This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Matrix multiplication#

In this tutorial, we will start with a simple NKI matrix multiplication kernel and optimize it step by step. In doing so, we learn about:

  • The NKI syntax and programming model.

  • Layout, tiling, and memory management considerations when performing matrix multiplication in NKI.

  • Best practices for validating and benchmarking your custom kernel against a reference native torch implementation.

Basic compute kernel#


Fig. 73 MxKxN Matrix Multiplication Visualization#

Fig. 73 illustrates how a simple matrix multiplication: lhs [M, K] * rhs [K, N] = output [M, N] would be mapped to the Tensor Engine (TensorE) and SRAMs from its original mathematical view.

The NKI example below implements a compute kernel for a single-tile matrix multiplication. It computes a 64(M) x 128(K) x 512 (N) matrix multiplication operation.

 1def nki_matmul_basic_(lhsT, rhs, result):
 2  """NKI kernel to compute a 64x128x512 matrix multiplication operation
 4  Args:
 5      lhsT: an input tensor of shape [128,64], a left hand side argument of the
 6        matrix multiplication, delivered transposed for optimal performance
 7      rhs: an input tensor of shape [128,512], a right hand side argument of the
 8        matrix multiplication
 9      result: the resulting output tensor of shape [64,512]
10  """
11  # Defining indexes for input LHS.T
12  # - Note: here we take LayoutConstraint #1 into account:
13  # "For MatMult, contraction axis must be mapped to P-dim"
14  i_lhsT_p, i_lhsT_f = nl.mgrid[0:128, 0:64]
16  # Defining indexes for input RHS
17  # - Note: here we take LayoutConstraint #1 into account:
18  # "For MatMult, contraction axis must be mapped to P-dim"
19  i_rhs_p, i_rhs_f = nl.mgrid[0:128, 0:512]
21  # Defining indexes for the output ([64,128]@[128,512] -> [64,512])
22  i_out_p, i_out_f = nl.mgrid[0:64, 0:512]
24  # Loading the inputs (HBM->SBUF)
25  # Note: here we take Tile dtype definition into account,
26  # which forces P-dim as the left most index
27  lhs_tile = nl.load(lhsT[i_lhsT_p, i_lhsT_f])
28  rhs_tile = nl.load(rhs[i_rhs_p, i_rhs_f])
30  # Perform the matrix-multiplication
31  # Note1: We set transpose_x to True, to indicate that the LHS input is transposed
32  # Note2: A NKI matmul instruction always writes to PSUM in float32 data-type
33  result_psum = nl.matmul(lhs_tile, rhs_tile, transpose_x=True)
35  # Copy the result from PSUM back to SBUF, and cast to expected output data-type
36  result_sbuf = nl.copy(result_psum, dtype=result.dtype)
38  # The result of a [64,128] x [128,512] matrix multiplication has a shape of [64, 512].
39  # This dictates which indices to use to address the result tile.
40[i_out_p, i_out_f], value=result_sbuf)

In this example, we define the NKI kernel as nki_matmul_basic_:

  1. We define indices to access the LHS and RHS input tensors.

  2. To adhere to NKI’s layout considerations (Layout Considerations), we map the contraction axis of both LHS and RHS to the P-dimension, which means we load LHS in transposed form.

  3. To adhere to NKI’s tile size considerations (Tile Size Considerations), we limit the matmul instruction arguments to tiles of up to [128,128] for LHS, and [128,512] for RHS.

  4. Using the nl.load operation, we load the inputs from HBM tensors to SBUF tiles.

  5. We then use the nl.matmul operation to perform the matrix multiplication. Note that we set the transpose_x argument to True, since the LHS argument is transposed. Also note that the 64x128 dimension here actually under-utilizes the TensorE, but it helps to distinguish the M, K and N dimensions for education purposes in this first code example.

  6. nl.matmul always writes its result to PSUM, and since only moves data from SBUF to HBM, we copy the multiplication result from PSUM back to SBUF using nl.copy.

We can then execute the kernel and verify correctness against the torch implementation as follows. Note that we use torch.allclose to tolerate numerical error inherent to floating-point arithmetic.

