runtime - "device_latency" - percentiles, in seconds, representing execution time exclusively on the Neuron Device

  • "error" - string containing any error that occurred when collecting the data


"memory_used": {
  "period": 1.00001,
  "neuron_runtime_used_bytes": {
    "host": 6997643264,
    "neuron_device": 12519788544,
    "usage_breakdown": {
      "host": {
        "application_memory": 6996594688,
        "constants": 0,
        "dma_buffers": 1048576,
        "tensors": 0
      "neuroncore_memory_usage": {
        "0": {
          "constants": 193986816,
          "model_code": 176285056,
          "model_shared_scratchpad": 0,
          "runtime_memory": 0,
          "tensors": 20971520
        "1": {
          "constants": 193986816,
          "model_code": 176285056,
          "model_shared_scratchpad": 0,
          "runtime_memory": 0,
          "tensors": 20971520
  "loaded_models": [
      "name": "neff",
      "uuid": "91f2f66e83ea419dace1da07617ad39f",
      "model_id": 10005,
      "is_running": false,
      "subgraphs": {
        "sg_00": {
          "memory_used_bytes": {
            "host": 20480,
            "neuron_device": 21001024,
            "usage_breakdown": {
              "host": {
                "application_memory": 20480,
                "constants": 0,
                "dma_buffers": 0,
                "tensors": 0
              "neuron_device": {
                "constants": 20971520,
                "model_code": 29504,
                "runtime_memory": 0,
                "tensors": 0
          "neuroncore_index": 0,
          "neuron_device_index": 12
    "error": ""
  • "memory_used" summarizes the amount of memory used by the Neuron application

    • "neuron_runtime_used_bytes" - current amount of memory used by the Neuron application

      • "host" - total host DRAM usage in bytes

      • "neuron_device" - total Neuron device memory usage in bytes

      • "usage_breakdown" - a breakdown of the total memory usage in the other two fields

        • "host" - breakdown of the host memory usage

          • "application_memory" - amount of host memory used by the application - this includes all allocations that are not included in the next categories

          • "constants" - amount of host memory used for constants during training (or weights during inference)

          • "dma_buffers" - amount of host memory used for DMA transfers

          • "tensors" - amount of host memory used for tensors

        • "neuroncore_memory_usage" - a breakdown of memory allocated on the Neuron Devices and the NeuronCores for which it was allocated

          • "0" - "32" (for trn1-32xlarge) - NeuronCores for which the memory was allocated

          • "constants" - amount of device memory used for constants during training (or weights during inference)

          • "model_code" - amount of device memory used for models’ executable code

          • "model_shared_scratchpad" - amount of device memory used for the scratchpad shared by the models - a memory region reserved for the models’

          internal variables and auxiliary buffers - "runtime_memory" - amount of device memory used by the Neuron Runtime - "tensors" - amount of device memory used for tensors

  • "loaded_models" - array containing objects representing loaded models

    • "name" - name of the model

    • "uuid" - unique id for the model

    • "model_id" - Neuron application-assigned ID for this model

    • "is_running" - true if this model is currently started, false otherwise

    • subgraphs" - object containing all the subgraphs for the model, indexed by their name: "subgraph_name": { subgraph_data }

      • "memory_used_bytes" - memory usage for this subgraph

        • "host" - total host DRAM usage in bytes

        • "neuron_device" - total Neuron device DRAM usage in bytes

        • "usage_breakdown" - a breakdown of memory allocated at load time for this model

          • "host" - breakdown of host memory allocated for this model

            • "application_memory" - amount of host memory allocated for this model by the Neuron Runtime which doesn’t fall in any of the next categories

            • "constants" - amount of host memory used for constants during training (or weights during inference)

            • "dma_buffers" - host memory allocated for DMA transfers for this model

            • "tensors" - amount of device memory used for tensors at model load time

          • "neuron_device" - a breakdown of device memory allocated for this model

            • "constants" - amount of device memory used for constants during training (or weights during inference)

            • "model_code" - amount of device memory used for the model’s executable code

            • "runtime_memory" - amount of device memory used by the Neuron Runtime for this model

            • "tensors" - amount of device memory allocated for tensors at this model’s load time

