This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n

Neuron Scheduler Extension Flow Diagram#

                                                                        | POD Manifest               |
                                                                        | with Request               |
                                                                        |                            |
                                                                        |                            |
                                                    2                   +-------------+--------------+
                                         +--------------------------------+           |
                                         |                                |           |
                                         |                                |           | 3
          +------------------------------+-----+                          |           |
          |           Kubelet in INF1/TRN1 Node|                          |           |
          |                                    +<-----------+             |           |
          +-----+---------------------+--------+            |       +-----v-----------v--------------+
                |                     ^                     |       |          Kube-Scheduler        |
                |                     |                     |       |                                |
                |                     |                     |       +--^------+---------------+------+
              9 |                  1  |                     |          |      |               |
                |                     |                    8|         5|      |4              |
                |                     |                     |          |      |               |
                |                     |                     |          |      |               |6
                v                     |                     |          |      |               |
          +-----+---------------------+--------+            |       +--+------v---------------v------+
          |    neuron-device-plugin            |            +-------+       neuron|scheduler|ext     |
          |    in INF1/TRN1 node               |                    +---------------------+----------+
          +----+----------------------+--------+                                          |
               |                      |                                                   |7
               |                      |10                                                 |
               |                      |                                                   v
             11|                      |                                         +---------+-------+
               |                      |                                         |POD Manifest:    |
               |                      |                                         |Annotation:      |
               |                      |                                         |NEURON_CORES:2,3 |
               v                      +---------------------------------------->+                 |
--device=/dev/neuron1 --env NEURON_RT_VISIBLE_CORES=2,3                         |                 |
                                                                                |                 |

1. neuron-device-plugin returns the list of Neuron cores/devices to kublet
2. Kubelet advertises the Core/Device list to K8s API server (in turn to kube-scheduler)
3. POD Request for neuron cores/devices [Kube-Scheduler picks up the POD creation request]
4. kube-scheduler calls the neuron-scheduler-extn filter function with list of nodes and POD Specification
5. neuron-scheduler-extn scans through the nodes and filters out nodes with non
contiguous cores/devices and returns the nodes that are capable of supporing the given POD specification
6. kube-scheduler calls the neuron-scheduler-extn bind function with pod and node
7. neuron-scheduler-extn updates the POD annotation with allocated neuron core/device Ids (contiguous)
8. neuron-scheduler-extn sends the bind request to kubelet of the selected node
9. Kubelet calls the Alloc function of the neuron-device-plugin
10. neuron-device-plugin queries the POD Annotation for allocated core/device Ids
11. neuron-device-plugin exports the devices & visisble cores to container runtime

This document is relevant for: Inf1, Inf2, Trn1, Trn1n