.. _mxnet_quick_start: Get Started with Apache MXNet Neuron ===================================== This page provide links that will assist you to quickly start with :ref:`mxnet-neuron-main` (supporting inference only). .. note:: Below instructions are for Ubuntu20, if you looking for complete setup instructions for different platforms, please :ref:`Check Here. ` .. dropdown:: Launch the Instance :class-title: sphinx-design-class-title-small :class-body: sphinx-design-class-body-small :animate: fade-in .. include:: /general/setup/install-templates/launch-instance.txt .. dropdown:: Install Drivers and Tools :class-title: sphinx-design-class-title-small :class-body: sphinx-design-class-body-small :animate: fade-in .. include :: /src/helperscripts/installationScripts/python_instructions.txt :start-line: 5 :end-line: 6 .. include:: tab-inference-mxnet-neuron.txt