.. _torch_neuronx_trace_api: PyTorch NeuronX Tracing API for Inference =========================================== .. py:function:: torch_neuronx.trace(func, example_inputs, *_, input_output_aliases={}, compiler_workdir=None, compiler_args=None, partitioner_config=None, inline_weights_to_neff=True) Trace and compile operations in the ``func`` by executing it using ``example_inputs``. This function is similar to a :func:`torch.jit.trace` since it produces a :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` that can be saved with :func:`torch.jit.save` and reloaded with :func:`torch.jit.load`. The resulting module is an optimized fused graph representation of the ``func`` that is *only* compatible with Neuron. Tracing a module produces a more efficient *inference-only* version of the model. XLA Lazy Tensor execution should be used during training. See: :ref:`trace-vs-xla-lazytensor` .. warning:: Currently this only supports |NeuronCore-v2| type instances (e.g. |trn1|, inf2). To compile models compatible with |NeuronCore-v1| (e.g. |inf1|), please see :func:`torch_neuron.trace` :arg ~torch.nn.Module,callable func: The function/module that that will be run using the ``example_inputs`` arguments in order to record the computation graph. :arg ~torch.Tensor,tuple[~torch.Tensor] example_inputs: A tuple of example inputs that will be passed to the ``func`` while tracing. :keyword dict input_output_aliases: Marks input tensors as state tensors which are device tensors. :keyword str compiler_workdir: Work directory used by |neuronx-cc|. This can be useful for debugging and/or inspecting intermediary |neuronx-cc| outputs :keyword str,list[str] compiler_args: List of strings representing |neuronx-cc| compiler arguments. See :ref:`neuron-compiler-cli-reference-guide` for more information about compiler options. :keyword PartitionerConfig partitioner_config: A PartitionerConfig object, which can be optionally supplied if there are unsupported ops in the model that need to be partitioned out to CPU. :keyword bool inline_weights_to_neff: A boolean indicating whether the weights should be inlined to the NEFF. If set to False, weights will be separated from the NEFF. The default is ``True``. :returns: The traced :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` with the embedded compiled Neuron graph. Operations in this module will execute on Neuron. :rtype: ~torch.jit.ScriptModule .. warning:: Behavior Change! The use of using args for kwargs is deprecated starting from release 2.15.0 (``torch-neuronx==``). The current behavior is that a warning will be raised, but ``torch_neuronx.trace()`` will attempt to infer the keyword arguments. This is likely to become an error in future releases, so to avoid the warning/error, assign kwargs as kwargs and not args. .. rubric:: Notes This function records operations using `torch-xla`_ to create a HloModule representation of the ``func``. This fixed graph representation is compiled to the Neuron Executable File Format (NEFF) using the |neuronx-cc| compiler. The NEFF binary executable is embedded into an optimized :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` for `torchscript`_ execution. In contrast to a regular :func:`torch.jit.trace` that produces a graph of many separate operations, tracing with Neuron produces a graph with a single fused operator that is executed entirely on device. In `torchscript`_ this appears as a stateful ``neuron::Model`` component with an associated ``neuron::forward*`` operation. Tracing can be performed on any EC2 machine with sufficient memory and compute resources, but inference can only be executed on a Neuron instance. Unlike some devices (such as `torch-xla`_) that use :meth:`~torch.Tensor.to` to move :class:`~torch.nn.parameter.Parameter` and :class:`~torch.Tensor` data between CPU and device, upon loading a Neuron traced :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule`, the model binary executable is automatically moved to a NeuronCore. When the underlying ``neuron::Model`` is initialized after tracing or upon :func:`torch.jit.load`, it is loaded to a Neuron device without specifying a device or ``map_location`` argument. .. warning:: One small exception is models traced with ``inline_weights_to_neff=False``. For these models, the NEFF is loaded onto the NeuronCore automatically, but the weights are not moved automatically. To move the weights to the NeuronCore, call ``torch_neuronx.move_trace_to_device(trace, device_id)``. Furthermore, the