 1  device = xm.xla_device()
 2  cpu = torch.device('cpu')
 4  # Test the small workload with basic kernel
 5  lhs_small = torch.rand((64, 128), dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
 6  rhs_small = torch.rand((128, 512), dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
 7  output_small = torch.zeros((64, 512), dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
 9  # Run NKI kernel
10  nki_matmul_basic_jit = nki_jit(nki_matmul_basic_)
11  nki_matmul_basic_jit(lhs_small.T, rhs_small, output_small)
13  # Run torch reference
14  output_small_torch = torch.matmul(lhs_small, rhs_small)
16  # Compare results
17  print("Checking correctness of nki_matmul_basic")
18  if torch.allclose(output_small_torch, output_small, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-2):
19    print("NKI and Torch match")
20  else:
21    print("NKI and Torch differ")

Tiling matrix multiplications#

So far, we’ve limited our matrix multiplication to the tile sizes allowed by NKI’s tile size and layout constraints. Next, we’ll see how to handle larger matrix multiplications. Let’s start with a pseudo-code for tiling an [M,K] @ [K,N] matrix-multiplication. Note that we assume the left-hand-side matrix ([M,K]) is already transposed to LHS_T ([K,M]) for optimal performance of the underlying TensorE.

# LHS_T: left-hand-side matmul argument (shape [K,M])
# RHS: right-hand-side matmul argument (shape [K,N])
# RES: matmul result (shape [M,N])

# Tile LHS_T free dimension
for m in range(0, M, 128):
  # Tile RHS free dimension
  for n in range(0, N, 512):
    # Zero-out the accumulator buffer
    accum = zeros((128, 512))
    # Tile contraction dimension
    for k in range(0, K, 128):
      lhsT_tile = LHS_T[m : m+128, k : k+128]
      rhs_tile = RHS[k : k+128, n : n+512]
      accum += dot(lhsT_tile, rhs_tile)
    RES[m : m+128, n : n+512] = accum

This form of tiling can be achieved in NKI as follows:

 1def nki_matmul_tiled_(lhsT, rhs, result):
 2  """NKI kernel to compute a matrix multiplication operation in a tiled manner
 4  Args:
 5      lhsT: an input tensor of shape [K,M], where both K and M are multiples for
 6        128.  It is the left-hand-side argument of the matrix multiplication,
 7        delivered transposed for optimal performance.
 8      rhs: an input tensor of shape [K,N], where K is a multiple of 128, and N
 9        is a multiple of 512.  It is the right-hand-side argument of the matrix
10        multiplication.
11      result: the resulting output tensor of shape [M,N]
12  """
14  K, M = lhsT.shape
15  K_, N = rhs.shape
16  assert K == K_, "lhsT and rhs must have the same contraction dimension"
18  TILE_M = nl.tile_size.gemm_stationary_fmax  # 128
19  TILE_K = nl.tile_size.pmax  # 128
20  TILE_N = nl.tile_size.gemm_moving_fmax  # 512
22  # Use affine_range to loop over tiles
23  for m in nl.affine_range(M // TILE_M):
24    for n in nl.affine_range(N // TILE_N):
25      # Allocate a tensor in PSUM
26      res_psum = nl.zeros((TILE_M, TILE_N), nl.float32, buffer=nl.psum)
28      for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
29        # Declare the tiles on SBUF
30        lhsT_tile = nl.ndarray((TILE_K, TILE_M), dtype=lhsT.dtype, buffer=nl.sbuf)
31        rhs_tile = nl.ndarray((TILE_K, TILE_N), dtype=rhs.dtype, buffer=nl.sbuf)
33        # Load tiles from lhsT and rhs
34        lhsT_tile[...] = nl.load(lhsT[k * TILE_K:(k + 1) * TILE_K,
35                                      m * TILE_M:(m + 1) * TILE_M])
36        rhs_tile[...] = nl.load(rhs[k * TILE_K:(k + 1) * TILE_K,
37                                    n * TILE_N:(n + 1) * TILE_N])
39        # Accumulate partial-sums into PSUM
40        res_psum += nl.matmul(lhsT_tile[...], rhs_tile[...], transpose_x=True)
42      # Copy the result from PSUM back to SBUF, and cast to expected output data-type
43      res_sb = nl.copy(res_psum, dtype=result.dtype)
44[m * TILE_M:(m + 1) * TILE_M, n * TILE_N:(n + 1) * TILE_N],
45               value=res_sb)

Note the use of nl.mgrid to define indices, this is the same as the mgrid in NumPy. It is similar to the other way to define indexes through nl.arange but it enables a more concise way to introduce indexes from multiple dimensions. nl.affine_range is used to define loop-level iterators. The loops defined with affine_range are not unrolled by the compiler, which enables faster compilation.

