.. post:: Oct 10, 2022 02:00 :language: en :tags: github .. _announce-aws-neuron-github-org: Introducing New Neuron GitHub Repositories ------------------------------------------ Starting with :ref:`Neuron release 2.3 `, Neuron Github repositories will be migrated to the new `AWS Neuron GitHub Organization `_. The new AWS Neuron GitHub Organization will include the `Neuron SDK GitHub `_ repository and will include the following additional new GitHub repositories: .. list-table:: AWS Neuron GitHub Organization :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :align: left :class: table-smaller-font-size * - New GitHub repository - Description * - `AWS Neuron Samples `_ - Repository that hosts examples and scripts used in the Neuron documentation tutorials * - `AWS Neuron Reference for Megatron-LM `_ - Repository that hosts Neuron support for Megatron-LM * - `AWS Neuron Samples for AWS ParallelCluster `_ - Repository that hosts Neuron support for AWS ParallelCluster