.. _ec2-training: Train your model on EC2 ======================= .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: :depth: 3 Description ----------- |image| .. |image| image:: /images/trn1-on-ec2-dev-flow.png :width: 500 :alt: Neuron developer flow on EC2 :align: middle You can use a single Trn1 instance as a development environment to compile and train Neuron models. In this developer flow, you provision an EC2 Trn1 instance using a Deep Learming AMI (DLAMI) and execute the two steps of the development flow in the same instance. The DLAMI comes pre-packaged with the Neuron frameworks, compiler, and required runtimes to complete the flow. Development happens through Jupyter Notebooks or using a secure shell (ssh) connection in terminal. Follow the steps bellow to setup your environment. Setup Environment ----------------- 1. Launch an Trn1 Instance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: /general/setup/install-templates/launch-trn1-dlami.rst 2. Set up a development environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enable PyTorch-Neuron ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: /frameworks/torch/torch-neuronx/setup/install-templates/pytorch-dev-install.txt 3. Set up Jupyter notebook ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To develop from a Jupyter notebook see :ref:`setup-jupyter-notebook-steps-troubleshooting` You can also run a Jupyter notebook as a script, first enable the ML framework Conda or Python environment of your choice and see :ref:`running-jupyter-notebook-as-script` for instructions.