.. _mxnet-tutorials: Neuron Apache MXNet Tutorials =============================== Before running a tutorial ------------------------- You will run the tutorials on an inf1.6xlarge instance running Deep Learning AMI (DLAMI) to enable both compilation and deployment (inference) on the same instance. In a production environment we encourage you to try different instance sizes to optimize to your specific deployment needs. Follow instructions at :ref:`mxnet-tutorial-setup` before running an MXNet tutorial on Inferentia. .. toctree:: :hidden: /frameworks/mxnet-neuron/tutorials/mxnet-tutorial-setup .. _mxnet-computervision: Computer Vision --------------- * ResNet-50 tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` * Model Serving tutorial :ref:`[html] ` * Getting started with Gluon tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` .. toctree:: :hidden: /src/examples/mxnet/resnet50/resnet50.ipynb /frameworks/mxnet-neuron/tutorials/tutorial-model-serving /src/examples/mxnet/mxnet-gluon-tutorial.ipynb .. _mxnet-nlp: Natural Language Processing --------------------------- * MXNet 1.8: Using data parallel mode tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` .. toctree:: :hidden: /src/examples/mxnet/data_parallel/data_parallel_tutorial.ipynb .. _mxnet-utilize-neuron: Utilizing Neuron Capabilities ----------------------------- * NeuronCore Groups tutorial :ref:`[html] ` :mxnet-neuron-src:`[notebook] ` .. toctree:: :hidden: /src/examples/mxnet/resnet50_neuroncore_groups.ipynb