This document is relevant for: Inf1

Select a Different Framework or Platform for Setup

TensorFlow Neuron (“tensorflow-neuron”) Setup on Amazon Linux 2023#

Get Started with Latest Release of TensorFlow Neuron (tensorflow-neuron)#

This section provide links that will assist you to quickly start with a fresh installation of Tensorflow Neuron (tensorflow-neuron) Setup for Inference.

Launch the Instance
  • Please follow the instructions at launch an Amazon EC2 Instance to launch an instance. When choosing the instance type at the EC2 console, please make sure to select the correct instance type.

  • To get more information about instances sizes and pricing see: Inf1 web page

  • Select Amazon Linux 2023 AMI

  • After launching the instance, follow the instructions in Connect to your instance to connect to the instance

Install Drivers and Tools
# Configure Linux for Neuron repository updates
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/neuron.repo > /dev/null <<EOF
name=Neuron YUM Repository
sudo rpm --import

# Update OS packages 
sudo yum update -y

# Install OS headers 
sudo yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r) -y

# Install git 
sudo yum install git -y

# install Neuron Driver
sudo yum install aws-neuronx-dkms-2.* -y

# Install Neuron Runtime 
sudo yum install aws-neuronx-collectives-.* -y
sudo yum install aws-neuronx-runtime-lib-.* -y

# Install Neuron Tools 
sudo yum install aws-neuronx-tools-2.* -y

# Add PATH
export PATH=/opt/aws/neuron/bin:$PATH
Install TensorFlow Neuron (tensorflow-neuron)
# Install External Dependency
sudo yum install -y libxcrypt-compat

# Install Python venv 
sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ 

# Create Python venv
python3.9 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1/bin/activate 
python -m pip install -U pip 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.9 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuron)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install TensorFlow Neuron
python -m pip install tensorflow-neuron[cc] "protobuf"

# Install Neuron TensorBoard
python -m pip install tensorboard-plugin-neuron

# Optional: Install Tensorflow Neuron model server
sudo yum install tensorflow-model-server-neuronx= -y
Visit TensorFlow Neuron(tensorflow-neuron) for Inference section
Visit TensorFlow Neuron section for more

Install Previous Tensorflow Neuron Releases for Ubuntu (tensorflow-neuron)#

This section will assist you to install previous Neuron releases.

# Install External Dependency
sudo yum install -y libxcrypt-compat

# Install Python venv 
sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ 

# Create Python venv
python3.9 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1/bin/activate 
python -m pip install -U pip 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.9 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuron)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install TensorFlow Neuron
python -m pip install tensorflow-neuron[cc]== "protobuf"

# Install Neuron TensorBoard
python -m pip install tensorboard-plugin-neuron

# Optional: Install Tensorflow Neuron model server
sudo yum install tensorflow-model-server-neuronx= -y
# Install External Dependency
sudo yum install -y libxcrypt-compat

# Install Python venv 
sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ 

# Create Python venv
python3.9 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1/bin/activate 
python -m pip install -U pip 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.9 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuron)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install TensorFlow Neuron
python -m pip install tensorflow-neuron[cc]== "protobuf"

# Install Neuron TensorBoard
python -m pip install tensorboard-plugin-neuron

# Optional: Install Tensorflow Neuron model server
sudo yum install tensorflow-model-server-neuronx= -y
# Install External Dependency
sudo yum install -y libxcrypt-compat

# Install Python venv 
sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ 

# Create Python venv
python3.9 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1/bin/activate 
python -m pip install -U pip 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.9 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow_inf1 --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuron)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install TensorFlow Neuron
python -m pip install tensorflow-neuron[cc]== "protobuf"

# Install Neuron TensorBoard
python -m pip install tensorboard-plugin-neuron

# Optional: Install Tensorflow Neuron model server
sudo yum install tensorflow-model-server-neuronx= -y

This document is relevant for: Inf1