Neuron traced :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` expects to consume CPU tensors and produces CPU tensors. The underlying operation performs all data transfers to and from the Neuron device without explicit data movement. This is a significant difference from the training XLA device mechanics since XLA operations are no longer required to be recorded after a trace. See: :ref:`pytorch-neuronx-programming-guide` By *default*, when multiple NeuronCores are available, every Neuron traced model :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` within in a process is loaded to each available NeuronCore in round-robin order. This is useful at deployment to fully utilize the Neuron hardware since it means that multiple calls to :func:`torch.jit.load` will attempt to load to each available NeuronCore in linear order. The default start device is chosen according to the |nrt-configuration|. A traced Neuron module has limitations that are not present in regular torch modules: - **Fixed Control Flow**: Similar to :func:`torch.jit.trace`, tracing a model with Neuron statically preserves control flow (i.e. ``if``/``for``/``while`` statements) and will not re-evaluate the branch conditions upon inference. If a model result is based on data-dependent control flow, the traced function may produce inaccurate results. - **Fixed Input Shapes**: After a function has been traced, the resulting :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` will always expect to consume tensors of the same shape. If the tensor shapes used at inference differs from the tensor shapes used in the ``example_inputs``, this will result in an error. See: |bucketing|. - **Fixed Tensor Shapes**: The intermediate tensors within the ``func`` must always stay the same shape for the same shaped inputs. This means that certain operations which produce data-dependent sized tensors are not supported. For example, :func:`~torch.nonzero` produces a different tensor shape depending on the input data. - **Fixed Data Types**: After a model has been traced, the input, output, and intermediate data types cannot be changed without recompiling. - **Device Compatibility**: Due to Neuron using a specialized compiled format (NEFF), a model traced with Neuron can no longer be executed in any non-Neuron environment. - **Operator Support**: If an operator is unsupported by `torch-xla`_, then this will throw an exception. .. rubric:: Examples *Function Compilation* .. code-block:: python import torch import torch_neuronx def func(x, y): return 2 * x + y example_inputs = torch.rand(3), torch.rand(3) # Runs `func` with the provided inputs and records the tensor operations trace = torch.neuronx.trace(func, example_inputs) # `trace` can now be run with the TorchScript interpreter or saved # and loaded in a Python-free environment torch.jit.save(trace, 'func.pt') # Executes on a NeuronCore loaded = torch.jit.load('func.pt') loaded(torch.rand(3), torch.rand(3)) *Module Compilation* .. code-block:: python import torch import torch_neuronx import torch.nn as nn class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, 3) def forward(self, x): return self.conv(x) + 1 model = Model() model.eval() example_inputs = torch.rand(1, 1, 3, 3) # Traces the forward method and constructs a `ScriptModule` trace = torch_neuronx.trace(model, example_inputs) torch.jit.save(trace, 'model.pt') # Executes on a NeuronCore loaded = torch.jit.load('model.pt') loaded(torch.rand(1, 1, 3, 3)) *Weight Separated Module* .. code-block:: python import torch import torch_neuronx import torch.nn as nn class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, 3) def forward(self, x): return self.conv(x) + 1 model = Model() model.eval() example_inputs = torch.rand(1, 1, 3, 3) # Traces the forward method and constructs a `ScriptModule` trace = torch_neuronx.trace(model, example_inputs,inline_weights_to_neff=False) # Model can be saved like a normally traced model torch.jit.save(trace, 'model.pt') # Executes on a NeuronCore like a normally traced model loaded = torch.jit.load('model.pt') torch_neuronx.move_trace_to_device(loaded,0) loaded(torch.rand(1, 1, 3, 3)) .. note:: Weight Separated models can have its weights replaced via the `torch_neuronx.replace_weights` API. .. _torch-neuronx-autobucketing: Autobucketing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: See :func:`neuronx_distributed.parallel_model_trace` for the API to use the