.. _mxnet-neuron-model-serving: Tutorial: Neuron Apache MXNet Model Serving ============================================= This MXNet Neuron Model Serving (MMS) example is adapted from the MXNet vision service example which uses pretrained squeezenet to perform image classification: https://github.com/awslabs/multi-model-server/tree/master/examples/mxnet_vision. Before starting this example, please ensure that Neuron-optimized MXNet version mxnet-neuron is installed along with Neuron Compiler. Warning ******* If you are using MXNet-1.5, please note that MXNet-1.5 entered maintenance mode and require Neuron Runtime 1.x, please see :ref:`maintenance_mxnet_1_5`. To setup development environment for MXNet-1.5 see installation instructions at :ref:`mxnet-setup`. If using DLAMI, you can activate the environment aws_neuron_mxnet_p36 and skip the installation part in the first step below. 1. First, install Java runtime and multi-model-server: .. code:: bash cd ~/ # sudo yum -y install -q jre # for AML2 sudo apt-get install -y -q default-jre # for Ubuntu pip install multi-model-server Download the example code: .. code:: bash git clone https://github.com/awslabs/multi-model-server cd ~/multi-model-server/examples/mxnet_vision 2. Compile ResNet50 model to Inferentia target by saving the following Python script to compile_resnet50.py and run “\ ``python compile_resnet50.py``\ ” .. code:: python from packaging import version import numpy as np import mxnet as mx mxnet_version = version.parse(mx.__version__) if mxnet_version >= version.parse("1.8"): import mx_neuron as neuron else: from mxnet.contrib import neuron path='http://data.mxnet.io/models/imagenet/' mx.test_utils.download(path+'resnet/50-layers/resnet-50-0000.params') mx.test_utils.download(path+'resnet/50-layers/resnet-50-symbol.json') mx.test_utils.download(path+'synset.txt') nn_name = "resnet-50" #Load a model sym, args, auxs = mx.model.load_checkpoint(nn_name, 0) #Define compilation parameters # - input shape and dtype inputs = {'data' : mx.nd.zeros([1,3,224,224], dtype='float32') } # compile graph to inferentia target csym, cargs, cauxs = neuron.compile(sym, args, auxs, inputs) # save compiled model mx.model.save_checkpoint(nn_name + "_compiled", 0, csym, cargs, cauxs) 3. Prepare signature file ``signature.json`` to configure the input name and shape: .. code:: json { "inputs": [ { "data_name": "data", "data_shape": [ 1, 3, 224, 224 ] } ] } 4. Prepare ``synset.txt`` which is a list of names for ImageNet prediction classes: .. code:: bash curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/model-server/model_archive_1.0/examples/squeezenet_v1.1/synset.txt 5. Create custom service class following template in model_server_template folder: .. code:: bash cp -r ../model_service_template/* . Edit ``mxnet_model_service.py`` to use the appropriate context. Make the following change: .. code:: bash from packaging import version mxnet_version = version.parse(mx.__version__) if mxnet_version >= version.parse("1.8"): import mx_neuron as neuron self.mxnet_ctx = mx.neuron() Comment out the existing context set: .. code:: bash #self.mxnet_ctx = mx.cpu() if gpu_id is None else mx.gpu(gpu_id) Also, comment out unnecessary data copy for model_input in ``mxnet_model_service.py``: .. code:: bash #model_input = [item.as_in_context(self.mxnet_ctx) for item in model_input] 6. Package the model with model-archiver: .. code:: bash cd ~/multi-model-server/examples model-archiver --force --model-name resnet-50_compiled --model-path mxnet_vision --handler mxnet_vision_service:handle 7. Start MXNet Model Server (MMS) and load model using RESTful API. Please ensure that Neuron RTD is running with default settings (see :ref:`rtd-getting-started`): .. code:: bash cd ~/multi-model-server/ multi-model-server --start --model-store examples # Pipe to log file if you want to keep a log of MMS curl -v -X POST "http://localhost:8081/models?initial_workers=1&max_workers=1&synchronous=true&url=resnet-50_compiled.mar" sleep 10 # allow sufficient time to load model Each worker requires a NeuronCore group that can accommodate the compiled model. Additional workers can be added by increasing max_workers configuration as long as there are enough NeuronCores available. Use ``neuron-top`` to see which models are loaded on specific NeuronCores. 8. Test inference using an example image: .. code:: bash curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/multi-model-server/master/docs/images/kitten_small.jpg curl -X POST -T kitten_small.jpg You will see the following output: .. code:: bash [ { "probability": 0.6375716328620911, "class": "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat" }, { "probability": 0.1692783385515213, "class": "n02123159 tiger cat" }, { "probability": 0.12187337130308151, "class": "n02124075 Egyptian cat" }, { "probability": 0.028840631246566772, "class": "n02127052 lynx, catamount" }, { "probability": 0.019691042602062225, "class": "n02129604 tiger, Panthera tigris" } ] 9. To cleanup after test, issue a delete command via RESTful API and stop the model server: .. code:: bash curl -X DELETE multi-model-server --stop