This document is relevant for: Inf2
, Trn1
, Trn2
NKI API Errors#
Indexing a NKI tensor with 1D arange is not supported.
NKI expects tile indices to have at least two dimensions to match the underlying memory (SBUF or PSUM)
tmp = nl.zeros((128, 1), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
i = nl.arange(64)
c = nl.exp(tmp[i, 0]) # Error: indexing tensor `tmp` with 1d arange is not supported,
You can workaround the problem by introducing new axes like the following code:
tmp = nl.zeros((128, 1), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
i = nl.arange(64)[:, None]
c = nl.exp(tmp[i, 0])
Or using simple slicing:
tmp = nl.zeros((128, 1), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
c = nl.exp(tmp[0:64, 0])
Bias parameter of activation or activation_reduce must be a vector of type float32, float16, or bfloat16.
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], bias=nisa.memset((128, 1), 1.2, dtype=np.float32)) # ok
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], bias=nisa.memset((128, 1), 1.2, dtype=nl.bfloat16)) # ok
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], bias=nisa.memset((128, 1), 1.2, dtype=np.int8)) # not supported
Scale parameter of activation or activation_reduce must be a scalar or vector of type float32.
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=1.2) # ok
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=nisa.memset((128, 1), 1.2, dtype=np.float32)) # ok
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=nisa.memset((128, 1), 1.2, dtype=np.float16)) # not supported
Scale parameter of activation must be either a scalar value or a 1D vector spanning the partition dimension.
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=1.2) # ok
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=nisa.memset((128, 1), 1.2, dtype=np.float32)) # ok
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=nisa.memset((1, 128), 1.2, dtype=np.float32)) # not supported
nisa.activation(op=nl.exp, data=data[...], scale=nisa.memset((128, 128), 1.2, dtype=np.float32)) # not supported
Tensor shape and the annotated shape mismatch
NKI check the object shape based on python type annotation in the target: type = value syntax, NKI will throw an error if the expected shape and the object shape mismatch.
For example:
import neuronxcc.nki.typing as nt
data: nt.tensor[128, 512] = nl.zeros((par_dim(128), 128), dtype=np.float32) # Error: shape of `data[128, 128]` does not match the expected shape of [128, 512]
Bias tensor of an activation op must be specified in allocated NKI kernels.
data = .... # assume data is of shape (128, 128)
exp = nl.ndarray((par_dim(128), 512), dtype=nl.bfloat16, buffer=ncc.sbuf.mod_alloc(base_addr=0))
exp[...] = nisa.activation(np.exp,
data=data[...]) # Error, bias argument must also be specified
exp[...] = nl.exp(data=data[...])
# Error, nl.exp maps to the the instruction as nisa.activation, must use nisa.activation and specify bias tensor in allocation kernels
An index tensor does not support item assignment. You may explicitly call iota to convert an index tensor to a normal tile before any assignments.
x = nl.arange(8)[None, :]
x[0, 5] = 1024 # Error: 'index' tensor does not support item assignment
y = nisa.iota(x, dtype=nl.uint32)
y[0, 5] = 1024 # works
Cannot update immutable parameter
By default all parameters to the top level nki kernels are immutable, updating immutable parameters in the kernel is not allowed.
def kernel(in_tensor):
x = nl.load(in_tensor)
y = x + 1
# Parameter `in_tensor` is immutable by default, cannot modify immutable parameter, value=y) # Error: Cannot update immutable parameter
return in_tensor
To fix this error, you could copy the parameter to a temp buffer and modify the buffer instead:
import neuronxcc.nki.isa as nisa
import neuronxcc.nki.language as nl
def kernel(in_tensor):
out_tensor = nl.ndarray(in_tensor.shape, dtype=in_tensor.dtype,
nisa.dma_copy(dst=out_tensor, src=in_tensor)
x = nl.load(out_tensor)
y = x + 1, value=y) # ok
return out_tensor
Control-flow depending on nl.arange or nl.mgrid is not supported.