There is an alternative way to implement this tiled matrix multiplication kernel using the SPMD programming model. We can use the SPMD model to launch (M/128) x (N/512) instances of the kernel to complete the innermost loop. For more details, please refer to the SPMD programming model.

Optimization 1: Removing Redundant Loads#

Currently, every nl.matmul is accompanied with two nl.load calls in the inner loop, both of which move data from HBM to SBUF. Let’s introduce a metric, arithmetic intensity, to help understand why this is problematic. The arithmetic intensity of a workload is defined as the number of computation operations performed per byte of data accessed from HBM on average. The reason why we do not consider data accessed from SBUF in this metric is because the SBUF bandwidth (~20x higher than HBM) is high enough to sustain the peak computation throughput in TensorE.


Fig. 74 Roofline Model: The Relationship Between Arithmetic Intensity and Performance#

Fig. 74 shows the roofline model, which models the relationship between arithmetic intensity of a workload and its achievable performance on a given computing platform. To saturate TensorE in a NeuronCore-v2, the arithmetic intensity threshold of a workload is 222 Flops/Byte for bfloat16 data type. Inside the inner loop of nki_matmul_tiled_, accessing lhsT_tile and rhs_tile requires 160 KB of data read from HBM, while the nl.matmul call involves 16 MFlops. This leads to an arithmetic intensity of 102, which is significantly lower than the saturation threshold of 222. Therefore, nki_matmul_tiled_ operates in the memory bound region of the roofline model and under-utilizes TensorE. To make the best out of TensorE, we need to improve the arithmetic intensity of the matmul kernel.

With NKI, programmers can control when and how to load data from HBM into SBUF and also perform computation. We will demonstrate in the upcoming steps how to increase the arithmetic intensity of the matmul kernel using NKI, thereby maximizing the utilization of TensorE.

First, we notice that in nki_matmul_tiled_, the same tiles from lhsT and rhs matrices are loaded more than once across different iterations of the inner loop. The following example reduces these redundant loads through hoisting them out of the innermost loop.


Fig. 75 Memory Pattern After Hoisting Loads Out of the Innermost Loop#

 1def nki_matmul_hoist_load_(lhsT, rhs, result):
 2  """NKI kernel to compute a matrix multiplication operation in a tiled manner
 3     while hoisting the load of the lhsT and rhs to outer loops.
 5  Args:
 6      lhsT: an input tensor of shape [K,M], where both K and M are multiples for
 7        128.  It is the left-hand-side argument of the matrix multiplication,
 8        delivered transposed for optimal performance.
 9      rhs: an input tensor of shape [K,N], where K is a multiple of 128, and N
10        is a multiple of 512.  It is the right-hand-side argument of the matrix
11        multiplication.
12      result: the resulting output tensor of shape [M,N]
13  """
15  K, M = lhsT.shape
16  K_, N = rhs.shape
17  assert K == K_, "lhsT and rhs must have the same contraction dimension"
19  TILE_M = nl.tile_size.gemm_stationary_fmax  # 128
20  TILE_K = nl.tile_size.pmax  # 128
21  TILE_N = nl.tile_size.gemm_moving_fmax  # 512
23  # Define the indices (shape) of the tiles
24  i_lhsT = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_M]
25  i_rhs = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_N]
26  i_res = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_M, 0:TILE_N]
28  # Use affine_range to loop over tiles
29  for m in nl.affine_range(M // TILE_M):
30    # Load a whole column tiles from lhsT (with K * TILE_N numbers)
31    # This corresponds to the whole row in the original lhs
32    lhsT_tiles = nl.ndarray((K // TILE_K, nl.par_dim(TILE_K), TILE_N),
33                            dtype=lhsT.dtype,
34                            buffer=nl.sbuf)
36    for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
37      # use `.p` for partition dimension and `.x` for the first free dimension
38      lhsT_tiles[k, i_lhsT.p, i_lhsT.x] = nl.load(lhsT[k * TILE_K + i_lhsT.p,
39                                                       m * TILE_M + i_lhsT.x])
41    for n in nl.affine_range(N // TILE_N):
43      # Load a whole column tiles from rhs (with K * TILE_M numbers)
44      rhs_tiles = nl.ndarray((K // TILE_K, nl.par_dim(TILE_K), TILE_N),
45                             dtype=rhs.dtype,
46                             buffer=nl.sbuf)
47      for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
48        rhs_tiles[k, i_rhs.p, i_rhs.x] = nl.load(rhs[k * TILE_K + i_rhs.p,
49                                                     n * TILE_N + i_rhs.x])
51      # Allocate a tile in PSUM for the result
52      res_psum = nl.zeros((TILE_M, TILE_N), nl.float32, buffer=nl.psum)
53      for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
54        # Accumulate partial-sums into PSUM
55        res_psum[...] += nl.matmul(lhsT_tiles[k, i_lhsT.p, i_lhsT.x],
56                                   rhs_tiles[k, i_rhs.p, i_rhs.x],
57                                   transpose_x=True)
59      # Copy the result from PSUM back to SBUF, and cast to expected output data-type
60      res_sb = nl.copy(res_psum, dtype=result.dtype)
61[m * TILE_M + i_res.p, n * TILE_N + i_res.x], value=res_sb)