autobucketing feature along with tensor parallelism. .. py:class:: torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig(bucket_kernel, *_, shared_state_buffer=None, shared_state_buffer_preprocessor=None, func_kwargs=None) This object contains configuration data for how buckets are selected based on input via the ``bucket_kernel``. This also supports the concept of a shared buffer between bucket models. You can use this to define how the shared buffer can be manipulated to be fed as input to a bucket model via the ``shared_state_buffer_preprocessor``. Details on how these are defined are found below. :arg callable bucket_kernel: A function that returns a new TorchScript function. The TorchScript function has been adapted to the TorchScript representation using :func:`torch.jit.script`. This new function takes in a list of input tensors and outputs a list of tensors and an index tensor. :keyword Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] shared_state_buffer: A list of tensors that is used as the initial values for a shared state for bucket models via aliasing. :keyword Optional[Callable] shared_state_buffer_preprocessor: Similar to bucket_kernel, this is a function that returns a new TorchScript function that has been adapted to the TorchScript representation using :func:`torch.jit.script`. This new TorchScript function takes in 3 arguments: an n-dimensional integer list representing a list of tensor shapes, the state_buffer list of tensors, and a tensor representing the bucket index. This function outputs a reshaped state_buffer to be supplied to the bucket model. If ``shared_state_buffer_preprocessor`` is not supplied when ``shared_state_buffer`` is supplied, the preprocessor returns the full ``shared_state_buffer``. :keyword Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]] func_kwargs: A single dictionary or a list of dictionaries that can be used to supply custom arguments to the function supplied to the ``func`` argument in :func:`torch_neuronx.bucket_model_trace`. If you are using a list of dictionaries, verify that func_kwargs equals the bucket degree, or number of buckets. By default func_kwargs is None, which means no arguments. :returns: The :class:`torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig` with the configuration defining bucket selection for inputs and shared buffers. :rtype: ~torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig .. py:function:: torch_neuronx.bucket_model_trace(func, example_inputs, bucket_config, compiler_workdir=None, compiler_args=None) This function traces a single model with multiple ``example_inputs`` and a ``bucket_config`` object to produce a single compiled model that can take in multiple input shapes. This trace function is very similar to :func:`torch_neuronx.trace`, but it has a few key differences: 1. In this case, ``func`` does not take in a ``Model``. Instead, it takes in a function that returns a tuple containing a ``Model`` and ``input_output_aliases``. This is like :func:`neuronx_distributed.parallel_model_trace`, and is done for the same reason, which is that bucket models are traced in parallel. 2. Instead of taking in one input, the function takes in multiple inputs in the form of a list. For example, ``[torch.rand(128,128),torch.rand(256,256)]``. 3. The ``bucket_config`` argument is of type :func:`torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig`, which defines how an input is mapped to a bucket. For more details, see the :func:`torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig` API Reference. You can use this for a variety of bucketing applications, such as sequence length bucketing for language models or image resolution bucketing for computer vision models. Apart from the aforementioned differences, the rest of the function behaves similarly to :func:`torch_neuronx.trace`. You can save the model with :func:`torch.jit.save` and load it with :func:`torch.jit.load`. :arg ~torch.nn.Module,callable func: This is a function that returns a ``Model`` object and a dictionary of states, or input_output_aliases. Similar to :func:`neuronx_distributed.parallel_model_trace`, this API calls this function inside each worker and runs trace against them. Note: This differs from the ``torch_neuronx.trace`` where the ``torch_neuronx.trace`` requires a model object to be passed. :arg List[Union[~torch.Tensor,tuple[~torch.Tensor]]] example_inputs: A list of possible inputs to the bucket model. :arg ~torch_neuronx.BucketModelConfig bucket_config: The config object that defines bucket selection behavior. :keyword str compiler_workdir: Work directory used by |neuronx-cc|. This can be useful for debugging and inspecting intermediary |neuronx-cc| outputs. :keyword str,list[str] compiler_args: List of strings representing |neuronx-cc| compiler arguments. See :ref:`neuron-compiler-cli-reference-guide` for more information about compiler options. :returns: The traced :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` with the embedded compiled Neuron graphs for each bucket model. Operations in this module will execute on Neuron. :rtype: ~torch.jit.ScriptModule .. warning:: If you receive the ``Too Many Open Files`` error message, increase the ulimit via ``ulimit -n 65535``. There is a limitation in torch_xla's ``xmp.spawn`` function when dealing with large amounts of data. The developer guide for Autobucketing is located :ref:`here `, which contains an example usage of autobucketing with BERT. .. _torch-neuronx-dynamic-batching: Dynamic Batching ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:function:: torch_neuronx.dynamic_batch(neuron_script) Enables a compiled Neuron model to be called with variable sized batches. When tracing with Neuron, usually a model can only consume tensors that are the same size as the example tensor used in the :func:`torch_neuronx.trace` call. Enabling dynamic batching allows a model to consume inputs that may be either smaller or larger than the original trace-time tensor size. Internally, dynamic batching splits & pads an input batch into chunks of size equal to the original trace-time tensor size. These chunks are passed to the underlying model(s). Compared to serial inference, the expected runtime scales by ``ceil(inference_batch_size / trace_batch_size) / neuron_cores``. This function modifies the ``neuron_script`` network in-place. The returned result is a reference to the modified input. Dynamic batching is only supported by chunking inputs along the 0th dimension. A network that uses a non-0 batch dimension is incompatible with dynamic batching. Upon inference, inputs whose shapes differ from the compile-time shape in a non-0 dimension will raise a ValueError. For example, take a model was traced with a single example input of size ``[2, 3, 5]``. At inference time, when dynamic batching is enabled, a batch of size ``[3, 3, 5]`` is *valid* while a batch of size ``[2, 7, 5]`` is *invalid* due to changing a non-0 dimension. Dynamic batching is only supported when the 0th dimension is the same size for all inputs. For example, this means that dynamic batching would not be applicable to a network which consumed two inputs with shapes ``[1, 2]`` and ``[3, 2]`` since the 0th dimension is different. Similarly, at inference time, the 0th dimension batch size for all inputs must be identical otherwise a ValueError will be raised. *Required Arguments* :arg ~torch.jit.ScriptModule neuron_script: The neuron traced :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` with the embedded compiled neuron graph. This is the output of :func:`torch_neuronx.trace`. :returns: The traced :class:`~torch.jit.ScriptModule` with the embedded compiled neuron graph. The same type as the input, but with dynamic_batch enabled in the neuron graph. :rtype: ~torch.jit.ScriptModule .. code-block:: python import torch import torch_neuronx import torch.nn as nn class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Net, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, 3) def forward(self, x): return self.conv(x) + 1 n = Net() n.eval() inputs = torch.rand(1, 1, 3, 3) inputs_batch_8 = torch.rand(8, 1, 3, 3) # Trace a neural network with input batch size of 1 neuron_net = torch_neuronx.trace(n, inputs) # Enable the dynamic batch size feature so the traced network # can consume variable sized batch inputs neuron_net_dynamic_batch = torch_neuronx.dynamic_batch(neuron_net) # Run inference on inputs with batch size of 8 # different than the batch size used in compilation (tracing) ouput_batch_8 = neuron_net_dynamic_batch(inputs_batch_8) Graph Partitioner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:function:: torch_neuronx.PartitionerConfig(*,trace_kwargs=None,model_support_percentage_threshold=0.5,min_subgraph_size=-1,max_subgraph_count=-1,ops_to_partition=None,analyze_parameters=None) Allows for Neuron to trace a model with unsupported operators and partition these operators to CPU. This