This document is relevant for: Inf1

Neuron Check Model#


Neuron Check Model tool provides user with basic information about the compiled and uncompiled model’s operations without the use of TensorBoard-Neuron. For additional visibility into the models, please see Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard (Inf1).

Neuron Check Model tool scans the user’s uncompiled model and provides a table of the operations within the uncompiled model. By default, the table shows each operation type and number of instances of that type within model, and whether the type is supported in Neuron. If –show_names option is specified, the table shows each operation by name and whether the type of that operation is supported in Neuron.

If the model is already compiled, the tool also provides the table of operations as for uncompiled model. The table include the Neuron subgraph type and number of instances of that type, along with operations that have not been compiled to Neuron. Additionally, the tool displays a message showing the minimum number of NeuronCores required to run the model, followed by another table which shows the list of Neuron subgraphs by name and the number of pipelined NeuronCores used by each subgraph. More information about NeuronCore pipeline can be found in NeuronCore Pipeline. If –expand_subgraph option is specified, the operations within each subgraph are printed below the subgraph information.

Neuron Check Model tool is currently available for TensorFlow and MXNet. To check PT model, please use torch.neuron.analyze_model function as shown in PyTorch-Neuron Getting Started tutorial ResNet50 model for Inferentia

TensorFlow-Neuron Check Model#

The following example shows how to run TensorFlow-Neuron Check Model tool with TensorFlow ResNet50 tutorial.

1. Start with the TensorFlow ResNet50 tutorial at Running ResNet50 on Inferentia and do the first three steps of the tutorial. Please stay in the Python environment that you setup during the tutorial.

  1. Install needed tensorflow_hub package and download the tool:

pip install tensorflow_hub
python -h
usage: [-h] [--show_names] [--expand_subgraph]

positional arguments:
  model_path         a TensorFlow SavedModel directory (currently supporting
                     TensorFlow v1 SaveModel only).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --show_names       list operation by name instead of summarizing by type
                     (caution: this option will generate many lines of output
                     for a large model).
  --expand_subgraph  show subgraph operations.
  1. After step 3 of the TensorFlow ResNet50 tutorial, you can check the uncompiled model to see Neuron supported operations (currently supporting TensorFlow v1 SaveModel only):

$ python ws_resnet50/resnet50/

* The following table shows the supported and unsupported operations within this uncompiled model.
* Each line shows an operation type, the number of instances of that type within model,
* and whether the type is supported in Neuron.
* Some operation types are excluded from table because they are no-operations or training-related operations:
 ['Placeholder', 'PlaceholderWithDefault', 'NoOp', 'Const', 'Identity', 'IdentityN', 'VarHandleOp',
 'VarIsInitializedOp', 'AssignVariableOp', 'ReadVariableOp', 'StringJoin', 'ShardedFilename', 'SaveV2',
 'MergeV2Checkpoints', 'RestoreV2']

Op Type           Num Instances   Neuron Supported ?
-------           -------------   ------------------
Pad               2               Yes
RandomUniform     54              Yes
Sub               54              Yes
Mul               54              Yes
Add               54              Yes
Conv2D            53              Yes
BiasAdd           54              Yes
FusedBatchNormV3  53              Yes
Relu              49              Yes
MaxPool           1               Yes
AddV2             16              Yes
Fill              56              Yes
Mean              1               Yes
MatMul            1               Yes
Softmax           1               Yes
Pack              1               Yes

* Total inference operations: 504
* Total Neuron supported inference operations: 504
* Percent of total inference operations supported by Neuron: 100.0
  1. You can also check the compiled model to see the number of pipeline NeuronCores for each subgraph:

$ python ws_resnet50/resnet50_neuron/

* Found 1 Neuron subgraph(s) (NeuronOp(s)) in this compiled model.
* Use this tool on the original uncompiled model to see Neuron supported operations.
* The following table shows all operations, including Neuron subgraphs.
* Each line shows an operation type, the number of instances of that type within model,
* and whether the type is supported in Neuron.
* Some operation types are excluded from table because they are no-operations or training-related operations:
 ['Placeholder', 'PlaceholderWithDefault', 'NoOp', 'Const', 'Identity', 'IdentityN', 'VarHandleOp',
 'VarIsInitializedOp', 'AssignVariableOp', 'ReadVariableOp', 'StringJoin', 'ShardedFilename', 'SaveV2',
 'MergeV2Checkpoints', 'RestoreV2']

Op Type   Num Instances   Neuron Supported ?
-------   -------------   ------------------
NeuronOp  1               Yes

* Please run this model on Inf1 instance with at least 1 NeuronCore(s).
* The following list show each Neuron subgraph with number of pipelined NeuronCores used by subgraph
* (and subgraph operations if --expand_subgraph is used):

Subgraph Name                                                                 Num Pipelined NeuronCores
-------------                                                                 -------------------------
conv5_block3_3_bn/FusedBatchNormV3/ReadVariableOp/neuron_op_d6f098c01c780733  1
  1. When showing subgraph information, you can use –expand_subgraph to show operation types in each subgraph:

$ python ws_resnet50/resnet50_neuron/ --expand_subgraph

(output truncated to show subgraph information only)

Subgraph Name                                                                 Num Pipelined NeuronCores
-------------                                                                 -------------------------
conv5_block3_3_bn/FusedBatchNormV3/ReadVariableOp/neuron_op_d6f098c01c780733  1
     Op Type         Num Instances
     -------         -------------
     MatMul          1
     Relu            49
     Add             16
     FusedBatchNorm  53
     BiasAdd         54
     Conv2D          53
     Pad             2
     Mean            1
     MaxPool         1
     Softmax         1
  1. Use –show_names to see full operation names (caution: this option will generate many lines of output for a large model):