for j0 in nl.affine_range(4096):
i1 = nl.arange(512)[None, :]
j = j0 * 512 + i1
if j > 2048: # Error: Control-flow depending on `nl.arange` or `nl.mgrid` is not supported
y = nl.add(x[0, j], x[0, j - 2048])
In the above example, j depends on the value of i1, which is nl.arange(512)[None, :]. NKI does not support using nl.arange or nl.mgrid in control-flow condition. To workaround this error, you can use the mask parameter:
for j0 in nl.affine_range(4096):
i1 = nl.arange(512)[None, :]
j = j0 * 512 + i1
y = nl.add(x[0, j], x[0, j - 2048], mask=j > 2048)
Dynamic control-flow depending on tensor value is currently not supported by NKI.
cnd = nl.load(a) # a have shape of [1, 1]
if cnd: # Error: dynamic control-flow depending on tensor value is not supported., 1)
NKI API tensor parameter exceeds max supported number of dimensions.
Certain NKI APIs have restrictions on how many dimensions the tensor parameter can have:
x = nl.zeros(shape=[64, 32, 2], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
b = nl.transpose(x) # Error: parameter 'x[64, 32, 2]' of 'transpose' exceed max supported number of dimensions of 2.
x = nl.zeros(shape=[64, 64], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
b = nl.transpose(x) # Works if input `x` only have 2 dimensions (i.e. rank=2)
NKI requires inputs of all compute APIs to be valid tiles with the first dimension being the partition dimension.
# We mark the second dimension as the partition dimension
a = nl.zeros((4, nl.par_dim(8), 8), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
c = nl.add(a, 32) # Error: Failed to infer tile from tensor 'a',
To fix the problem you can use index tensor a to generate a tile whose first dimension is the partition dimension
# We mark the second dimension of tensor a as the partition dimension
a = nl.zeros((4, nl.par_dim(8), 8), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
c = nl.ndarray((4, nl.par_dim(8), 8), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
for i in range(4):
# result of `a[i]` is a tile with shape (8, 8) and the first dimension is the partition dimension
c[i] = nl.add(a[i], 32) # works
# Or explicitly generate a tile with `nl.arange`
ix = nl.arange(8)[:, None]
iy = nl.arange(8)[None, :]
# result of `a[i, ix, iy]` is a tile with shape (8, 8) and the first dimension is the partition dimension
c[i, ix, iy] = nl.add(a[i, ix, iy], 32) # also works
Dynamic indexing for load/store only supports the indirect indexing to be on the partition or block dimension. Refer to the code examples in nl.load and
Also, if you’re using nl.mgrid
you may get this error even though your indirect indexing
was on the partition dimension, use nl.arange
i_p, i_f = nl.mgrid[0:64, 0:512] # this won't work for dynamic access
i_p = nl.arange(64)[:, None] # this works for dynamic access
i_f = nl.arange(512)[None, :]
data_tile = nl.load(data_tensor[idx_tile[i_p, 0], i_f])
Tensors in NKI are not allowed to be used outside of their parent scope.
Tensors in NKI have a stricter scope rules than Python. In NKI, control blocks in if/else/for statements will introduce their own scope for tensors. A tensor defined in if/else/for control blocks are not allowed to be used outside of the scope.
for i in range(4):
if i < 2:
tmp = nl.load(a)
tmp = nl.load(b), tmp) # Error: Local variable 'tmp' is referenced outside of its parent scope ...
To fix the problem, you can rewrite the above code as:
for i in range(4):
tmp = nl.ndarray(shape=a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
if i < 2:
tmp[...] = nl.load(a)
tmp[...] = nl.load(b), tmp)
This stricter scope rules may also introduce unexpected error like the following:
data = nl.zeros((par_dim(128), 128), dtype=np.float32)
for i in nl.sequential_range(4):
i_tile = nisa.iota(i, dtype=nl.uint32).broadcast_to(data.shape)
data = data + i_tile # Warning: shadowing local tensor 'float32 data[128, 128]' with a new object, use 'data[...] =' if you want to update the existing object, value=data) # # Error: Local variable 'tmp' is referenced outside of its parent scope ...
To fix the problem you can follow the suggestion from the warning
data = nl.zeros((par_dim(128), 128), dtype=np.float32)
for i in nl.sequential_range(4):
i_tile = nisa.iota(i, dtype=nl.uint32).broadcast_to(data.shape)
data[...] = data + i_tile, value=data)
Calling a NKI kernel with a SPMD grid from another NKI kernel is not supported.
def kernel0(...):
def kernel1(...):
def kernel_top():
kernel0(...) # works
kernel1[4, 4](...) # Error: Calling kernel with spmd grid (kernel1[4,4]) inside another kernel is not supported
Calling NKI API outside of NKI kernels is not supported.
