This document is relevant for: Inf1

Previous Announcements#

02/17/2022 - tensorflow-neuron versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 enter maintenance mode#

Starting with Neuron 1.17.2 release, tensorflow-neuron versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 are entering maintenance mode. Future releases of tensorflow-neuron versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 will address critical security issues only. Current users of those versions are advised to migrate to latest tensorflow-neuron version.

10/27/2021 - Introducing Neuron Runtime 2.x (

Starting with Neuron 1.16.0 release, Neuron Runtime 1.x (neuron-rtd) is entering maintenance mode and is replaced by Neuron Runtime 2.x, a shared library named ( For more information on Runtime 1.x see Neuron Runtime 1.x enters maintenance mode.

For more information please see Introducing Neuron Runtime 2.x (

10/27/2021 - Neuron Runtime 1.x (neuron-rtd) enters maintenance mode#

Starting with Neuron 1.16.0 release, Neuron Runtime 1.x (neuron-rtd) is entering maintenance mode and replaced with Neuron Runtime 2.x, a shared library named Future releases of Neuron Runtime 1.x (neuron-rtd) will address critical bug fixes and security issues only. Previous releases of Neuron Runtime 1.x (neuron-rtd) will continue to be available via rpm and deb packages.

For more information please see:

10/27/2021 - Neuron support for Apache MXNet 1.5 enters maintenance mode#

Starting Neuron release 1.16.0, Neuron support for MXNet 1.5 is entering maintenance mode. Future releases of Neuron supporting MXNet 1.5 will address critical bug fixes and security issues only. Previous releases of Apache MXNet 1.5 will continue to be available via pip packages.

Current users of MXNet Neuron 1.5 can migrate their applications to MXNet Neuron 1.8, for more information about MXNet Neuron support and how to upgrade to latest MXNet Neuron 1.8, please see visit MXNet Neuron (maintenance).

10/27/2021 - neuron-cli enters maintenance mode#

Starting Neuron release 1.16.0, with the introduction of Neuron Runtime 2.x, neuron-cli is entering maintenance mode. neuron-cli functionality will be available only if Neuron Runtime 1.x (neuron-rtd) is being used by the application. If the application is using Neuron Runtime 2.x shared library(, neuron-cli functionality will not be available.

If you have used neuron-cli in previous releases, and you are migrating to newer Neuron releases where applications require Neuron Runtime 2.x shared library, please see the below Frequently Asked questions (FAQ). Future releases of neuron-cli will address critical bug fixes and security issues only. Previous releases of neuron-cli will continue to be available via rpm and deb packages.

10/27/2021 - End of support for NeuronCore Groups (NCG)#

Before the introduction of Neuron Runtime 2.x, NeuronCore Group (NCG) has been used by Neuron Runtime 1.x to define an execution group of one or more NeuronCores where models can be loaded and executed. It also provided separation between processes.

With the introduction of Neuron Runtime 2.x, the strict separation of NeuronCores into groups is no longer needed and NeuronCore Groups (NCG) is deprecated. Neuron Runtime 2.x enables each process to own a set of NeuronCores, and within each process, Neuron Runtime 2.x supports loading and executing multiple models on separate , different or overlapping sets of NeuronCores.

Please note that NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES environment variable is in the process of being deprecated, and for a transition period NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES can be used to preserve the old NeuronCore Group behavior. The frameworks internally would convert NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES to use runtime’s new mode of mapping models to NeuronCores.

For more information see details about NEURON_RT_VISIBLE_CORES at NeuronX Runtime Configuration and and Migrate your application to Neuron Runtime 2.x (

10/27/2021 - Announcing end of support for NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES#

NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES environment variable is in the process of being deprecated, future Neuron releases may no longer support the NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES environment variable. Please start using NEURON_RT_VISIBLE_CORES instead.

See 10/27/2021 - End of support for NeuronCore Groups (NCG), NeuronX Runtime Configuration and Migrate your application to Neuron Runtime 2.x ( for more information.

Frequently Asked questions (FAQ)#

Is there another tool that provide the same functionality as neuron-cli list-model?#

Yes, please see Neuron LS User Guide or Neuron Monitor User Guide.

Is there another tool that provide the same functionality as neuron-cli create-ncg, neuron-cli destroy-ncg, and neuron-cli list-ncg?#

No, these functionalities are no longer needed with Neuron Runtime 2.x,NeuronCore Groups (NCG) is deprecated and NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES environment variable is in the process of being deprecated, Please start using NEURON_RT_VISIBLE_CORES instead. See NeuronX Runtime Configuration and Migrate your application to Neuron Runtime 2.x (

for more information.

Is there another tool that provide the same functionality as neuron-cli reset?#

No, this functionality is no longer needed with Neuron Runtime 2.x. Before introducing, in certain cases after an application crashed models had to be unloaded manually by calling neuron-cli reset.

With, applications runs in the context of the shared library and when an application exits the Neuron driver will free all resources associated with the application.

For more information please see:

05/28/2021 - End of support for Neuron Conda packages in Deep Learning AMI starting Neuron 1.14.0#

05/28/2021 - Starting with Neuron SDK 1.14.0, we will no longer support conda packages to install Neuron SDK framework in DLAMI and we will no longer update conda packages used to install Neuron SDK framework (Neuron conda packages) with new versions.

Starting with Neuron SDK 1.14.0, pip packages (Neuron pip packages) will be used to install Neuron SDK framework in DLAMI conda environment. To upgrade Neuron SDK framework DLAMI users should use pip upgrade commands instead of conda update commands. Instructions are available in this blog and in Neuron SDK documentation (Setup Guide).

Starting with Neuron SDK 1.14.0, run one of the following commands to upgrade to latest Neuron framework of your choice:

  • To upgrade PyTorch Neuron:

source activate aws_neuron_pytorch_p36
pip config set global.extra-index-url
pip install --upgrade torch-neuron neuron-cc[tensorflow] torchvision
  • To upgrade TensorFlow Neuron:

source activate aws_neuron_tensorflow_p36
pip config set global.extra-index-url
pip install --upgrade tensorflow-neuron tensorboard-neuron neuron-cc
  • To upgrade MXNet Neuron:

source activate aws_neuron_mxnet_p36
pip config set global.extra-index-url
pip install --upgrade mxnet-neuron neuron-cc

For more information please check the blog.

05/01/2021 - End of support for Ubuntu 16 starting Neuron 1.14.0#

Ubuntu 16.04 entered end of life phase officially in April 2021 (see and will not receive any public software or security updates. Starting with Neuron SDK 1.14.0, Ubuntu 16 is no longer supported for Neuron, users who are using Ubuntu 16 are requested to migrate to Ubuntu18 or Amazon Linux 2.

Customers who choose to upgrade libc on Ubuntu 16 to work with Neuron v1.13.0 (or higher versions) are highly discouraged from doing that since Ubuntu 16 will no longer receive public security updates.

05/01/2021 - End of support for classic TensorBoard-Neuron starting Neuron 1.13.0 and introducing Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard#

Starting with Neuron SDK 1.13.0, we are introducing Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard and we will no longer support classic TensorBoard-Neuron. Users are required to migrate to Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard.

Starting with Neuron SDK 1.13.0, if you are using TensorFlow-Neuron within DLAMI Conda environment, attempting to run tensorboard with the existing version of TensorBoard will fail. Please update the TensorBoard version before installing the Neuron plugin by running pip install TensorBoard --force-reinstall, for installation instructions see Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard (Inf1).

Users who are using Neuron SDK releases before 1.13.0, can find classic TensorBoard-Neuron documentation at Neuron 1.12.2 documentation.

For more information see see Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard Release Notes and Neuron Plugin for TensorBoard (Inf1).

02/24/2021 - End of support for Python 3.5#

As Python 3.5 reached end-of-life in October 2020, and many packages including TorchVision and Transformers have stopped support for Python 3.5, we will begin to stop supporting Python 3.5 for frameworks, starting with PyTorch-Neuron version [] in this release. You can continue to use older versions with Python 3.5.

11/17/2020 - End of support for ONNX#

ONNX support is limited and from this version onwards we are not planning to add any additional capabilities to ONNX. We recommend running models in TensorFlow, PyTorch or MXNet for best performance and support.

07/16/2020 - End of support for PyTorch 1.3#

Starting this release we are ending the support of PyTorch 1.3 and migrating to PyTorch 1.5.1, customers are advised to migrate to PyTorch 1.5.1.

This document is relevant for: Inf1