This document is relevant for: Inf1
, Inf2
, Trn1
, Trn2
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard Release Notes#
Known Issues and Limitations - Updated 11/29/2022#
The following are not limitations in the Neuron plugin, but may affect your ability to use TensorBoard.
The Neuron plugin for Trn1 (
) is not compatible with the Neuron plugin for Inf1 (tensorboard-plugin-neuron
). Please ensure you only have only the correct package installed.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 04/01/2024
Minor updates.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 12/21/2023
Now uses local third-party dependencies instead of relying on a CDN.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 7/19/2023
Minor updates.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 6/14/2023
Minor updates.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 05/01/2023
Neuron operator timeline view now includes Neuron Runtime setup/teardown time and a collapsed execution of NC engines and DMA - see Tensorboard tutorial for updated views.
Improved execution categorization to include “control” instructions
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 03/28/2023
Supports INF2 and TRN1.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 12/09/2022
Added support for PyTorch Neuron on Trn1 (
) with new views! Includes a trace view, an operator view, and an operator timeline view. For more info, check out the documentation Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard (Trn1).Important
You must update to the latest Neuron Tools (
version 2.6 or newer) and installtensorboard-plugin-neuronx
for proper functionality of the Neuron plugin on Trn1.For Inf1, please continue to use
. Refer to the getting started guide on Inf1 Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard (Inf1).
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 04/29/2022
Minor updates.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 03/25/2022
Minor updates.
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard release []#
Date: 10/27/2021
New in this release#
Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard now support applications built with Neuron Runtime 2.x (
You must update to the latest Neuron Driver (
version 2.1 or newer) for proper functionality of the new runtime library.Read Introducing Neuron Runtime 2.x ( application note that describes why are we making this change and how this change will affect the Neuron SDK in detail.
Read Migrate your application to Neuron Runtime 2.x ( for detailed information of how to migrate your application.
Date: 8/12/2021
Adds support for Neuron Tensorflow 2.5+
Date: 5/28/2021
No major changes or fixes. Released with other Neuron packages.
Date: 4/30/2021
First release Neuron plugin for TensorBoard. Check out it out here: Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard (Inf1).
The Neuron plugin is now compatible with TensorBoard 2.0 and higher, in addition to TensorBoard 1.15
Provides a centralized place to better understand execution using Neuron SDK.
Continues support visualization for TensorFlow graphs, with support for PyTorch and MXNet coming in future releases.
Neuron plugin for TensorBoard is supported for Neuron tools >= 1.5, which is first introduced in Neuron v1.13.0 release
TensorBoard-Neuron is deprecated, and only supported for Neuron tools <= The final version, is part of Neuron v1.12.2 release.
Date: 2/24/2021
Fix for CVE-2021-3177.
Date: 12/23/2020
Minor internal improvements.
Date: 11/17/2020
Fix issue with viewing chrome trace in Neuron profile plugin in Chrome 80+.
Resolved Issues#
Updated dependencies to polyfill missing APIs used by chrome trace in newer browser versions.
Date: 09/22/2020
Minor internal improvements.
Date: 08/08/2020
Minor internal improvements.
Date: 07/16/2020
Minor internal improvements.
Date 6/11/2020
Fix issue where utilization was missing in the op-profile view.
Resolved Issues#
The op-profile view in the Neuron Profile plugin now correctly shows the overall NeuronCore utilization.
Date 5/11/2020
Fix potential installation issue when installing both tensorboard and tensorboard-neuron.
Resolved Issues#
Added tensorboard as a dependency in tensorboard-neuron. This prevents the issue of overwriting tensorboard-neuron features when tensorboard is installed after tensorboard-neuron.
Other Notes#
Date 3/26/2020
Added ability to view CPU node latency in the Graphs plugin and the Neuron Profile plugins.
Major New Features#
Added an aggregate view in addition to the current Neuron subgraph view for both the Graphs plugin and the Neuron Profile plugin.
When visualizing a graph executed on a Neuron device, CPU node latencies are available when coloring the graph by “Compute time” using the “neuron_profile” tag.
The Neuron Profile plugin now has an overview page to compare time spent on Neuron device versus on CPU.
Other Notes#
Requires Neuron-RTD config option “enable_node_profiling” to be set to “true”
Date 02/27/2020
Reduced load times and fixed crashes when loading large models for visualization.
Resolved Issues#
Enable large attribute filtering by default
Reduced load time for graphs with attributes larger than 1 KB
Fixed a fail to load graphs with many large attributes totaling more than 1 GB in size
Date 12/20/2019
No major chages or fixes. Released with other Neuron packages.
Date 12/1/2019
Major New Features#
Resolved Issues#
Known Issues & Limits#
Same as prior release
Other Notes#
Date 11/29/2019
Initial release packaged with DLAMI.
Major New Features#
N/A, initial release.
See user guide here: aws/aws-neuron-sdk
Resolved Issues#
N/A - first release
Known Issues & Limits#
Must install TensorBoard-Neuron by itself, or after regular TensorBoard is installed. If regular Tensorboard is installed after TensorBoard-Neuron, it may overwrite some needed files.
Utilization missing in Op Profile due to missing FLOPs calculation (see overview page instead)
Neuron Profile plugin may not immediately show up on launch (try reloading the page)
Graphs with NeuronOps may take a long time to load due to attribute size
Instructions that cannot be matched to a framework layer/operator name show as “” (blank)
CPU Usage section in chrome-trace is not applicable
Debugger currently supports TensorFlow only
Visualization requires a TensorFlow-compatible graph
Other Notes#
This document is relevant for: Inf1
, Inf2
, Trn1
, Trn2