This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Update to Latest TensorFlow (tensorflow-neuronx)#


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx==


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx==


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx==


  • For a successful installation or update, execute each line of the instructions below separately or copy the contents of the code block into a script file and source its contents.

  • When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB.

# Activate Python venv 
source aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow/bin/activate 

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel 
python3.8 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_tensorflow --display-name "Python (tensorflow-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository 
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli 
python -m pip install wget 
python -m pip install awscli 

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* tensorflow-neuronx==

This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n