.. post:: July 26, 2023 11:00 :language: en :tags: dlami, pytorch, trn1, inf2, inf1 .. _announce-dlami-neuron-2.12: AWS Deep Learning AMIs now available with Neuron 2.12 version ------------------------------------------------------------- We are happy to announce that the following Deep Learning AMIs are now available with latest Neuron Version 2.12. You can see more about the AMIs at the following URLs * `AWS Deep Learning AMI Neuron PyTorch 1.13 (Ubuntu 20.04) `__ * `AWS Deep Learning AMI Neuron PyTorch 1.13 (Amazon Linux 2) `__ * `AWS Deep Learning AMI Neuron TensorFlow 2.10 (Ubuntu 20.04) `__ * `AWS Deep Learning AMI Neuron TensorFlow 2.10 (Amazon Linux 2) `__ * `AWS Deep Learning AMI Base Neuron (Ubuntu 20.04) `__ * `AWS Deep Learning AMI Base Neuron (Amazon Linux 2) `__