.. _tf-neuronx-ref-analyze-model-api: TensorFlow 2.x (``tensorflow-neuronx``) analyze_model API ======================================================== Method ------ ``tensorflow_neuronx.analyze_model`` Description ----------- Analyzes a ``keras.Model`` or a Python callable that can be decorated by ``tf.function`` for it's compatibility with Neuron. It displays supported vs. unsupported operators in the model as well as percentages and counts of each operator and returns a dictionary with operator statistics. Arguments --------- - **func:** The ``keras.Model`` or function to be analyzed. - **example_inputs:** A ``tf.Tensor`` or a tuple/list/dict of ``tf.Tensor`` objects for tracing the function. When ``example_inputs`` is a ``tf.Tensor`` or a list of ``tf.Tensor`` objects, we expect ``func`` to have calling signature ``func(example_inputs)``. Otherwise, the expectation is that inference on ``func`` is done by calling ``func(*example_inputs)`` when ``example_inputs`` is a ``tuple``, or ``func(**example_inputs)`` when ``example_inputs`` is a ``dict``. The case where ``func`` accepts mixed positional and keyword arguments is currently unsupported. Returns ------- - A results ``dict`` with these keys: ``'percent_supported', 'supported_count', 'total_count', 'supported_operators', 'unsupported_operators', 'operators', 'operator_count'``. Example Usage ------------- .. code:: python import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_neuron as tfnx input0 = tf.keras.layers.Input(3) dense0 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3)(input0) model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[input0], outputs=[dense0]) example_inputs = tf.random.uniform([1, 3]) results = tfnx.analyze_model(model, example_inputs) print(results) # expected output ''' BiasAdd MatMul 100.00% of all operations (2 of 2) are supported {'percent_supported': 100.0, 'supported_count': 2, 'total_count': 2, 'supported_operators': {'BiasAdd', 'MatMul'}, 'unsupported_operators': [], 'operators': ['BiasAdd', 'MatMul'], 'operator_count': {'MatMul': 1, 'BiasAdd': 1}} '''