Optimization 2: Reuse More Load Through Blocking#

While hoisting the load out of the innermost loop eliminates some redundant loads, we can push this further by reordering the computation and the associated memory accesses. The technique we are going to use is called blocking. Blocking explicitly improves temporal locality and reduces memory accesses. It is very similar to the tiling step we did earlier in spirit.

Note that we reserve the word “tile” for defining the granularity of computation and “tiling” for the previous optimization technique that maps the high-level computation onto multiple matrix multiplication instructions executed on the TensorE. TensorE processes a specific “tile size” in a single instruction, leveraging the inherent parallelism in matrix multiplication.

Here, we do blocking, by grouping the work associated with a set of tiles together at another loop nest level. Blocking effectively interleaves a set of compute instructions and loading (DMA) instructions. This optimization does not bring us additional parallelism in computation, but rather improve the arithmetic intensity. This shifts a memory-bound matrix multiplication implementation to a compute-bound one, in order to fully leverage the compute capabilities of TensorE.

Fig. 76 below visualizes the memory pattern after blocking both free dimensions.


Fig. 76 Memory Pattern After Blocking Free Dimensions#

 1def nki_matmul_block_free_dimension_(lhsT, rhs, result):
 2  """NKI kernel to compute a matrix multiplication operation while blocking the
 3     free dimensions of the LHS and RHS to improve memory access pattern.
 5  Args:
 6      lhsT: an input tensor of shape [K,M], where both K and M are multiples for
 7        128.  It is the left-hand-side argument of the matrix multiplication,
 8        delivered transposed for optimal performance.
 9      rhs: an input tensor of shape [K,N], where K is a multiple of 128, and N
10        is a multiple of 512.  It is the right-hand-side argument of the matrix
11        multiplication.
12      result: the resulting output tensor of shape [M,N]
13  """
15  K, M = lhsT.shape
16  K_, N = rhs.shape
17  assert K == K_, "lhsT and rhs must have the same contraction dimension"
19  TILE_M = nl.tile_size.gemm_stationary_fmax  # 128
20  TILE_K = nl.tile_size.pmax  # 128
21  TILE_N = nl.tile_size.gemm_moving_fmax  # 512
23  # Define the indices (shape) of the tiles
24  i_lhsT = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_M]
25  i_rhs = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_N]
26  i_res = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_M, 0:TILE_N]
28  # Configuring the blocking size for the free dimensions
35  # the size has to be multiple of block size
36  assert M % BLOCK_M == 0
37  assert N % BLOCK_N == 0
39  # Loop over blocks over the M dimension
40  for m in nl.affine_range(M // BLOCK_M):
41    # Load TILES_IN_BLOCK_M columns tiles from lhsT
42    lhsT_tiles = nl.ndarray(
43        (TILES_IN_BLOCK_M, K // TILE_K, nl.par_dim(TILE_K), TILE_M),
44        dtype=lhsT.dtype,
45        buffer=nl.sbuf)
46    for bm in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_M):
47      for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
48        lhsT_tiles[bm, k, i_lhsT.p, i_lhsT.x] = nl.load(
49            lhsT[k * TILE_K + i_lhsT.p,
50                 (m * TILES_IN_BLOCK_M + bm) * TILE_M + i_lhsT.x])
52    for n in nl.affine_range(N // BLOCK_N):
53      # Load TILES_IN_BLOCK_N columns from rhs
54      rhs_tiles = nl.ndarray(
55          (TILES_IN_BLOCK_N, K // TILE_K, nl.par_dim(TILE_K), TILE_N),
56          dtype=rhs.dtype,
57          buffer=nl.sbuf)
58      for bn in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_N):
59        for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
60          rhs_tiles[bn, k, i_rhs.p, i_rhs.x] = nl.load(
61              rhs[k * TILE_K + i_rhs.p,
62                  (n * TILES_IN_BLOCK_N + bn) * TILE_N + i_rhs.x])
64      for bm in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_M):
65        for bn in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_N):
66          # Allocate a tensor in PSUM
67          res_psum = nl.zeros((TILE_M, TILE_N), nl.float32, buffer=nl.psum)
68          for k in nl.affine_range(K // TILE_K):
69            # Accumulate partial-sums into PSUM
70            res_psum += nl.matmul(lhsT_tiles[bm, k, i_lhsT.p, i_lhsT.x],
71                                  rhs_tiles[bn, k, i_rhs.p, i_rhs.x],
72                                  transpose_x=True)
74          # Copy the result from PSUM back to SBUF, and cast to expected output data-type
75          res_sb = nl.copy(res_psum, dtype=result.dtype)
76[(m * TILES_IN_BLOCK_M + bm) * TILE_M + i_res.p,
77                          (n * TILES_IN_BLOCK_N + bn) * TILE_N + i_res.x],
78                   value=res_sb)