$ python ws_resnet50/resnet50_neuron/ --show_names

* Found 1 Neuron subgraph(s) (NeuronOp(s)) in this compiled model.
* Use this tool on the original uncompiled model to see Neuron supported operations.
* The following table shows all operations, including Neuron subgraphs.
* Each line shows an operation name and whether the type of that operation is supported in Neuron.
* Some operation types are excluded from table because they are no-operations or training-related operations:
 ['Placeholder', 'PlaceholderWithDefault', 'NoOp', 'Const', 'Identity', 'IdentityN', 'VarHandleOp',
 'VarIsInitializedOp', 'AssignVariableOp', 'ReadVariableOp', 'StringJoin', 'ShardedFilename', 'SaveV2',
 'MergeV2Checkpoints', 'RestoreV2']

Op Name                                                                       Op Type   Neuron Supported ?
-------                                                                       -------   ------------------
conv5_block3_3_bn/FusedBatchNormV3/ReadVariableOp/neuron_op_d6f098c01c780733  NeuronOp  Yes

* Please run this model on Inf1 instance with at least 1 NeuronCore(s).
* The following list show each Neuron subgraph with number of pipelined NeuronCores used by subgraph
* (and subgraph operations if --expand_subgraph is used):

Subgraph Name                                                                 Num Pipelined NeuronCores
-------------                                                                 -------------------------
conv5_block3_3_bn/FusedBatchNormV3/ReadVariableOp/neuron_op_d6f098c01c780733  1

MXNet-Neuron Check Model#

The following example shows how to run MXNet-Neuron Check Model tool with MXNet ResNet50 tutorial.

1. Start with the MXNet ResNet50 tutorial at Running Neuron Apache MXNet ResNet50 on Inferentia and do the first three steps of the tutorial. Please stay in the Python environment that you setup during the tutorial.

  1. Download the tool:

python -h
usage: [-h] [--show_names] [--expand_subgraph]

positional arguments:
  model_path         path prefix to MXNet model (the part before -symbol.json)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --show_names       list operation by name instead of summarizing by type
                     (caution: this option will generate many lines of output
                     for a large model).
  --expand_subgraph  show subgraph operations.
  1. After step 3 of MXNet ResNet50 tutorial, you can check the uncompiled model to see Neuron supported operations:

$ python resnet-50

* The following table shows the supported and unsupported operations within this uncompiled model.
* Each line shows an operation type, the number of instances of that type within model,
* and whether the type is supported in Neuron.
* Some operation types are excluded from table because they are no-operations or training-related operations:

Op Type         Num Instances   Neuron Supported ?
-------         -------------   ------------------
BatchNorm       51              Yes
Convolution     53              Yes
Activation      50              Yes
Pooling         2               Yes
elemwise_add    16              Yes
Flatten         1               Yes
FullyConnected  1               Yes
SoftmaxOutput   1               No

* Total inference operations: 175
* Total Neuron supported inference operations: 174
* Percent of total inference operations supported by Neuron: 99.4
  1. You can also check the compiled model to see the number of pipeline NeuronCores for each subgraph:

$ python resnet-50_compiled

* Found 1 Neuron subgraph(s) (_neuron_subgraph_op(s)) in this compiled model.
* Use this tool on the original uncompiled model to see Neuron supported operations.
* The following table shows all operations, including Neuron subgraphs.
* Each line shows an operation type, the number of instances of that type within model,
* and whether the type is supported in Neuron.
* Some operation types are excluded from table because they are no-operations or training-related operations:

Op Type              Num Instances   Neuron Supported ?
-------              -------------   ------------------
_neuron_subgraph_op  1               Yes
SoftmaxOutput        1               No

* Please run this model on Inf1 instance with at least 1 NeuronCore(s).
* The following list show each Neuron subgraph with number of pipelined NeuronCores used by subgraph
* (and subgraph operations if --expand_subgraph is used):

Subgraph Name         Num Pipelined NeuronCores
-------------         -------------------------
_neuron_subgraph_op0  1
  1. When showing subgraph information, you can use –expand_subgraph to show operation types in each subgraph:

$ python resnet-50_compiled --expand_subgraph

(output truncated to show subgraph information only)

Subgraph Name         Num Pipelined NeuronCores
-------------         -------------------------
_neuron_subgraph_op0  1
     Op Type         Num Instances
     -------         -------------
     BatchNorm       51
     Convolution     53
     Activation      50
     Pooling         2
     elemwise_add    16
     Flatten         1
     FullyConnected  1
  1. Use –show_names to see full operation names (caution: this option will generate many lines of output for a large model):

$ python resnet-50_compiled --show_names

* Found 1 Neuron subgraph(s) (_neuron_subgraph_op(s)) in this compiled model.
* Use this tool on the original uncompiled model to see Neuron supported operations.
* The following table shows all operations, including Neuron subgraphs.
* Each line shows an operation name and whether the type of that operation is supported in Neuron.
* Some operation types are excluded from table because they are no-operations or training-related operations:

Op Name               Op Type              Neuron Supported ?
-------               -------              ------------------
_neuron_subgraph_op0  _neuron_subgraph_op  Yes
softmax               SoftmaxOutput        No

* Please run this model on Inf1 instance with at least 1 NeuronCore(s).
* The following list show each Neuron subgraph with number of pipelined NeuronCores used by subgraph
* (and subgraph operations if --expand_subgraph is used):

Subgraph Name         Num Pipelined NeuronCores
-------------         -------------------------
_neuron_subgraph_op0  1

This document is relevant for: Inf1