This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn2

NKI Kernel as a Framework Custom Operator#

This document demonstrates how to insert a NKI kernel as a custom operator into a PyTorch or JAX model using simple code examples.

Using NKI kernels#

To register a NKI kernel registration, you need to call a decorated NKI function.

Let’s examine a guiding example below where we randomly initialize two inputs, add them together, and then multiply the result by the two input tensors element-wise. This effectively calculates: a * b * (a + b).

We define a common NKI kernel for addition. For more information on the kernel, see SPMD Tensor Addition.

 1import neuronxcc.nki as nki
 2import neuronxcc.nki.language as nl
 6def nki_tensor_add_kernel_(a_input, b_input):
 7  """NKI kernel to compute element-wise addition of two input tensors
 9  This kernel assumes strict input/output sizes can be uniformly tiled to [128,512]
11  Args:
12      a_input: a first input tensor
13      b_input: a second input tensor
15  Returns:
16      c_output: an output tensor
17  """
18  # Create output tensor shared between all SPMD instances as result tensor
19  c_output = nl.ndarray(a_input.shape, dtype=a_input.dtype, buffer=nl.shared_hbm)
21  # Calculate tile offsets based on current 'program'
22  offset_i_x = nl.program_id(0) * 128
23  offset_i_y = nl.program_id(1) * 512
25  # Generate tensor indices to index tensors a and b
26  ix = offset_i_x + nl.arange(128)[:, None]
27  iy = offset_i_y + nl.arange(512)[None, :]
29  # Load input data from device memory (HBM) to on-chip memory (SBUF)
30  # We refer to an indexed portion of a tensor as an intermediate tensor
31  a_tile = nl.load(a_input[ix, iy])
32  b_tile = nl.load(b_input[ix, iy])
34  # compute a + b
35  c_tile = a_tile + b_tile
37  # store the addition results back to device memory (c_output)
38[ix, iy], value=c_tile)
40  # Transfer the ownership of `c_output` to the caller
41  return c_output


We can perform (a + b) * a * b using native PyTorch code.

import torch
from torch_xla.core import xla_model as xm

device = xm.xla_device()

a = torch.randn(256, 1024, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
b = torch.randn(256, 1024, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
c = a + b
out = a * b * c


Now let’s replace the tensor addition (c = a + b) with a NKI kernel. To do this we replace the + operator with a call to the NKI kernel caller (nki_tensor_add), and everything else works as before.

 1def nki_tensor_add(a_input, b_input):
 2  """NKI kernel caller to compute element-wise addition of two input tensors
 4  This kernel caller lifts tile-size restriction, by applying the kernel on tiles of the inputs/outputs
 6  Args:
 7      a_input: a first input tensor, of shape [N*128, M*512]
 8      b_input: a second input tensor, of shape [N*128, M*512]
10  Returns:
11      a tensor of shape [N*128, M*512], the result of a_input + b_input
12  """
14  # The SPMD launch grid denotes the number of kernel instances.
15  # In this case, we use a 2D grid where the size of each invocation is 128x512
16  grid_x = a_input.shape[0] // 128
17  grid_y = a_input.shape[1] // 512
19  return nki_tensor_add_kernel_[grid_x, grid_y](a_input, b_input)
device = xm.xla_device()
a = torch.randn(256, 1024, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
b = torch.randn(256, 1024, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
c = nki_tensor_add(a, b) # calling a NKI kernel, instead of the built-in torch op
out = a * b * c

To understand what happens under the hood when we compile the above code, we can print HLO IR graph generated by XLA by setting the NEURON_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG environment variable. For example, you may add the following lines to your code:

import os
os.environ['NEURON_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG'] = "1"

A .pbtxt file is then written in your run directory that has the corresponding human-readable HLO IR.

Let’s examine the XLA output of this example. In line #5 we can identify that the tensor addition is now mapped to an HLO custom-call instruction, with AwsNeuronCustomNativeKernel as custom_call_target. The output of that custom-call is then consumed by the next instruction in line #6 as usual.