      • "neuroncore_index" - NeuronCore index on which the subgraph is loaded

      • "neuron_device_index" - Neuron device index on which the subgraph is loaded

  • "error" - string containing any error that occurred when collecting the data


"neuron_runtime_vcpu_usage": {
  "period": 1.030604818,
  "vcpu_usage": {
    "user": 42.01,
    "system": 12.34
  "error": ""
  • "vcpu_usage" - object showing vCPU usage in percentages for the Neuron application during the captured period

    • "user" - percentage of time spent in user code by this Neuron Application

    • "system" - percentage of time spent in kernel code by this Neuron application

  • "error" - string containing any error that occurred when collecting the data

System level metric groups#


"neuron_hw_counters": {
  "period": 1.030359284,
  "neuron_devices": [
      "neuron_device_index": 0,
      "mem_ecc_corrected": 0,
      "mem_ecc_uncorrected": 0,
      "sram_ecc_uncorrected": 0,
      "sram_ecc_corrected": 0
  "error": ""
  • "neuron_devices" - array containing ECC data for all Neuron devices

    • "neuron_device_index" - Neuron device index

    • "mem_ecc_corrected" - number of corrected ECC events in the Neuron device’s DRAM

    • "mem_ecc_uncorrected" - number of uncorrected ECC events in the Neuron device’s DRAM

    • "sram_ecc_uncorrected" - number of uncorrected ECC events in the Neuron device’s SRAM

    • "sram_ecc_corrected" - number of corrected ECC events in the Neuron device’s SRAM

  • "error" - string containing any error that occurred when collecting the data


"vcpu_usage": {
  "period": 0.999974868,
  "average_usage": {
    "user": 32.77,
    "nice": 0,
    "system": 22.87,
    "idle": 39.36,
    "io_wait": 0,
    "irq": 0,
    "soft_irq": 0
  "usage_data": {
    "0": {
      "user": 34.41,
      "nice": 0,
      "system": 27.96,
      "idle": 37.63,
      "io_wait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "soft_irq": 0
    "1": {
      "user": 56.84,
      "nice": 0,
      "system": 28.42,
      "idle": 14.74,
      "io_wait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "soft_irq": 0
  "context_switch_count": 123456,
  "error": ""
  • each vCPU usage object contains the following fields:

    • "user" - percentage of time spent in user code

    • "nice" - percentage of time spent executing niced user code

    • "system" - percentage of time spent executing kernel code

    • "idle" - percentage of time spent idle

    • "io_wait" - percentage of time spent waiting for IO operations

    • "irq" - percentage of time spent servicing hardware interrupts

    • "soft_irq" - percentage of time spent servicing software interrupts

  • "average_usage" - contains the average usage across all vCPUs during the captured period

  • "usage_data" - contains per vCPU usage during the captured period

  • "context_switch_count" - contains the number of vCPU context switches during the captured period

  • "error" - string containing any error that occurred when collecting the data


"memory_info": {
  "period": 5.346411129,
  "memory_total_bytes": 49345835008,
  "memory_used_bytes": 16042344448,
  "swap_total_bytes": 0,
  "swap_used_bytes": 0,
  "error": ""
  • "memory_total_bytes" - total size of the host memory, in bytes

  • "memory_used_bytes" - amount of host memory in use, in bytes

  • "swap_total_bytes" - total size of the host swap file, in bytes

  • "swap_used_bytes" - amount of swap memory in use, in bytes

Companion scripts#

neuron-monitor is installed with two example Python companion script: and

It requires Python3 and the boto3 Python module. It is installed to: /opt/aws/neuron/bin/


neuron-monitor | --namespace <namespace> --region <region>

For example:

neuron-monitor | --namespace neuron_monitor_test --region us-west-2

It requires Python3 and the Prometheus client Python module. It is installed to: /opt/aws/neuron/bin/


neuron-monitor | --port <port>

For example:

neuron-monitor | --port 8008

The default value for --port is 8000.

If your data visualization framework is Grafana, we provided a Grafana dashboard which integrates with Prometheus and this script.

Running neuron monitor in Kubernetes environment#

For running neuron monitor in Kubernetes environment, please refer to instructions here.

This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n