This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Fine-tuning Llama2 7B with tensor parallelism and ZeRO-1 optimizer using Neuron PyTorch-Lightning (neuronx-distributed )#

This tutorial shows how to fine-tune Llama2 7B with tensor parallelism and ZeRO-1 using Neuron PyTorch-Lightning APIs. For pre-training information and additional context, see the Llama2 7B Tutorial and Neuron PT-Lightning Developer Guide.

Setting up the environment#

For this experiment, we will use AWS ParallelCluster with at least four trn1.32xlarge compute nodes. To set up a cluster and prepare it for use, see Train your model on ParallelCluster. To set up the packages on the head node of the cluster, see Install PyTorch Neuron on Trn1.

Install the neuronx-distributed package inside the virtual environment using the following command:

python -m pip install neuronx_distributed --extra-index-url

Next, download the scripts for fine-tuning.

  1. Create a directory to hold the experiments.

mkdir -p ~/examples/tp_zero1_llama2_7b_hf_finetune_ptl
cd ~/examples/tp_zero1_llama2_7b_hf_finetune_ptl
  1. Download training scripts for the experiments.

  1. Install the additional requirements and give the right permissions to the shell script.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements_ptl.txt  # Currently we're supporting Lightning version 2.1.0
python3 -m pip install optimum-neuron==0.0.18 nltk  # Additional dependencies for evaluation
python3 -m pip install --no-warn-conflicts transformers==4.32.1   # Ping transformers version 4.32.1
chmod +x

Download the Llama2-7B pre-trained checkpoint from HuggingFace.

  1. Create a Python script with the following lines:

import torch
from transformers.models.llama.modeling_llama import LlamaForCausalLM
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-hf"), "")
  1. Run the download script and conversion script to pull and convert the checkpoint, note that conversion scripts requires high memory so need to login to a compute node to do so:

ssh compute1-dy-kaena-training-0-1
source ~/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/activate
cd ~/examples/tp_zero1_llama2_7b_hf_finetune_ptl
python3 --tp_size 8 --convert_from_full_model --config config.json --input_dir --output_dir llama7B-pretrained/pretrained_weight
  1. (Optional) If you are loading checkpoint from different directory, set the checkpoint path by adding the following flag to

    • --pretrained_ckpt.

    This provides direction to the pre-trained checkpoint to be loaded.

Then, set the dataset for the fine-tuning job. In this example, we will use Dolly, which is an open source dataset of instruction-following records on categories outlined in the InstructGPT paper, including brainstorming, classification, closed QA, generation, information extraction, open QA, and summarization.


“instruction”: “Alice’s parents have three daughters: Amy, Jessy, and what’s the name of the third daughter?”,

“context”: “”,

“response”: “The name of the third daughter is Alice”


Configure the following flags in

--data_dir "databricks/databricks-dolly-15k" \
--task "open_qa"

At this point, you are all set to start fine-tuning.

Running fine-tuning#

By this step, the cluster is all set up for running experiments. Before running training, first pre-compile the graphs using the neuron_parallel_compile. Run the command below:

sbatch --exclusive \
--nodes 1 \
--wrap="srun neuron_parallel_compile bash $(pwd)/"

This script uses a tensor-parallel size of 8. This automatically sets the zero-1 sharding degree to 4 (32 workers / tensor_parallel_size).

Note: You can use any number of nodes in this case by adjusting the number of nodes in the above Slurm command accordingly. Also, the number of nodes used in the parallel_compile command should be same as the number used in the actual training run. This is because, as the number of nodes change, the data-parallel degree changes too. This results in more workers participating in operations like gradient all-reduce, which results in new graphs getting created.

After the graphs are compiled, you can run training and observe how the loss goes down. Before the actual fine-tune started, we need to prepare the dataset

python3 -c "import nltk;'punkt')"

To run the training, run the above command without neuron_parallel_compile:

sbatch --exclusive \
--nodes 1 \
--wrap="srun bash $(pwd)/"

At the end of fine-tuning, run evaluation once with a test data split by generating sentences and calculating ROUGE scores. The final evaluation results and ROUGE score are then printed in your terminal.


To enable checkpoint saving, add the following flags to

  • --save_checkpoint Enables checkpoint saving.

  • --checkpoint_freq Number of steps to save a checkpoint.

  • --checkpoint_dir Direction to save the checkpoint.

  • --num_kept_checkpoint Number of checkpoints to save. Older checkpoint are deleted manually. Set to -1 to keep all saved checkpoints.

  • --save_load_xser Loads with torch_xla serialization to reduce time saving. We recommend enabling xser for significantly faster save and load times. Note that if the checkpoint is saved with xser, it can only be loaded with xser, and vice versa.

To enable checkpoint loading, add the following flags to

  • --resume_ckpt Resumes the checkpoint process.

  • --load_step The step to retrieve the checkpoint from.

  • --checkpoint_dir Direction to load the checkpoint from.

  • --save_load_xser Loads with torch_xla serialization to reduce time saving. We recommend enabling xser for significantly faster save and load times. Note that if the checkpoint is saved with xser, it can only be loaded with xser, and vice versa.

This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n