1ENTRY %SyncTensorsGraph.22 (p0.2: f32[256,1024], p1.2: f32[256,1024]) -> (f32[256,1024]) {
2 %p1.2 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} parameter(1), frontend_attributes={neff_input_name="input1"}
3 %p0.2 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} parameter(0), frontend_attributes={neff_input_name="input0"}
4 %multiply = f32[256,1024]{1,0} multiply(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %p1.2, f32[256,1024]{1,0} %p0.2)
5 %custom-call.2 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} custom-call(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %p1.2, f32[256,1024]{1,0} %p0.2), custom_call_target="AwsNeuronCustomNativeKernel", api_version=API_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED, backend_config="...")
6 %multiply.1 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} multiply(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %multiply, f32[256,1024]{1,0} %custom-call.2)
7 ROOT %tuple = (f32[256,1024]{1,0}) tuple(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %multiply.1), frontend_attributes={neff_output_names="output0"}

The Neuron compiler replaces the above custom-call with the corresponding NKI kernel implementation while optimizing the rest of the compute graph as usual. At the end of the compilation process, a single compiled binary NEFF file is generated representing the entire graph including the NKI kernel. For more information about NEFF files, see Neuron Compiler.


We can perform (a + b) * a * b using native JAX code.

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

def jax_customop_tutorial(a, b):
   c = a + b
   out = a * b * c
   return out

seed = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
seed_a, seed_b = jax.random.split(seed)
a = jax.random.normal(seed_a, (256, 1024), dtype=jnp.float32)
b = jax.random.normal(seed_b, (256, 1024), dtype=jnp.float32)

print(jax_customop_tutorial(a, b))

Similar to the PyTorch example above, let’s replace the tensor addition (c = a + b) with the addition NKI kernel. To do this we replace the + operator with a call to the NKI kernel caller (nki_tensor_add), and everything else works as before.

 1def nki_tensor_add(a_input, b_input):
 2  """NKI kernel caller to compute element-wise addition of two input tensors
 4  This kernel caller lifts tile-size restriction, by applying the kernel on tiles of the inputs/outputs
 6  Args:
 7      a_input: a first input tensor, of shape [N*128, M*512]
 8      b_input: a second input tensor, of shape [N*128, M*512]
10  Returns:
11      a tensor of shape [N*128, M*512], the result of a_input + b_input
12  """
14  # The SPMD launch grid denotes the number of kernel instances.
15  # In this case, we use a 2D grid where the size of each invocation is 128x512
16  grid_x = a_input.shape[0] // 128
17  grid_y = a_input.shape[1] // 512
19  return nki_tensor_add_kernel_[grid_x, grid_y](a_input, b_input)
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

def jax_customop_tutorial(a, b):
   c = nki_tensor_add(a, b) # calling a NKI kernel, instead of the built-in jax op
   out = a * b * c
   return out

seed = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
seed_a, seed_b = jax.random.split(seed)
a = jax.random.normal(seed_a, (256, 1024), dtype=jnp.float32)
b = jax.random.normal(seed_b, (256, 1024), dtype=jnp.float32)
print(jax_customop_tutorial(a, b))

To understand what happens under the hood when we compile the above code, we can print the HLO IR graph by adding the following snippet to your code:

   .lower(a, b)

Let’s examine the XLA output of this example. In line #7 we can identify that the tensor addition is now mapped to an HLO custom-call instruction, similar to PyTorch. The output of that custom-call is then consumed by the next instruction in line #8 as usual.