Make sure the NKI kernel function decorated with nki.jit.
Number of partitions exceeds architecture limitation.
NKI requires the number of partitions of a tile to not exceed the architecture limitation of 128
For example in Trainium:
x = nl.zeros(shape=[256, 1024], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf) # Error: number of partitions 256 exceed architecture limitation of 128.
x = nl.zeros(shape=[128, 1024], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf) # Works
Number of partitions mismatch.
Most of the APIs in the nki.isa module require all operands to have the same number of partitions. For example, the nki.isa.tensor_tensor() requires all operands to have the same number of partitions.
x = nl.zeros(shape=[128, 512], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
y0 = nl.zeros(shape=[1, 512], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
z = nisa.tensor_tensor(x, y0, op=nl.add) # Error: number of partitions (dimension 0 size of a tile) mismatch in parameters (data1[128, 512], data2[1, 512]) of 'tensor_tensor'
y1 = y0.broadcast_to([128, 512]) # Call `broadcast_to` to explicitly broadcast on the partition dimension
z = nisa.tensor_tensor(x, y0, op=nl.add) # works because x and y1 has the same number of partitions
Size of dimension exceeds architecture limitation.
Certain NKI APIs have restrictions on dimension sizes of the parameter tensor:
x = nl.zeros(shape=[128, 512], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
b = nl.transpose(x) # Error: size of dimension 1 in 'x[128, 512]' of 'transpose' exceed architecture limitation of 128.
x = nl.zeros(shape=[128, 128], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
b = nl.transpose(x) # Works size of dimension 1 < 128
Illegal shape in assignment destination.
The destination of assignment must have the same or bigger shape than the source of assignment. Assigning multiple values to the same element in the assignment destination from a single NKI API is not supported
x = nl.zeros(shape=(128, 512), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
y = nl.zeros(shape=(128, 1), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
y[...] = x # Error: Illegal assignment destination shape in 'a = b': shape [128, 1] of parameter 'a' is smaller than other parameter shapes b[128, 512].
x[...] = y # ok, if we are broadcasting from source to the destination of the assignment
Tensor access out-of-bound.
Out-of-bound access is considered illegal in NKI. When the indices are calculated from nki indexing APIs, out-of-bound access results in a compile-time error. When the indices are calculated dynamically at run-time, such as indirect memory accesses, out-of-bound access results in run-time exceptions during execution of the kernel.
x = nl.ndarray([128, 4000], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.hbm)
for i in nl.affine_range((4000 + 512 - 1) // 512):
tile = nl.mgrid[0:128, 0:512][tile.p, i * 512 + tile.x], value=0) # Error: Out-of-bound access for tensor `x` on dimension 1: index range [0, 4095] exceed dimension size of 4000
You could carefully check the corresponding indices and make necessary correction. If the indices are correct and intentional, out-of-bound access can be avoided by providing a proper mask:
x = nl.ndarray([128, 4000], dtype=np.float32, buffer=nl.hbm)
for i in nl.affine_range((4000 + 512 - 1) // 512):
tile = nl.mgrid[0:128, 0:512][tile.p, i * 512 + tile.x], value=0,
mask=i * 512 + tile.x < 4000) # Ok
Creating SBUF/PSUM tensor with init value is not supported in allocated NKI kernels.
t = nl.full((3, par_dim(128), 512), fill_value=1.0, buffer=ncc.sbuf.mod_alloc(base_addr=0)) # t is allocated and has a init value
# Error: Creating SBUF/PSUM tensor with init value is not supported in allocated NKI kernels.
A tensor was either passed as an output parameter to kernel but never written to, or no output parameter was passed to the kernel at all. At least one output parameter must be provided to kernels.