Optimization 3: Further Blocking and DMA Efficiency Optimization#

Next, let’s also consider blocking the contraction dimension. Without blocking the contraction dimension, each block of computation leads to the final result of each output block directly, since the input blocks in both lhs_T and rhs cover the entire contraction dimension. After contraction dimension blocking, the accumulation is separated into different groups. We can accumulate the partial sum from each computation block back to an SBUF tensor for the final result. A small amount of HBM traffic might also be introduced if the partial sum cannot be kept in SBUF before being consumed. On the bright side, we can increase the block size for the free dimensions, which continues to improve the arithmetic intensity.


Fig. 77 Memory Pattern After Blocking All Dimensions#

One final step we can do with NKI is to optimize the layout of the loaded tiles to improve DMA efficiency. This is done through arranging the order of dimensions in nl.ndarray and marking the partition dimension.

By putting all these optimizations together, we can use NKI to implement optimized matrix multiplication for different sizes. Note that different sizes of input matrices require different optimization plans. The following code optimizes for large matrix multiplication where the free dimensions of both input matrices are multiples of 2048 and the contraction dimension is a multiple of 512.

With the blocking configuration in the code (16 tiles or 2048 numbers in the M dimension; 2 tiles or 1024 numbers in the N dimension; and 8 tiles or 1024 numbers in the K dimension), this computation has an arithmetic intensity of 683 Flops/Byte (2048*1024*1024/(2048*1024 + 1024*1024)). This is certainly above the threshold of 222.

At the same time, this blocking configuration keeps all the tensors within the SBUF limit as much as possible. With all matrices in BF16 data type, the lhsT_tiles requires 4MB and rhs_tiles requires 2MB SBUF memory. The result_tiles requires 4 * NUM_BLOCK_M MB SBUF memory, where NUM_BLOCK_M is M // 2048. Thus, as long as M <= 8192, the required SBUF memory is under the 24 MB budget (4 + 2 + 4 * (8192 // 2048) == 22 MB). When the M dimension becomes bigger, spilling and reloading of the result_tiles will happen, but because the frequency is relatively low, the computation can still be sufficient.

Since the K blocking loop is hand optimized for our ideal data locality, we do not actually want the compiler to rewrite this loop during its vectorization and other loop-level optimization passes. To communicate this we use nl.sequential_range() to construct the K blocking loop.