 1HloModule jit_add, entry_computation_layout={(f32[256,1024]{1,0}, f32[256,1024]{1,0})->(f32[256,1024]{1,0})}, allow_spmd_sharding_propagation_to_output={true}
 3ENTRY %main.11 (Arg_0.1: f32[256,1024], Arg_1.2: f32[256,1024]) -> (f32[256,1024]) {
 4 %Arg_0.1 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} parameter(0), sharding={replicated}
 5 %Arg_1.2 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} parameter(1), sharding={replicated}
 6 %multiply.0 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} multiply(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %Arg_0.1, f32[256,1024]{1,0} %Arg_1.2), metadata={op_name="jit(add)/jit(main)/jit(jax_customop_tutorial)/mul" source_file="/tmp/ipykernel_3935360/" source_line=61}
 7 %custom-call.0 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} custom-call(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %Arg_0.1, f32[256,1024]{1,0} %Arg_1.2), custom_call_target="AwsNeuronCustomNativeKernel", api_version=API_VERSION_STATUS_RETURNING, metadata={op_name="jit(add)/jit(main)/jit(jax_customop_tutorial)/nki_call[func=<function nki_tensor_add_kernel_ at 0x7f6be28f6f80> grid=(2, 2) out_shape=(ShapeDtypeStruct(shape=(256, 1024), dtype=float32),)]" source_file="/home/ubuntu/nki/src/jax_neuronx/" source_line=34}, backend_config="..."
 8 %multiply.1 = f32[256,1024]{1,0} multiply(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %multiply.0, f32[256,1024]{1,0} %custom-call.0), metadata={op_name="jit(add)/jit(main)/jit(jax_customop_tutorial)/mul" source_file="/tmp/ipykernel_3935360/" source_line=61}
 9 ROOT %tuple.10 = (f32[256,1024]{1,0}) tuple(f32[256,1024]{1,0} %multiply.1)

The Neuron compiler replaces the above custom-call with the corresponding NKI kernel implementation while optimizing the rest of the compute graph as usual. At the end of the compilation process, a single compiled binary NEFF file is generated representing the entire graph including the NKI kernel. For more information about NEFF files, see Neuron Compiler.

Using NKI in training graphs#

If you are using NKI to implement a new operator in a training graph, you might need to make the new operator interplay with the autograd engine in the framework. To do this, in PyTorch, you can subclass the framework’s base operator class and implement both the forward() and backward() methods. The autograd engine then uses the backward() method when performing auto-differentiation. See Extending torch.autograd in the PyTorch Docs for instructions on doing this in PyTorch. To do this in JAX, you can create a custom_vjp rule (vjp stands for Vector-Jacobian product), which binds the forward() and backward() calls. See Autodiff Cookbook in the JAX Docs for instructions on doing this.

Let’s reuse the nki_tensor_add kernels from before and demonstrate how to train a simple compute graph (a+b)*a*b in both PyTorch and JAX.


We define a NkiAddFunc class, which leverages the nki_tensor_add kernel in its forward() function. The gradients of both input tensors in y = a + b are ones, so the backward() function propagates the dy gradients from the previous backward function.

import torch
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
device = xm.xla_device()

class NkiAddFunc(torch.autograd.Function):
  def forward(ctx, a, b):
    return nki_tensor_add(a, b)

  def backward(ctx, dy, *args):
    # gradients for a and b
    return dy, dy

# now, let's define the compute graph
a = torch.randn(256, 1024, dtype=torch.float32).to(device).detach().requires_grad_()
b = torch.randn(256, 1024, dtype=torch.float32).to(device).detach().requires_grad_()
c = NkiAddFunc.apply(a, b)
out = a * b * c

# here we define a (dummy) loss-function, in prep for backward propagation
loss = out.sum()

# lastly, let's invoke the auto-grad engine



We define a custom_vjp function nki_add_func by using the @jax.custom_vjp decorator which directly calls the nki_tensor_add kernel. We then define and register the forward() and backward() implementations of the nki_add_func function via defvjp(). Just like the PyTorch example before, the backward() implementation simply passes the gradients through. Finally, to start training, we execute the forward pass by calling nki_add_func(a, b) * x * y. To get the gradients, we call jax.grad directly with a loss function.

def nki_add_func(a, b):
   return nki_tensor_add(a, b)

def f_forward(a, b):
   # operator output and residual (same as input here)
   return nki_add_func(a, b), (a, b)

def f_backward(res, grad):
   # gradients for a and b
   return grad, grad

nki_add_func.defvjp(f_forward, f_backward) # line 11

def jax_customop_tutorial_and_grad(a, b):
   out = nki_add_func(a, b) * x * y

   # use the same dummy loss function (output sum) as PyTorch example above
   grad = jax.grad(lambda x, y: (nki_add_func(x, y) * x * y).sum(), argnums=(0, 1))(a, b)
   return out, *grad

c, grad_a, grad_b = jax_customop_tutorial_and_grad(a, b)

This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn2