This document is relevant for: Inf2
, Trn1
, Trn2
- nki.language.static_range(*args)[source]#
Create a sequence of numbers for use as loop iterators in NKI, resulting in a fully unrolled loop. Unlike affine_range or sequential_range, Neuron compiler will fully unroll the loop during NKI kernel tracing.
Due to loop unrolling, compilation time may go up significantly compared to affine_range or sequential_range.
On-chip memory (SBUF) usage may also go up significantly compared to affine_range or sequential_range.
No loop-level optimizations will be performed in the compiler.
should only be used as a fall-back option for debugging purposes when affine_range or sequential_range is giving functionally incorrect results or undesirable performance characteristics.
This document is relevant for: Inf2
, Trn1
, Trn2