  1def nki_matmul_fully_optimized_(
  2    lhsT,
  3    rhs,
  4    result,
  5    # Meta-parameters
  6    TILES_IN_BLOCK_M=16,
  7    TILES_IN_BLOCK_N=2,
  8    TILES_IN_BLOCK_K=8,
 10  """NKI kernel to compute a large matrix multiplication efficiently by
 11     blocking all dimensions and doing layout optimization.
 13  Args:
 14      lhsT: an input tensor of shape [K,M], where K is a multiple of 128 *
 15        TILES_IN_BLOCK_K and M is a multiple of 128 * TILES_IN_BLOCK_M.  It is the
 16        left-hand-side argument of the matrix multiplication, delivered transposed
 17        for optimal performance.
 18      rhs: an input tensor of shape [K,N],  where K is a multiple of 128 *
 19        TILES_IN_BLOCK_K and N is a multiple of 512 * TILES_IN_BLOCK_N.  It is
 20        the right-hand-side argument of the matrix multiplication.
 21      result: the resulting output tensor of shape [M,N]
 22      TILES_IN_BLOCK_*: meta parameters to control blocking dimensions
 23  """
 25  K, M = lhsT.shape
 26  K_, N = rhs.shape
 27  assert K == K_, "lhsT and rhs must have the same contraction dimension"
 29  TILE_M = nl.tile_size.gemm_stationary_fmax  # 128
 30  TILE_K = nl.tile_size.pmax  # 128
 31  TILE_N = nl.tile_size.gemm_moving_fmax  # 512
 37  # the size has to be multiple of block size
 38  assert M % BLOCK_M == 0
 39  assert N % BLOCK_N == 0
 40  assert K % BLOCK_K == 0
 46  # Blocking N dimension (the RHS free dimension)
 47  for n in nl.affine_range(NUM_BLOCK_N):
 48    result_tiles = nl.zeros((NUM_BLOCK_M, TILES_IN_BLOCK_M, TILES_IN_BLOCK_N,
 49                             nl.par_dim(TILE_M), TILE_N),
 50                            dtype=lhsT.dtype,
 51                            buffer=nl.sbuf)
 53    # Blocking K dimension (the contraction dimension)
 54    # Use `sequential_range` because we do not want the compiler to change this loop by, 
 55    # for example, vectorizing it
 56    for k in nl.sequential_range(NUM_BLOCK_K):
 57      # Loading tiles from rhs
 58      # setting the load tile to `TILE_K x BLOCK_SIZE_N` to optimize DMA performance
 59      i_rhs = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:BLOCK_N]
 60      rhs_tiles = nl.ndarray((TILES_IN_BLOCK_K, nl.par_dim(TILE_K), BLOCK_N),
 61                             dtype=rhs.dtype,
 62                             buffer=nl.sbuf)
 64      for bk_r in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_K):
 65        rhs_tiles[bk_r, i_rhs.p, i_rhs.x] = nl.load(
 66            rhs[(TILES_IN_BLOCK_K * k + bk_r) * TILE_K + i_rhs.p,
 67                BLOCK_N * n + i_rhs.x])
 69      # Blocking M dimension (the LHS free dimension)
 70      for m in nl.affine_range(NUM_BLOCK_M):
 71        # Loading tiles from lhsT
 72        i_lhsT = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:BLOCK_M]
 73        lhsT_tiles = nl.ndarray((TILES_IN_BLOCK_K, nl.par_dim(TILE_K), BLOCK_M),
 74                                dtype=lhsT.dtype,
 75                                buffer=nl.sbuf)
 76        for bk_l in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_K):
 77          lhsT_tiles[bk_l, i_lhsT.p, i_lhsT.x] = nl.load(
 78              lhsT[(TILES_IN_BLOCK_K * k + bk_l) * TILE_K + i_lhsT.p,
 79                   BLOCK_M * m + i_lhsT.x])
 81        # Do matmul with all tiles in the blocks
 82        i_lhsT_mm = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_M]
 83        i_rhs_mm = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_N]
 84        i_res_mm = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_M, 0:TILE_N]
 85        for bn in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_N):
 86          for bm in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_M):
 87            res_tile = nl.zeros((TILE_M, TILE_N), dtype=nl.float32, buffer=nl.psum)
 89            for bk in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_K):
 90              res_tile[...] += nisa.nc_matmul(
 91                  lhsT_tiles[bk, i_lhsT_mm.p, bm * TILE_M + i_lhsT_mm.x],
 92                  rhs_tiles[bk, i_rhs_mm.p, bn * TILE_N + i_rhs_mm.x])
 94            # Accumulate on corresponding SBUF tile
 95            result_tiles[m, bm, bn, i_res_mm.p,
 96                         i_res_mm.x] += res_tile[i_res_mm.p, i_res_mm.x]
 98    # Copying the result from SBUF to HBM
 99    for m in nl.affine_range(NUM_BLOCK_M):
100      for bm in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_M):
101        i_res = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:TILE_N]
102        i_res_packed = nl.mgrid[0:TILE_K, 0:BLOCK_N]
103        result_packed = nl.ndarray((TILE_K, BLOCK_N),
104                                   dtype=result_tiles.dtype,
105                                   buffer=nl.sbuf)
107        # coalesce result tiles for better DMA performance
108        for bn in nl.affine_range(TILES_IN_BLOCK_N):
109          result_packed[i_res.p,
110                        bn * TILE_N + i_res.x] = nl.copy(result_tiles[m, bm, bn,
111                                                                      i_res.p,
112                                                                      i_res.x])
113[(TILES_IN_BLOCK_M * m + bm) * TILE_K + i_res_packed.p,
114                        BLOCK_N * n + i_res_packed.x],
115                 value=result_packed[i_res_packed.p, i_res_packed.x])