If you did pass an output parameter to your kernel, and this still occurred, this means the tensor was never written to. The most common cause for this is a dead-loop, such as when a range expression evaluates to 0 and the loop performing the store operation is not actually being entered. But this can occur in any situation in which a loop is never entered, regardless of flow-control construct (for, if, while, etc..)
def incorrect(tensor_in, tensor_out):
M = 128
N = M + 1
for i in nl.affine_range( M // N ): # This is the cause of the error, as N > M, M // N will evaluate to 0
a = nl.load(tensor_in), value=a) # This store will never be called.
def also_incorrect_in_the_same_way(tensor_in, tensor_out, cnd):
# This will cause the error if the value of `cnd` is False
while cnd:
a = nl.load(tensor_in), value=a) # This store will never be called.
Consider doing the following:
Evaluate your range expressions and conditionals to make sure they’re what you intended. If you were trying to perform a computation on tiles smaller than your numerator (M in this case), use math.ceil() around your range expression. e.g. nl.affine_range(math.ceil(M / N)). You will likely need to pass a mask to your load and store operations as well to account for this.
If the possible dead-loop is intentional, you need to issue a store that writes to the entire tensor somewhere in the kernel outside of the dead loop. One good way to do this is to invoke
on your output tensor with a default value.For example:
def memset_output(input, output, cnd):
# Initialize the output if we cannot guarantee the output are always written later[i_p, i_f], value=0)
while cnd: # Ok even if the value of `cnd` is False
a = nl.load(tensor_in), value=a)
Unsupported transpose case in allocated NKI kernels:
nisa.nc_transpose() with TensorEngine, or
nl.matmul() without setting transpose_x=True.
User must use their own allocated identity matrix, and call nisa.nc_matmul() explicitly to perform transpose on TensorEngine.
a = .... # assume a has shape [128, 128]
result_a = nl.ndarray((par_dim(128), 128), dtype=nl.bfloat16, buffer=ncc.psum.mod_alloc(byte_addr=0))
result_a[...] = nisa.nc_transpose(a[...]) # Error, calling nc_transpose() with TensorEngine is not allowed in allocated kernels
b = ... # assume b has shape [32, 32]
result_b = nl.ndarray((par_dim(32), 32), dtype=nl.bfloat16, buffer=ncc.psum.mod_alloc(byte_addr=0))
result_b[...] = nisa.nc_transpose(b[...]) # Error, must specify engine=NeuronEngine.Vector
result_b[...] = nisa.nc_transpose(b[...], engine=NeuronEngine.Vector) # pass
Unexpected output dependencies.
NKI assume kernel instances in the spmd grid and iteration between affine_range can be executed in parallel require synchronization on the output. As a result, each iteration of the loop will write to a different memory location.
a = nl.ndarray((4, 128, 512), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
for i in nl.affine_range(4):
a[0] = 0 # Unexpected output dependencies, different iterations of i loop write to `a[0]`
To fix the problem, you could either index the destination with the missing indices:
a = nl.ndarray((4, 128, 512), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
for i in nl.affine_range(4):
a[i] = 0 # Ok
Or if you want to write to the same memory location, you could use sequential_range which allows writing to the same memory location:
a = nl.ndarray((4, 128, 512), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
for i in nl.sequential_range(4):
a[0] = 0 # Also ok, we dont expect the sequential_range to execute in parallel
NKI API parameters are in the wrong memory.
NKI enforces API-specific requirements on which memory the parameters are allocated, that is, HBM, SBUF or PSUM. NKI will throw this error when the operands of a NKI API call are not placed in the correct memory.
tmp = nl.ndarray((4, 4), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
x = nl.load(tmp) # Error: Expected operand 'src' of 'load' to be in address space 'hbm', but got a tile in 'sbuf' instead.
tmp = nl.ndarray((4, 4), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.hbm)
x = nl.exp(tmp) # Error: Expected operand 'x' of 'exp' to be in address space 'psum|sbuf', but got a tile in 'hbm' instead.
Mixing basic tensor indexing and advanced tensor indexing is not supported
a = nl.zeros((4, 4), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.sbuf)
i = nl.arange(4)[:, None]
c = nl.exp(a[i, :]) # Error: Mixing basic tensor indexing and advanced tensor indexing is not supported.
You could avoid the error by either use basic indexing or advanced indexing but not both:
c = nl.exp(a[:, :]) # ok
i = nl.arange(4)[:, None]
j = nl.arange(4)[None. :]
c = nl.exp(a[i, j]) # also ok
This document is relevant for: Inf2
, Trn1
, Trn2