.. _setup-tensorflow-neuronx-al2-dlami-tensorflow: .. card:: Select a Different Framework or Platform for Setup :link: setup-guide-index :link-type: ref :class-body: sphinx-design-class-title-small Tensorflow Neuron ("tensorflow-neuronx") Setup on Amazon Linux 2 with DLAMI Tensorflow ======================================================================================= .. contents:: Table of contents :local: :depth: 2 .. include:: /general/setup/install-templates/al2-python.rst Get Started with Latest Release of Neuron Tensorflow (``tensorflow-neuronx``) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section provide links that will assist you to quickly start with a fresh installation of :ref:`tensorflow-neuronx-main`. .. dropdown:: Launch the Instance :class-title: sphinx-design-class-title-small :class-body: sphinx-design-class-body-small :animate: fade-in * Please follow the instructions at `launch an Amazon EC2 Instance `_ to launch an instance. When choosing the instance type at the EC2 console. please make sure to select the correct instance type. * To get more information about instances sizes and pricing see: `Trn1 web page `_, `Inf2 web page `_ * Check for the latest version of the `Deep Learning AMI Neuron TensorFlow 2.10 `_ and copy the AMI name that starts with "Deep Learning AMI Neuron TensorFlow 2.10 (Amazon Linux 2) " from "AMI Name:" section * Search for the copied AMI name in the AMI Search , you should see an exact matching AMI with the AMI name in Community AMIs. Select the AMI and use it to launch the instance. * When launching a Trn1, please adjust your primary EBS volume size to a minimum of 512GB. * After launching the instance, follow the instructions in `Connect to your instance `_ to connect to the instance .. dropdown:: Update Neuron Drivers :class-title: sphinx-design-class-title-small :class-body: sphinx-design-class-body-small .. program-output:: python3 src/helperscripts/n2-helper.py --install-type=update --category=driver_runtime_tools --framework=pytorch --framework-version=1.13.0 --file=src/helperscripts/n2-manifest.json --os=amazonlinux2 --instance=trn1 .. dropdown:: Get Started With Tensorflow DLAMI :class-title: sphinx-design-class-title-small :class-body: sphinx-design-class-body-small .. include:: /src/helperscripts/installationScripts/python_instructions.txt :start-line: 92 :end-line: 93 .. card:: Visit TensorFlow Neuron(``tensorflow-neuronx``) for Inference section :link: inference-tensorflow-neuronx :link-type: ref :class-body: sphinx-design-class-title-small .. card:: Visit TensorFlow Neuron section for more :class-body: sphinx-design-class-body-small :link: tensorflow-neuron-main :link-type: ref .. include:: /frameworks/tensorflow/tensorflow-neuronx/setup/tensorflow-update-al2-dlami.rst .. include:: /frameworks/tensorflow/tensorflow-neuronx/setup/tensorflow-install-prev-al2.rst