This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn2

NeuronPerf Compile Guide#

If you wish to compile multiple configurations at once, NeuronPerf provides a simplified and uniform API across frameworks. The output is a neuronperf_model_index that tracks the artifacts produces, and can be passed directly to the benchmark routine for a streamlined end-to-end process. This may be useful if you wish to test multiple configurations of your model on Neuron hardware.

You can manually specify the model index filename by passing filename, or let NeuronPerf generate one and return it for you. Compiled artifacts will be placed in a local models directory.

How does compile know which instance type to compile for?#

NeuronPerf will assume that the instance type your are currently on is also the compile target. However, you may compile on a non-Neuron instance or choose to target a different instance type. In the case, you can pass compiler_target to the compile call.

For example:

import neuronperf as npf
import neuronperf.torch

npf.torch.compile(model, inputs)  # compile for current instance type
npf.torch.compile(model, inputs, compiler_target="inf2")  # compile for inf2

Compiling multiple variants#

If you provide multiple pipeline sizes, batch sizes, and/or cast modes, NeuronPerf will compile all of them.

# Select a few batch sizes and pipeline configurations to test
batch_sizes = [1, 5, 10]
pipeline_sizes = [1, 2, 4]

# Construct example inputs
example_inputs = [torch.zeros([batch_size, 3, 224, 224], dtype=torch.float16) for batch_size in batch_sizes]

# Compile all configurations
index = npf.torch.compile(

If you wished to benchmark specific subsets of configurations, you could compile the specific configurations independently and later combine the results into a single index, as shown below.

# Compile with pipeline size 1 and vary batch dimension
batch_index = npf.torch.compile(

# Compile with batch size 1 and vary pipeline dimension
pipeline_index = npf.torch.compile(

index = npf.model_index.append(batch_index, pipeline_index), 'model_index.json')

The compile function supports batch_sizes, pipeline_sizes, cast_modes, and custom compiler_args. If there is an error during compilation for a requested configuration, it will be logged and compilation will continue onward without terminating. (This is to support long-running compile jobs with many configurations.)

This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn2