.. post:: Nov 22, 2022 03:00 :language: en :tags: neuron2.x .. _neuron250-packages-changes: Introducing Neuron packaging and installation changes for Inf1 customers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Starting with :ref:`Neuron release 2.5 `, Neuron introduces changes in Neuron packages and installation instructions for Inf1, the following Neuron packages will change names: .. list-table:: Neuron package with changed names for Inf1 :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :align: left :class: table-smaller-font-size * - New name - Old name (deprecated package) - Package Type - Description - Supported Instances * - ``aws-neuronx-tools`` - ``aws-neuron-tools`` - .deb (apt), .rpm (yum) - System Tools - Trn1, Inf1 * - ``aws-neuronx-dkms`` - ``aws-neuron-dkms`` - .deb (apt), .rpm (yum) - Neuron Driver - Trn1, Inf1 * - ``aws-neuronx-k8-plugin`` - ``aws-neuron-k8-plugin`` - .deb (apt), .rpm (yum) - Neuron Kubernetes plugin - Trn1, Inf1 * - ``aws-neuronx-k8-scheduler`` - ``aws-neuron-k8-scheduler`` - .deb (apt), .rpm (yum) - Neuron Scheduler plugin - Trn1, Inf1 * - ``tensorflow-model-server-neuronx`` - ``tensorflow-model-server-neuron`` - .deb (apt), .rpm (yum) - tensorflow-model-server - Trn1, Inf1 Please follow the :ref:`Neuron setup guide ` to update to latest Neuron releases.