.. _neuron_hw_glossary: Neuron Glossary =============== .. contents:: Table of contents :local: :depth: 2 Terms ----- Neuron Devices (Accelerated Machine Learning chips) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :align: left * - Term - Description * - .. glossary:: Inferentia - AWS first generation accelerated machine learning chip supporting inference only * - .. glossary:: Trainium - AWS second generation accelerated machine learning chip supporting training and inference * - .. glossary:: Neuron Device - Accelerated machine learning chip (e.g. Inferentia or Trainium) Neuron powered Instances ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :align: left * - Term - Description * - .. glossary:: Inf1 - Inferentia powered accelerated compute EC2 instance * - .. glossary:: Trn1 - Trainium powered accelerated compute EC2 instance NeuronCore terms ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :align: left * - Term - Description * - .. glossary:: NeuronCore - The machine learning compute cores within Inferentia/Trainium * - .. glossary:: NeuronCore-v1 - Neuron Core within Inferentia * - .. glossary:: NeuronCore-v2 - Neuron Core within Trainium * - .. glossary:: Tensor Engine - 2D systolic array (within the NeuronCore), used for matrix computations * - .. glossary:: Scalar Engine - A scalar-engine within each NeuronCore, which can accelerate element-wise operations (e.g. GELU, ReLU, reciprocal, etc) * - .. glossary:: Vector Engine - A vector-engine with each NeuronCore, which can accelerate spatial operations (e.g. layerNorm, TopK, pooling, etc) * - .. glossary:: GPSIMD Engine - Embedded General Purpose SIMD cores, within each NeuronCore, to accelerate custom-operators * - .. glossary:: Sync Engine - The SP engine, which is integrated inside NeuronCore. Used for synchronization and DMA triggering. * - .. glossary:: Collective Communication Engine - Dedicated engine for collective communication, allows for overlapping computation and communication * - .. glossary:: NeuronLink - Interconnect between NeuronCores * - .. glossary:: NeuronLink-v1 - Interconnect between NeuronCores in Inferentia device * - .. glossary:: NeuronLink-v2 - Interconnect between NeuronCores in Trainium device Abbreviations ------------- .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :align: left * - Abbreviation - Description * - .. glossary:: NC - Neuron Core * - .. glossary:: NeuronCore - Neuron Core * - .. glossary:: ND - Neuron Device * - .. glossary:: NeuronDevice - Neuron Device * - .. glossary:: TensEng - Tensor Engine * - .. glossary:: ScalEng - Scalar Engine * - .. glossary:: VecEng - Vector Engine * - .. glossary:: SyncEng - Sync Engine * - .. glossary:: CCE - Collective Communication Engine * - .. glossary:: FP32 - Float32 * - .. glossary:: TF32 - TensorFloat32 * - .. glossary:: FP16 - Float16 * - .. glossary:: BF16 - Bfloat16 * - .. glossary:: cFP8 - Configurable Float8 * - .. glossary:: RNE - Round Nearest Even * - .. glossary:: SR - Stochastic Rounding * - .. glossary:: CustomOps - Custom Operators * - .. glossary:: RT - Neuron Runtime * - .. glossary:: DP - Data Parallel * - .. glossary:: DPr - Data Parallel degree * - .. glossary:: TP - Tensor Parallel * - .. glossary:: TPr - Tensor Parallel degree * - .. glossary:: PP - Pipeline Parallel * - .. glossary:: PPr - Pipeline Parallel degree