model will contain subgraphs of Neuron and CPU submodules, but it is executed like one model, and can be saved and loaded like one model as well. The graph partitioner is customized using this class, and is *only* enabled (disabled by default) from the ``torch_neuronx.trace`` API by setting ``partitioner_config`` keyword argument to this class. Below are the various configuration options. :arg Dict trace_kwargs: Used if you need to pass trace kwargs to the Neuron subgraphs, such as the ``compiler_workdir`` and/or ``compiler_args``. The default is ``None`` corresponding to the default trace args. :arg float model_support_percentage_threshold: A number between 0 to 1 representing the maximum allowed percentage of operators that must be supported. If the max is breached, the function will throw a ValueError. Default is ``0.5`` (i.e 50% of operators must be supported by Neuron) :arg int min_subgraph_size: The minimum number of operators in a subgraph. Can be ``>= 1`` or ``== -1``. If ``-1``, minimum subgraph size is not checked (i.e no minimum). If ``>= 1``, each subgraph must contain at least that many operators. If not, the graph partitioner will throw a ``ValueError``. :arg int max_subgraph_count: The maximum number of subgraphs in the partitioned model. Can be ``>= 1`` or ``== -1``. If ``-1``, max subgraph count is not checked (i.e no maximum). If ``>= 1``, the partitioned model must contain at most that many subgraphs. If not, the graph partitioner will throw a ``ValueError``. :arg Set[str] ops_to_partition: This is a set of strings of this structure "aten::". These are operators that will be partitioned to CPU regardless of Neuron support. The default is ``None`` (i.e no additional operators will be partitioned). :arg Dict analyze_parameters: This is a dictionary of kwargs used in ``torch_neuronx.analyze()``. NOTE: Not all kwargs in ``torch_neuronx.analyze()`` are supported in the graph partitioner. The following kwargs in analyze are supported for use in the graph partitioenr. a) compiler_workdir b) additional_ignored_ops c) max_workers The default is ``None``, corresponding to the default analyze arguments. :returns: The :class:`~torch_neuronx.PartitionerConfig` with the configuration for the graph partitioner. :rtype: ~torch_neuronx.PartitionerConfig .. rubric:: Examples .. _graph_partitioner_example_default_usage: This example demonstrates using the graph partitioner. The below model is a simple MLP model with sorted log softmax output. The sort operator, ``torch.sort()`` or ``aten::sort``, is not supported by ``neuronx-cc`` at this time, so the graph partitioner will partition out the sort operator to CPU. .. code-block:: python import torch import torch_neuronx import torch.nn as nn import logging # adjust logger level to see what the partitioner is doing logger = logging.getLogger("Neuron") class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_size=28 * 28, output_size=10, layers=[4096, 2048] ): super(MLP, self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size, layers[0]) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(layers[0], layers[1]) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(layers[1], output_size) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, x): f1 = self.fc1(x) r1 = self.relu(f1) f2 = self.fc2(r1) r2 = self.relu(f2) f3 = self.fc3(r2) out = torch.log_softmax(f3, dim=1) sort_out,_ = torch.sort(out) return sort_out n = MLP() n.eval() inputs = torch.rand(32,784) # Configure the graph partitioner with the default values partitioner_config = torch_neuronx.PartitionerConfig() # Trace a neural network with graph partitioner enabled neuron_net = torch_neuronx.trace(n, inputs, partitioner_config=partitioner_config) # Run inference on the partitioned model output = neuron_net(inputs) .. note:: Dynamic batching has a case-by-case support with partitioned models, because it is highly dependent on how the final partition scheme looks like. .. |neuron-cc| replace:: :ref:`neuron-cc ` .. |neuronx-cc| replace:: :ref:`neuronx-cc ` .. |NeuronCore-v1| replace:: :ref:`NeuronCore-v1 ` .. |NeuronCore-v2| replace:: :ref:`NeuronCore-v2 ` .. |HloModule| replace:: HloModule .. |inf1| replace:: :ref:`inf1 ` .. |trn1| replace:: :ref:`trn1 ` .. |bucketing| replace:: :ref:`bucketing_app_note` .. |nrt-configuration| replace:: :ref:`nrt-configuration` .. _torch-xla: https://github.com/pytorch/xla .. _torchscript: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/jit.html