.. _model_samples_inference_inf1: Inference Samples/Tutorials (Inf1) ================================== .. contents:: Table of contents :local: :depth: 1 .. _encoder_model_samples_inference_inf1: Encoders -------- .. list-table:: :widths: 20 15 45 :header-rows: 1 :align: left :class: table-smaller-font-size * - Model - Frameworks/Libraries - Samples and Tutorials * - bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc - torch-neuron - * HuggingFace pretrained BERT tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :pytorch-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * `BertBaseCased Inference on Inf1 instances `_ * Bert TorchServe tutorial :ref:`[html] ` * Bring your own HuggingFace pretrained BERT container to Sagemaker Tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :pytorch-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * - bert-base-uncased - torch-neuron - * NeuronCore Pipeline tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :pytorch-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * - bert-large-uncased - torch-neuron - * `BertLargeUncased Inference on Inf1 instances `_ * - bert-large - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 1.x - Running TensorFlow BERT-Large with AWS Neuron :ref:`[html] ` * - roberta-base - torch-neuron - * `Roberta-Base inference on Inf1 instances `_ * - distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 2.x - HuggingFace Pipelines distilBERT with Tensorflow2 Neuron :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * - gluon bert - mxnet-neuron - * MXNet 1.8: Using data parallel mode tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` .. _vision_transformer_model_samples_inference_inf1: Vision Transformers ------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 20 15 45 :header-rows: 1 :align: left :class: table-smaller-font-size * - Model - Frameworks/Libraries - Samples and Tutorials * - ssd - torch-neuron - * `Inference of SSD model on inf1 instances `_ * - ssd - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 1.x - SSD300 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` * - TrOCR - torch-neuron - * `TrOCR inference on Inf1 instances `_ * - vgg - torch-neuron - * `VGG inference on Inf1 instances `_ * - google/vit-base-patch16-224 - torch-neuron - * `ViT model inference on Inf1 `_ .. _cnn_model_samples_inference_inf1: Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) ---------------------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 20 15 45 :header-rows: 1 :align: left :class: table-smaller-font-size * - Model - Frameworks/Libraries - Samples and Tutorials * - EfficientNet - torch-neuron - * `EfficientNet model inference on Inf1 instances `_ * - GFL (MMDetection) - torch-neuron - * `GFL (MMDetection) inference on Inf1 instances `_ * - HRNet - torch-neuron - * `HRNET - Pose Estimation `_ * - MarianMT - torch-neuron - * HuggingFace MarianMT tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :pytorch-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * `Inference of Pre-trained MarianMT model on Inf1 `_ * - Detectron2 R-CNN - torch-neuron - * `R-CNN inference on Inf1 `_ * - resnet - torch-neuron - * `Inference of Pre-trained Resnet model (18,34,50,101,152) on Inf1 `_ * ResNet-50 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :pytorch-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * - resnet - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 1.x - ResNet-50 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * Tensorflow 1.x - Keras ResNet-50 optimization tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * Tensorflow 1.x & 2.x - Using NEURON_RT_VISIBLE_CORES with TensorFlow Serving :ref:`[html] ` * - resnet - mxnet-neuron - * ResNet-50 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * Getting started with Gluon tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * NeuronCore Groups tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * - Resnext - torch-neuron - * `Inference of Resnext model on Inf1 `_ * - Yolov3 - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 1.x - YOLOv3 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * - Yolov4 - torch-neuron - * PyTorch YOLOv4 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :pytorch-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * - Yolov4 - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 1.x - YOLOv4 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * - Yolov5 - torch-neuron - * `Inference of Yolov5 on Inf1 `_ * - Yolov6 - torch-neuron - * `Inference of Yolov6 on Inf1 instances `_ * - Yolov7 - torch-neuron - * `Inference of Yolov7 model on Inf1 `_ * - Yolof - torch-neuron - * `Inference of Yolof model on Inf1 `_ * - fairseq - torch-neuron - * `Inference of fairseq model on Inf1 `_ * - openpose - tensorflow-neuron - * Tensorflow 1.x - OpenPose tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :github:`[notebook] ` * - unet - tensorflow-neuron - * `Unet - Tensorflow 2.x tutorial `_ .. _vision_model_samples_inference_inf1: Vision ------ .. list-table:: :widths: 20 15 45 :header-rows: 1 :align: left :class: table-smaller-font-size * - Model - Frameworks/Libraries - Samples and Tutorials * - craft-pytorch - torch-neuron - * `CRAFT model inference on Inf1 `_