Testing Correctness and Benchmarking#

To test the correctness of the kernels, we compare the result with the torch.matmul with torch.allclose.

 1  # Test the large workload with tiled kernels
 2  lhs = torch.rand((4096, 1024), dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
 3  rhs = torch.rand((1024, 2048), dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
 4  output = torch.zeros((4096, 2048), dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
 6  # Run torch reference
 7  output_torch = torch.matmul(lhs, rhs).to(device=cpu)
 9  def check_match(nki_func):
10    jit_func = nki_jit(nki_func)
11    jit_func(lhs.T, rhs, output)
12    output_nki =
13    if torch.allclose(output_torch, output_nki, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-2):
14      print("NKI and Torch match")
15    else:
16      print("NKI and Torch differ")
18  print("Checking correctness of nki_matmul_tiled")
19  check_match(nki_matmul_tiled_)
21  print("Checking correctness of nki_matmul_hoist_load")
22  check_match(nki_matmul_hoist_load_)
24  print("Checking correctness of nki_matmul_block_free_dimension")
25  check_match(nki_matmul_block_free_dimension_)
27  print("Checking correctness of nki_matmul_fully_optimized")
28  check_match(nki_matmul_fully_optimized_)

Output from the test:

Checking correctness of nki_matmul_tiled
NKI and Torch match
Checking correctness of nki_matmul_hoist_load
NKI and Torch match
Checking correctness of nki_matmul_block_free_dimension
NKI and Torch match
Checking correctness of nki_matmul_fully_optimized
NKI and Torch match

To test for performance of each kernel here, we can use NKI’s benchmark capability to measure the performance of the four different kernels on [4096,8192] @ [8192,8192] matrix multiplication.

 1if __name__ == "__main__":
 2  # Benchmarking with large matrices to show the differences more clearly
 3  lhsT = nt.tensor[[8192, 4096], nl.bfloat16]
 4  rhs = nt.tensor[[8192, 8192], nl.bfloat16]
 5  output = nt.tensor[[4096, 8192], nl.bfloat16]
 7  def benchmark_nki(nki_func):
 8    bench_func = nki.benchmark(warmup=5, iters=10)(nki_func)
 9    bench_func(lhsT, rhs, output)
10    latency_res = bench_func.benchmark_result.nc_latency
11    p99 = latency_res.get_latency_percentile(99)
12    print("Latency: {:.2f} ms (P99)".format(p99 / 1000.0))
14  print("Benchmarking nki_matmul_tiled")
15  benchmark_nki(nki_matmul_tiled_)
17  print("Benchmarking nki_matmul_hoist_load")
18  benchmark_nki(nki_matmul_hoist_load_)
20  print("Benchmarking nki_matmul_block_free_dimension")
21  benchmark_nki(nki_matmul_block_free_dimension_)
23  print("Benchmarking nki_matmul_fully_optimized")
24  benchmark_nki(nki_matmul_fully_optimized_)


Latency (ms)

Hardware FLOPs Utilization (HFU, %)

Original Tiled



Optimization 1



Optimization 2



Optimization 3



As shown in the table above, with all the optimizations, the matrix multiplication kernel is 7x faster comparing to the original tiled version. We also profile the four different kernel implementations for the HFU (hardware FLOPs utilization). With all the optimizations, the final version reaches a HFU of 85.2%. The performance numbers here are specific to input matrix sizes ([4096,8192] @ [8192,8192]), data types (BF16), and server instance (Trn1.32xlarge).

Download All Source Code#

Click the links to download source code of the kernels and the testing code discussed in this tutorial.

You can also view the source code in the Github repository nki_samples

Example usage of the scripts:#

Run benchmarking of different NKI kernels:


Run PyTorch implementation to validate the NKI results against the PyTorch implementation:


This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n