.. _mxnet-tutorial-setup: MXNet Tutorial Setup ==================== #. Launch an Inf1.6xlarge Instance: .. include:: /general/setup/install-templates/inf1/launch-inf1-dlami.rst #. Set up a development environment: * Enable or install MXNet-Neuron: :ref:`install-neuron-mxnet`. #. Run tutorial in Jupyter notebook: * Follow instruction at :ref:`Setup Jupyter notebook ` to: #. Start the Jupyter Notebook on the instance #. Run the Jupyter Notebook from your local browser * Connect to the instance from the terminal, clone the Neuron Github repository to the Inf1 instance and then change the working directory to the tutorial directory: .. code:: git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-neuron-sdk.git cd aws-neuron-sdk/src/examples/mxnet * Locate the tutorial notebook file (.ipynb file) under ``aws-neuron-sdk/src/examples/mxnet`` * From your local browser, open the tutorial notebook from the menu and follow the instructions.